
12306 responds to the controversy: young people hang curtains in sleepers, and the old people have no place to sit?!

author:Folding the night is not a good person

The hot search of "young people sleeping curtains, old people have no place to sit" has aroused public opinion's attention to the problem of train sleepers. In a video posted on the red network, an aunt filmed herself taking her grandson on the train, with curtains hanging on the bed of the young man opposite, and there was no one diagonally opposite her. Based on this, she believed that the other party did not provide a seat for the old man, posted the video on the Internet, and called on everyone to comment.


The customer service of railway 12306 responded that there is no clear provision that the fence cannot be used, and it can be used without affecting other passengers, but it needs to be negotiated with all passengers.

In the face of the behavior of passengers hanging curtains on their beds, the attitude of netizens is divided into two factions. One group supports the rights of young people, arguing that it is a personal freedom and that the railway authorities have no right to interfere with it, while the other group criticizes young people for being selfish and taking into account only their own ideas and not the feelings of the elderly.

12306 responds to the controversy: young people hang curtains in sleepers, and the old people have no place to sit?!

For this question, 12306's response is actually very clear: as long as it does not cause damage to the bed and does not infringe on the normal rights and interests of others, then how the passenger uses it will be the passenger's own right, and others have no position to interfere and demand. This is a reminder to the public to respect the rights of others. In public life, everyone may face similar problems, and if we can think more about it from the perspective of others, we may be able to get more understanding and support. It's just that in this society, it is inevitable that some people like to stand on the moral high ground to point fingers and find fault with others.

12306 responds to the controversy: young people hang curtains in sleepers, and the old people have no place to sit?!

In fact, the controversy over the hanging curtains in sleeper trains has been going on for a long time. Some proponents argue that it will provide shade and privacy, while opponents argue that it will affect the use of other passengers. Although this kind of controversy may seem trivial, it actually reflects the problem of social resource allocation. For a public resource such as a sleeper train, a large number of people use it every day, but the limited resource needs to be shared by multiple people. Therefore, how to use these resources without affecting others really needs to be discussed.

12306 responds to the controversy: young people hang curtains in sleepers, and the old people have no place to sit?!

In the case of sleepers, it is suggested that a real-name ticket system can be implemented, or a fixed sleeper number can be purchased. But the reality is that everyone's needs are different, some people may only need a pillow to fall asleep, while others need a particularly soft mattress to fall asleep. So it's hard for us to make everyone happy. But that doesn't mean you can't find a balance – as long as you buy a ticket, you are willing to follow certain rules, so if something goes wrong, you can check it based on the information on the ticket. At the same time, some basic rules are formulated, such as no curtains, no smoking, etc.

12306 responds to the controversy: young people hang curtains in sleepers, and the old people have no place to sit?!

In fact, neither a sleeper on a train nor a seat on an airplane has an infinite number of resources. When a seat is occupied, it means that someone else has to wait or buy a ticket or ticket for another seat. For those who are particularly sensitive, they may also be worried about their safety – after all, there are always strange people and things to happen on trains and planes. So they will prefer to have a certain position for themselves. But this also leads to another problem: as long as one person does not follow the order, it affects the interests of others. So we need to have some rules in place to restrain the behavior of these people.

It seems to me that the sleeper on the train is just one example. Many of the problems we face in public life have one thing in common: the finite and diverse nature of public resources. When people need to enjoy these resources, they often can't get them smoothly for various reasons. As a result, all kinds of disputes and contradictions will arise. The key to solving these problems is not to shift the blame to others, nor to emphasize self-centeredness and selfishness – only when everyone can consider the problem from a holistic perspective can a truly fair and harmonious social environment be realized.

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