
A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

author:Frontline melon master


Yang Mi's army of fans

In front of the glittering screen, Yang Mi not only called Guo Qilin's "Celebrating More Than Years 2" with a voice of "Support me Dalinzi", but also ignited the passion in the hearts of fans.

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

Like the brightest star in the night sky, Yang Mi lived up to expectations and illuminated the star journey of this drama with his own light. Weibo comments with juice icons are like the lush vegetation in a tropical rainforest, teeming with life.

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

Fans responded with enthusiasm and anticipation, as if they were already in the theater seats calling for their favorite series, and the sound came and went, reminiscent of a huge music festival.

The voice behind the meat joke


"Isn't Fan Xian here?" "That's what comes to mind." This line not only shows the subtle relationship between the character Fan Xian and the audience, but also triggers a series of joyful tsunamis on the Internet.

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

It was as if Fan Xian was really on the scene, having a spiritual dialogue with the audience with a supernatural power. Netizens have unleashed their imaginations under the keyboard, and humorous dialogues are on the screen one after another, like fireworks blooming in the night sky. The comment section becomes a large improvisational comedy stage, where everyone is the protagonist and every comment is a hilarious finishing touch.

The heat storm of the drama king


The popularity of "Celebrating More Than Years" is like a terrifying digital storm, sweeping the whole network with a ferocious momentum of more than 18 million reservations, and the number of premiere popularity is like a high-speed spinning top, breaking 31,000 in one hour and 32,000 in two hours, which simply makes all the hearts of chasing dramas unable to withstand such a violent rhythm.

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

Netizens have said on major social platforms that the follow-up dramas seem to have become the background board of "Celebrating More Than Years", and it is difficult for any new drama to reach the peak of its popularity. Such a data report card seems to have predicted the king status of "Celebrating More Than Years", and no one can shake it.

Zhou Shen's voice burst into tears


When it comes to the ending song of "Celebrating More Than Years", you can't fail to mention the singer Zhou Shen. His voice seems to have magical power, and a gentle groan can cause ripples in the hearts of the listeners, and once the lyrics and images are matched, the audience's skin will unconsciously have a layer of goosebumps.

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

Netizens expressed their feelings in the comments, some said that they were moved to tears, and some were full of praise, saying that Zhou Shen's singing can heal all sorrows, so that they can cry.

A collection of laughs to celebrate more than one year


Finally, I want to mention those jokes in the series that make people laugh. Fan Sizhen was kicked by a donkey, the third prince grew his body, Wang Qinian set a chain, the second prince broke the big defense, Fan Xian lay flat and pretended to be dead, and the prince was deaf and blind... These jokes not only depict vivid characters, but also add a bit of life and humor to this historical drama.

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

While watching, netizens also started a big discussion in the comment area about "who is the best comedy character in the play", and the laughter revealed a deep understanding of the plot and deep feelings for the characters.

Is it gold that always shines, or is it hype that makes everything?


And after all the laughter, we can't help but ask: Is "Celebrating More Than Years" a work that shines because of its gold-like script and acting skills, or is it a hype technique that has made it what it is today?

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

Some netizens said that even without Yang Mi's call, there is Guo Qilin's performance, and this drama can still stand out among thousands of dramas. However, there are also opinions that in today's information explosion, how can you attract the attention of the audience without hype?

A collection of laughs in "Celebrating More Than Years", Fan Xian's "impropriety" makes you stay up late and watch dramas without guilt!

This is a question worth pondering for all drama followers. In this era of looking at faces, is content king, or traffic is respected? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area.