
The wife noticed a foul smell in the room and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I know the ghost is there."

author:Chuangyi is important

Ghost Kitchen

The moonlight shone through the thin clouds on the silent town, and the night breeze blew the curtains by the windows with a hint of coolness. On this quiet night, the lights of the Li family were exceptionally bright. The Li family is a loving couple, who usually respect each other like guests, but tonight, there is an indescribable tense atmosphere in their home.

His wife Xiaomei stood at the door of the bedroom, her face pale, her finger pointing in the direction of the kitchen, her voice trembling: "I know the ghost is there." Her eyes were full of horror, as if she had seen something incredible.

Husband Xiao Li was also stunned, he held Xiaomei's hand tightly, trying to give her some comfort: "Don't be afraid, let's go and see together." The two of them cautiously walked to the kitchen, each step looking extraordinarily heavy.

The kitchen door was ajar, and a disgusting stench came to my nose. Xiao Li pushed open the door, only to see that the kitchen was in a mess, pots and pans were scattered all over the ground, and something seemed to be making a fuss here. However, what shocked them even more was that there was a puddle of black liquid in the corner of the kitchen, emitting an unpleasant smell.

"What is this?" Xiao Li squatted down and shone the liquid with the flashlight in his hand. There seemed to be something wriggling in the liquid, which was creepy.

Xiaomei hugged Xiao Li tightly, and her voice was crying: "I said there are ghosts here, have you seen them? ”

The wife noticed a foul smell in the room and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I know the ghost is there."

Although Xiao Li was also a little hairy in his heart, he still tried to stay calm: "Don't talk nonsense, there are no ghosts in this world." We've got to figure out what the hell is going on. ”

The two began to scrutinize every nook and cranny of the kitchen, trying to find the source of the smell. However, no matter how they looked, they couldn't find any clues. The puddle of black liquid seemed to be alive, constantly wriggling, emitting a disgusting smell.

At this moment, Xiao Li suddenly heard a strange sound, as if someone was whispering. He followed the sound and saw that the kitchen window had opened a crack at some point, and a gust of wind blew, and the curtains fluttered gently.

Xiao Li's heart tightened, he walked to the window and wanted to close the window. However, just as he was about to touch the window, a hand suddenly reached through the window and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"Ahh He looked back at Xiaomei, only to see that Xiaomei's face had turned pale, she pointed out the window, and her voice trembled: "That...... That's the hand of the devil!"

Outside the window, it was pitch black, except for the moonlight shining through the clouds. However, in that faint light, Xiao Li clearly saw a pale hand, which was clutching his wrist tightly.

A strong fear surged in Xiao Li's heart, and he wanted to break free of that hand, but found that his strength seemed to be sucked away. At this moment, Xiaomei suddenly rushed over, she picked up the kitchen knife in the kitchen, and slashed at the hand.

The wife noticed a foul smell in the room and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I know the ghost is there."

"Ahh Xiao Li and Xiao Mei both breathed a sigh of relief, they hugged each other tightly, and their hearts were full of happiness.

However, they did not let their guard down because of this. They know that this ghost hand is only the beginning, and the real horror is yet to come. They must find out the truth and unravel this strange mystery.

So, the two began to investigate this strange incident. They found that since the smell and ghost hands appeared in the home, things in the house were often lost or displaced for no apparent reason. Sometimes, they even hear strange noises in their homes, as if someone is whispering or crying.

Xiao Li and Xiao Mei decide to find out the truth no matter what. They began to lay traps in their homes, hoping to catch the haunting ghost. However, no matter how hard they tried, they were never able to catch the trace of the ghost.

As the days passed, there were more and more strange incidents at home. Li and Mei's spirits also become more and more nervous, and they begin to wonder if they can really solve the mystery.

Just when they were about to give up, Xiao Li suddenly thought of a solution. He decided to invite a Taoist priest to come to his house to do the work, hoping to drive away the ghost.

After the Taoist priest came to Li's house, after some inspection and inquiry, he finally revealed the truth of this strange mystery. It turned out that it was all the work of a rat that had grown into a sperm. It used its wisdom and cunning to create a series of strange incidents that caused the Li family and his wife to fall into a panic.

The wife noticed a foul smell in the room and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I know the ghost is there."

The Taoist priest used a spell to subdue the immortal rat and drove it out of the Li family. Since then, the life of the Li family has finally returned to peace. Xiao Li and Xiao Mei also deeply realized that in the face of the unknown and fear, only by staying calm and brave can they find the truth and overcome difficulties.

However, this is only the first half of the story. In the days that followed, although the Li family and his wife returned to a peaceful life, they could never forget that strange night and the rat that had grown into a sperm in their hearts. They begin to wonder if there are more unknowns and weirdness in this world waiting for them to explore and solve.

So, the Li family and his wife embarked on a new adventure. They traveled the mountains and rivers in search of the strange events and mysteries of the legends. In the process, they not only encountered various challenges and difficulties, but also met many like-minded friends and partners.

Together, they explore ancient ruins and unravel the secrets hidden in the depths of history, together they face ferocious monsters and evil ghosts, and defeat them with wisdom and courage, and together they reveal the truth and principles behind those seemingly strange phenomena.

In this process, Xiao Li and Xiao Mei have not only grown a lot, but also deeply realized the complexity of human nature and the vastness of the world. They understand that no matter what difficulties and challenges they face, as long as they have love and courage in their hearts, they can overcome everything.

During an expedition, Li and Mei come to a forgotten ancient village. It is said that this ancient village was once a prosperous village, but at some point, the villagers disappeared one after another, and the whole village became desolate and dilapidated. There is a legend in the village that an evil spirit has taken over the area, and when night falls, it will come out and cause trouble and scare the villagers into fleeing.

