
Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

The deposit interest rate has fallen for many rounds, and in order to collect savings, bank employees can be said to be racking their brains, and they know how to "make up interest manually"!

The so-called manual interest calculation is the use of special supplementary interest-bearing transactions for manual interest calculation and processing under the premise that the system cannot automatically complete the interest settlement due to the special and differential interest calculation needs in the process of calculating and paying interest on deposits. There are great operational risks, policy risks and moral hazards in manual interest compensation, which are often derived from the tools of banks to collect savings at high interest rates in disguise.

Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

For depositors, it means that they can obtain a higher deposit interest rate than that on the certificate of deposit, and the bank has broken through the authorized upper limit of the deposit interest rate in disguised form through manual interest replenishment, promising and paying high interest, which has greatly weakened the effect of the market-oriented adjustment mechanism of the deposit interest rate, seriously disrupted the order of market competition, and affected the sustainability of financial support for the real economy.

Recently, the self-discipline mechanism of market interest rate pricing recently issued the "Initiative on Prohibiting the Preservation of Deposit Market Competition Order through Manual Interest Replenishment and High Interest Solicitation of Deposits", which clearly states that banks should include manual interest replenishment in the scope of monitoring and management, and it is strictly forbidden to break through the authorization requirements of deposit interest rates or the upper limit of self-discipline in disguised form through prior commitments and manual interest payments at maturity.

Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

In order to strengthen the compliance management of banks' internal control of liabilities, the self-discipline mechanism for market interest rate pricing points out that banks should establish an effective management system for manual interest payment, clarify the approval requirements and procedures, and increase the approval authority to the first-level branch or higher. Resolutely consolidate the responsibilities of departments such as business lines, risk control, operation and account book management, and seriously deal with the responsible personnel who still violate the rules after the issuance of the "Initiative". The management system shall be reported to the Secretariat of the Self-Discipline Mechanism for Market Interest Rate Pricing for the record.

Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

Now, the black-box operation of high-interest savings will not work.

Since the market-oriented reform of deposit interest rates, banks have used a variety of methods to control deposit interest rates, and guided the cost of bank liabilities to decline in an orderly manner from different channels, showing three rules:

Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

1. The pace of interest rate cuts is often "big banks take the lead, and small banks follow".

2. Observing the timing of the adjustment of the listed interest rate of deposits, the time interval ranges from 3 to 9 months, but there is a clear trend of shortening the time interval in the past year.

3. There are more and more ways to control deposit interest rates.

The Central Financial Work Conference mentioned ways to guide the continuous decline of financing costs and dredge the channels for funds to enter the real economy. In the future, lending rates are likely to continue to fall, and there is still room for deposit rates to fall.

Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

Deposit interest rates have fallen again and again, how can investors manage their "money bags"?

First, in the context of the net value of wealth management products and the intensification of equity market volatility, asset allocation should be carried out in a balanced and reasonable manner, rather than just allocating a single product or asset to resist market fluctuations;

Deposit interest rates have fallen in multiple rounds, and high-interest savings have been banned, how can investors manage their money bags?

Second, when establishing the concept of asset allocation, rationally manage investment expectations according to one's own risk tolerance, and choose suitable products;

The third is to base on the present, focus on the future, and establish the concept of long-term investment.

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