
In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

author:Foraging in the market

As the old saying goes, "eat buds in spring, eat melons in summer", spring is the season of early tasting, and all kinds of fresh and tender vegetables have poked out of the shoots, and it is the best period to appreciate the taste.

Whether it is the wild vegetables on the ground, or the toons and locust flowers hanging on the branches, or the leeks, spinach, and cabbage in the vegetable field, one is fresh and tender, not only the taste is good, but also the nutrition is richer, the garlic sprouts are also the first harvest in the spring, the roots are white and tender and moist, slender and slender, the plant fiber is less, and the taste is excellent, and it is also the ingredients that my family often includes in the recipe in spring.

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

Fresh and tender garlic sprouts are the most suitable for stir-frying, in fact, if it is not too spicy, the taste of cold salad is also quite good, today I will share a garlic sprout scrambled egg practice, the crispness and garlic of garlic sprouts, with the softness and fragrance of eggs, make people have a great appetite, it is delicious without putting meat, collect it and make it for the family to eat.

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

【Scrambled eggs with garlic】

Ingredients required: half a pound of garlic sprouts, 3 eggs, green onions, salt, oil, light soy sauce, and an appropriate amount of chicken essence.

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

1. Pinch the head and tail of the garlic sprouts, wash them repeatedly with water, cut them on the board for later use, and chop the green onions for later use.

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

2. Prepare a small bowl, knock in 3 eggs, beat them into egg liquid, add a little salt, and pour in a little rice vinegar or white vinegar, which can make the scrambled eggs fluffier and remove the fishy smell of the eggs.

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

3. Pour oil into a wok and heat it over high heat, then pour in the eggs, when the eggs are slightly fluffy, turn to medium heat, quickly fry the eggs with a spatula, and set aside.

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

4. Heat the oil again, when the oil temperature is hot, pour in the green onion and fry until fragrant, pour in the garlic sprouts, stir-fry for about 1 minute, fry until the garlic sprouts are broken, add salt, light soy sauce, chicken essence, stir-fry evenly, and finally pour the scrambled eggs into the pot, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot and put it on the plate, and a scrambled egg with garlic sprouts that tastes quite good is ready.

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat

- Lao Jing said -

It's a very simple home-cooked stir-fry, delicious and delicious. It is not recommended to blanch garlic sprouts in spring, and it is the fresh, spicy, crispy and tender taste that you eat, and fry quickly on high heat to reduce the loss of nutrients while ensuring the taste. In this dish, you need to pay attention to the eggs and garlic sprouts to fry separately, so don't be too troublesome. #春日生活打卡季#

In the spring, my family eats this dish diligently, appetizing and not greasy, simple stir-fry, and it is very fragrant without putting meat
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