
People who have been taking blood pressure medication for a long time, it is best not to eat these kinds of foods, I hope you can listen to the persuasion...

author:Longnan Xi and released

The mainland is a big country with high blood pressure, the number of patients has exceeded 300 million, it is a huge hypertension human body, basically one in every 5 people has hypertension, in recent years, the number of hypertension is also growing, and tends to be younger, the prevalence of hypertension in adults over 18 years old in the mainland is 25.2%.

Hypertension is the first cardiovascular disease with the prevalence, and its harmful power is vividly reflected in the elderly, more than half of the elderly in the mainland suffer from hypertension, and the prevalence of hypertension is as high as 90% among the elderly people over 80 years old.

There are two types of hypertension, one is primary hypertension and the other is secondary hypertension, secondary hypertension occurs more often in young people, mainly secondary to diseases of other systems of the body.

Dangers and complications of high blood pressure

1. Long-term hypertension can induce hypertensive heart disease, and patients can gradually develop to heart failure, affecting the patient's lifespan, and long-term hypertension will also cause angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, which is seriously life-threatening.

2. Long-term hypertension will lead to ischemic degeneration of cerebral blood vessels, the formation of microaneurysms, once ruptured can occur cerebral hemorrhage, due to cerebral hemorrhage suddenly, the condition is serious, if not treated in time, it will leave sequelae and even death to the patient.

3. Kidney disease: Chronic renal failure is one of the serious consequences of long-term hypertension, especially after diabetes, and the probability of kidney failure in a short period of time increases.

4. High blood pressure will lead to atherosclerosis, which will cause necrosis of related parts and even the need for amputation.

5. Increased blood pressure will also damage the fundus, causing retinal detachment, papilledema, hemorrhage, etc.

In the absence of antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure is measured three times on the same day, systolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 140 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure is greater than or equal to 90 mmHg.

If the blood pressure is only mildly elevated, the high blood pressure can be relieved by changing lifestyle habits and losing weight. If the patient's blood pressure is greater than 160/100 mmHg, antihypertensive drugs are indicated. For older patients with hypertension, blood pressure greater than 150/90 mmHg requires medication.

In addition, if there is high blood pressure in clinical practice, drug treatment should be given under the guidance of a doctor, and antihypertensive drugs should not be taken and stopped at will, so as not to cause the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

People who have been taking "antihypertensive drugs" for a long time should eat less of 4 types of food, and I hope you can listen to it

1. Overly salty food: relevant surveys have found that the amount of salt ingested by patients has a certain relationship with the incidence of hypertension, and the more salt they eat, the higher the incidence of hypertension, which is directly proportional to the two.

Eating too much salt will increase the sensitivity of blood vessels to various pressors, causing arteriole spasm and increasing blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure must reduce their salt intake to avoid causing an increase in blood pressure and inducing complications.

2. Grapefruit: Since most patients with high blood pressure have been taking antihypertensive drugs, if they eat a lot of grapefruit during this period, it will be unfavorable for the alleviation of high blood pressure, and even symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, palpitation, and fatigue, and even angina, myocardial infarction or stroke may occur. Patients with high blood pressure must remember that they should not eat grapefruit while taking antihypertensive drugs.

3. Fatty meat: Fatty meat contains high cholesterol content, if you eat fatty meat regularly, it will cause increased blood lipids, accelerate arteriosclerosis, and further increase blood pressure. Eating greasy, high-cholesterol foods can cause large fluctuations in blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular events.

4. Tofu: It is not recommended for patients with high blood pressure to eat tofu, which is a pickled food that contains a lot of nitrite and salt, which may cause blood pressure to rise. In addition, patients with high blood pressure are advised to eat a low-fat diet, and barbecue, bacon, bacon, ham sausage and other such foods should also be reduced.

If a friend who has been taking blood pressure medication for a long time has 3 symptoms, he must pay attention

Loss of appetite

Patients with high blood pressure who have been taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time, if they have loss of appetite and nausea, they should seek medical attention in time to adjust the medication, because the loss of appetite is caused by the side effects of antihypertensive drugs.

Persistent coughing

Patients with high blood pressure may cough after taking antihypertensive drugs for a long time, because some antihypertensive drugs can cause a dry cough.

When a persistent dry cough occurs, it is likely to be a side effect of high blood pressure medication, and you should seek medical attention as soon as possible and change the medication under the advice of your doctor.

Palpitations and irregular heart rate

Many antihypertensive drugs will affect the absorption of sodium in the body, resulting in a lack of potassium in the body, which will lead to palpitations and irregular heartbeat.

In addition, you can usually eat more potassium-containing foods, such as bananas and soy products, which are rich in potassium.

To stabilize blood pressure levels, you must pay attention to the following things

1. Drink a glass of warm water after waking up in the morning

It is recommended that you get up in the morning and replenish a glass of warm water in time, because after a night of metabolic detoxification, the body will be seriously deficient in water and blood viscosity will increase.

As the pressure of blood vessels increases, just drinking a glass of warm water at this time can help the body replenish water at the same time, it can also reduce the blood level, speed up the flow of blood, let the blood flow to all organs of the body more smoothly, and reduce the burden on the body.

2. Wake up in the morning and don't get up immediately

It is recommended that patients with high blood pressure do not get up immediately after getting up in the morning, but can stretch their waists in bed first, because the human body is in a state of rest, and all organs are lazy, and suddenly getting up too fast will lead to untimely blood supply, dizziness or short-term syncope.

3. When defecating, do not try too hard

It is recommended that people with high blood pressure should not exert too much force when they get up in the morning to defecate, because the academic burden will increase when they exert themselves, which will easily cause a rapid increase in blood pressure, attack the heart with qi and blood, and may also induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in severe cases, resulting in the risk of cerebral infarction.

4. Exercise appropriately

People with high blood pressure, in their daily life, must pay attention to appropriate exercise, you can do jogging, walking, swimming, brisk walking, these aerobic exercises, help to speed up blood circulation and metabolism, improve the immunity of blood vessels, make blood vessels more smooth, speed up blood flow, and let blood pressure slowly stabilize.

5. Maintain a good and optimistic attitude

Regardless of whether there is a chronic disease or not, in daily life, we should also maintain a good and optimistic attitude, only a happy mood can help improve the body's resistance and immunity, and maintain endocrine balance.

If you are often in a state of anger, anxiety, tension and depression, it is easy to affect endocrine disorders, affect your blood pressure, and your physical health.

Source: Traditional Chinese Medicine Health WeChat Public Account (ID: zyys099)

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