Li and Mei decide to investigate the legend in depth. They found that there was indeed a strange aura in the ancient village. Night fell, and there was silence all around, save for the sound of the wind and whispers coming from nowhere. They cautiously explored every corner of the ancient village, trying to find the trace of the evil spirit.

However, instead of finding the demon, they accidentally discover a secret room hidden underground. The chamber is filled with all sorts of strange objects and charms, and it seems to be an ancient place of worship. In the corner of the chamber, they saw a stone statue with a hideous face, as if it was the legendary evil ghost.

Xiao Li and Xiao Mei realized that this sacrificial place and stone statue could be the root cause of the strange events in the ancient village. They decided to destroy this sacrificial place and lift the curse of the evil spirits. However, just as they were about to make a move, the stone statue suddenly moved, transformed into a huge demon, and launched a fierce attack on them.

Li and Mei fought hard, but the power of the demons was so strong that they could barely resist it. Just as they were about to despair, a golden light fell from the sky and illuminated the entire chamber. A mysterious Taoist priest appeared in front of them, holding a magic sword and slashing at the evil spirit.

The demon let out a scream, and it dissipated into the air in a puff of black smoke. The sacrificial items in the chamber were also instantly reduced to ashes. The Taoist priest told Xiao Li and Xiao Mei that the evil ghost was originally summoned by an evil sorcerer in the ancient village, and that he used the sacrificial place and stone statues to control the villagers, causing a series of strange incidents. Now, the evil spirits have been eliminated, and the ancient village can finally return to its former tranquility.

Xiao Li and Xiao Mei were grateful, and they expressed their gratitude to the Taoist priest and promised to bring this experience back to their hometown to tell more people about the power of courage and wisdom.

From then on, Li and Mei continued their adventure. They have traveled to every corner of the world and faced all kinds of challenges and difficulties. But no matter what difficulties they encountered, they were able to overcome them with their courage and wisdom and move on.

The wife noticed a foul smell in the room and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I know the ghost is there."

Their story spread all over the world and became a legend in people's mouths. They have proved with their actions that as long as they have love and courage in their hearts, they can overcome all difficulties and challenges and create their own legendary life.

And the ancient village, which was once shrouded in evil spirits, has also regained its former tranquility and prosperity with the efforts of Xiao Li and Xiao Mei. The villagers were grateful, and they erected a monument to Xiao Li and Xiao Mei to remember their exploits and contributions.

Time flies, and Xiao Li and Xiao Mei's adventure continues. Their stories will live on forever, inspiring more people to pursue their dreams and beliefs, bravely face the unknown and challenges, and create their own wonderful lives. In the following days, Xiao Li and Xiao Mei's adventure became more and more exciting. They have penetrated into the wilderness, explored the vast deserts, and climbed over the treacherous mountains. With each adventure, they have a deeper understanding and awareness of the world.

Once, they came to a remote island. It is said that this island hides a great treasure, but it is also guarded by ferocious sea monsters. Countless treasure hunters have come here in search of treasure, but all of them have failed, and some have even died at the mouth of the sea monster.

Undeterred by the legend, Li and Mei decide to challenge this seemingly impossible task. On the island, they went through hardships and overcame many difficulties to finally find the clue to the hidden treasure. However, just as they were about to touch the treasure, the sea monster suddenly appeared.

The sea monster was huge and hideous, and it opened its bloody mouth and launched a fierce attack on Xiao Li and Xiao Mei. The two fought hard, but the sea monster's strength was too strong for them to resist.

Just when they were about to fall into a desperate situation, a mysterious force descended from the sky. This force turned into a golden light, directly knocking the sea monster back. After the golden light dissipated, a beautiful goddess appeared before them.

The wife noticed a foul smell in the room and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I know the ghost is there."

The goddess told them that the sea monster was originally a cursed fisherman who had been transformed into this form because of greed and evil. She hopes that Li and Mei can lift the curse and give the sea monster a new life.

Xiao Li and Xiao Mei followed the instructions of the goddess, and after some hard work, they finally lifted the curse of the sea monster. The sea monster returned to its original state, thanked them gratefully, and disappeared into the depths of the sea.

In return, the goddess gave the treasure to Li and Mei. But the two did not become greedy because of this, and they used the treasure to help those in need, so that more people could benefit.

This experience made Xiao Li and Xiao Mei understand the importance of courage and wisdom more deeply. They understand that true wealth is not gold and silver, but the goodness and bravery of heart.

Over time, the story of Xiao Li and Xiao Mei's adventures spread all over the world. Their names have become synonymous with courage and wisdom, inspiring more people to pursue their dreams and beliefs.

And Xiao Li and Xiao Mei also gained growth and happiness in the process. They support each other, face challenges and difficulties together, and their relationship grows deeper. They know that no matter what challenges and difficulties lie ahead, as long as they move forward together, they can overcome anything.

Eventually, Li and Mei decided to return to their hometown and share their experiences and stories with more people. They hope that their experience can inspire more people to bravely pursue their dreams and beliefs and create their own wonderful lives.

The wife noticed a foul smell in the room and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I know the ghost is there."

Under their influence, more and more people have begun to bravely face the unknown and challenges to pursue their dreams and beliefs. The world is a better and more hopeful place because of their existence.

And the story of Xiao Li and Xiao Mei will be passed down forever and become an eternal legend. Their stories tell us that as long as we have love and courage in our hearts, we can overcome all difficulties and challenges and create our own legendary life.

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