
The latest "children's height standards" have come out, and they have risen again!

author:Dingma parenting

In the morning, I took my son to the theater to watch a movie, the time was a little early, and my son was bored, so he ran to measure his height. Hahaha, I've grown a little taller, and I'll be 140 cm soon.

Knowing that he has grown taller again, his son is very happy. But he turned his head and asked me: Mom, why can't my brother grow taller?

The younger brother that the son said is a cousin who is 2 years younger than him, smart and sensible, with good looks, but he is not tall, less than 105 centimeters, and it is said that he is the first in their class.

He has grown slower than other children since he was a child, especially in the last two years, and there has not been much change.

In this case, most parents will be very anxious and take their baby to the hospital for examination and looking for a recipe for growing taller.

The latest "children's height standards" have come out, and they have risen again!

But her son's aunt didn't think so, she always felt that the couple was not short, and the child would not be short. The child grows slowly, purely inherited from his father, and it will be good to wait until junior high school.

A few days ago, at a dinner, I quietly asked the elders in the family, and the elders said that they had persuaded them many times, but this time I finally relented, and I went to the hospital for a check-up around May Day.

Hearing this, I was finally relieved. The height of the child is affected by the genetics of the parents, and there is indeed a situation of slow in the early stage and counterattack in the later stage. But this situation is not absolute, once you can't counterattack and miss the golden period of height growth, your parents will regret it!


Growth is a gradual process, and the growth of height also follows certain rules.

The first year of life is the fastest growth stage, the child can increase in height by 25-27 cm in one year, 10-12 cm in the second year, 5-8 cm per year from 3 to 6 years old, and 4-7 cm per year from 6 years to puberty.

Adolescence is the last peak of a child's growth, starting at the age of 10 for girls and 12 for boys, and the child enters puberty, which is their period of rapid growth.

Throughout puberty, boys can gain about 28 cm in height (7-9 cm per year, up to a maximum of 10-12 cm) and girls can gain about 25 cm (6-8 cm per year).

Although this speed is not as high as the first two years of birth, it is still very impressive compared to the later period.

It is worth noting that the child's height development is irreversible!

Usually after puberty, the child's height growth gradually slows to a halt.

If the epiphyseal line is completely closed, it means that the bone has been shaped and basically cannot grow taller again;

The latest "children's height standards" have come out, and they have risen again!

If the epiphyseal line has not been completely closed, reasonable and effective intervention can be used to promote the secretion of growth hormone to ensure balanced and adequate nutrition, and generally have the opportunity to grow taller.

However, if parents do not know the law of their children's height growth and do not meet their children's developmental needs, resulting in children not reaching the development standards of all ages, it will be difficult to catch up in the later stage.

Just like some children in poor mountainous areas, they are very short and short, and it is difficult to grow taller no matter how much they supplement nutrition when they grow up.

There are many other reasons why children are short stature, such as: growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, severe anemia and so on.

It is recommended that parents pay more attention to their children's height development, and once they are far below average, they must be taken to the hospital for examination and intervention as soon as possible, so as not to leave irreparable effects on their children.


As we all know, children are different in their individual development. For height monitoring, two approaches are recommended.

1. Check the children's height standard table to see whether the child's height is up to standard

Starting from March 2023, the mainland will implement the "Growth Standards for Children Under 7 Years Old". Parents who want to know their child's height can conduct a comparative analysis according to the latest data released by the National Health Commission to see if the child's height meets the standard.

The latest "children's height standards" have come out, and they have risen again!
The latest "children's height standards" have come out, and they have risen again!

PS: The top 7 height percentile values in the image: P3, P10, P25, P50, P75, P90, P97. Among them, P50 is average, and P97-P3 is in the normal range.

If the child's growth and development exceeds P3 or P97, it is considered "abnormal growth deviation", and the child needs to be taken to the hospital for examination immediately;

If you deviate a little, but keep it between P3-P97, it is basically normal, and you don't need to worry too much, seize the golden period of height growth, and help the baby eat scientifically and live a healthy life and exercise reasonably.

2. Record the child's height change data and let the child compare with himself

If you can't understand the picture above and don't know how to determine the height of your child, parents can take your baby to the hospital for regular checkups, or you can measure your height at home and monitor it.

Chen Jiajia, deputy chief physician of Beijing Children's Hospital, said: The child's height grows from small to large, and the cycle is relatively long, so it is recommended to measure it every 3 months and do a good job of regular monitoring.

The latest "children's height standards" have come out, and they have risen again!

If the child is short in stature or grows slowly. Like what:

The child's annual height increase is less than 5 cm at 2 years of age and 2 years old, the child's average height is 5-10 cm lower than that of children of the same age, and the child's height is lower than the minimum data according to the children's height standard chart. It is recommended that parents take their children to the hospital for examination and evaluation, first to rule out pathological factors, and then look for ways to increase height.


Scientific studies have shown that about 75% of an adult's height is genetic, and 25% is due to acquired factors.

That is to say, short parents do not mean that the child must be short, if you can grasp 25% of the acquired factors, you can still break through the genetic limitations, so that the baby grows big and tall.

How do you do that?

My advice is: grow tall and the acquired factor with both hands!

1. Height growth time (peak period of growth height)

To put it simply, it means that from birth to the end of puberty, the whole stage must be grasped.

In fact, before the age of 6 is still the golden period for height intervention, if the child is affected by some diseases, before the age of 6 is the golden period to find and cure this disease.

PS: In addition to these golden periods, there are also golden periods related to the season and time.

Generally speaking, spring is the golden period of the year, and children's height growth rate is 2-2.5 times that of autumn and winter;

Night is the golden period of the day, try to let the child fall into a deep sleep before 10 o'clock in the evening (you must go to bed at 9-9:30 p.m.), growth hormone can be doubled, promote the child to grow taller.

2. Acquired factors (about 25% of the total)

There are many acquired factors that affect height growth, and there are 4 that have the greatest impact - mood, exercise, sleep, and diet.

(1) Mood: Bad mood will affect the secretion of growth hormone, which in turn will affect height growth. Parents should pay attention to their children's emotional changes, guide and adjust well, so that they can have a good mood.

The latest "children's height standards" have come out, and they have risen again!

(2) Exercise: Reasonable exercise can stimulate the secretion of growth hormone and promote bone formation and development.

(3) Sleep: Adequate and high-quality sleep can promote the secretion of growth hormone and let the baby grow in sleep.

(4) Diet: Ensure calcium intake and vitamin D synthesis, as well as comprehensive and balanced nutrition, which can promote the healthy growth of children.

Nowadays, children are getting more and more rolled, roll grades, roll specialty, roll height, if you want your child to grow tall, parents must grasp the "peak period" to ensure the healthy development of children, scientific diet, reasonable exercise, and happy mood...... In this way, you can grow big and tall.

The child is 9 years tall

Child's height · directory

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