
The wife's mother's family received 2 million demolition money, and the son-in-law took the lead in distributing it: my family still has 860,000 yuan in mortgage unpaid

author:Cher's emotional story
{"info":{"title":{"content":"妻子娘家获200万拆迁款,女婿率先分配:我家还有86万房贷没还","en":"The wife's mother's family received 2 million demolition money, and the son-in-law took the lead in distributing it: my family still has 860,000 yuan in mortgage unpaid"},"description":{"content":"【免责声明】文章图片均来源于网络,如涉及版权或人物侵权问题,请及时联系我们,侵则必删!我叫李明,是一个普通的上班族,住在...","en":"【Disclaimer】The pictures in the article are all from the Internet, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and the infringement must be deleted! My name is Li Ming, I am an ordinary office worker, living in..."}},"items":[]}