
Compared with pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people need folic acid more

author:The first pharmacy Caizhi
Compared with pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people need folic acid more

Source | Pharmacy people

Early one morning, an old man walked into a community pharmacy on crutches. It is understood that this uncle has always had high blood pressure and high blood lipids, and wants to keep some common medicines at home.

After the clerk selected the necessary blood pressure medication and lipid regulating drugs for the uncle, he also recommended folic acid tablets and indapamide tablets to take together, and the uncle was instantly unhappy, and his face became unhappy: "Folic acid? Isn't that a supplement for pregnant women? I'm an old man in my seventies, can I use that?"

Subsequently, the uncle took two boxes of indapamide tablets and left the pharmacy directly.

The clerk said: In fact, folic acid is not only for pregnant women, but also has a lot of benefits for middle-aged and elderly people, it can help prevent cardiovascular diseases, and even help with memory loss.

5 effects of folic acid in pregnant women

Compared with pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people need folic acid more


Prevention of anemia in pregnant women

A pregnant woman's body needs folic acid to make normal red blood cells. According to the survey, the prevalence of anaemia among women of childbearing age in China is 20.6%. Inadequate folic acid intake may also lead to anemia in pregnant women.


Prevent congenital malformations in babies

To reduce the risk of birth defects in your baby, taking folic acid tablets can prevent birth defects such as heart defects and cleft upper lip.


Prevention of the incidence of birth defects in newborns

Neural tube defects are common neonatal congenital malformations in China.

If a woman takes the recommended daily dose of folic acid for at least 1 month before conception and for the first 3 months of pregnancy, she can reduce her baby's risk of neural tube defects by 50% to 70%.


Promotes placental development

Folic acid is an essential structure that affects DNA and cells, and getting enough folic acid during pregnancy is especially important for the fast-growing placenta and baby.


Prevent preeclampsia in pregnant women

Taking a multivitamin that contains folic acid can reduce the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women.

Compared with pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people need folic acid more

8 effects of folic acid in the elderly

Compared with pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people need folic acid more

In fact, folic acid supplementation is not just for pregnant women. Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin, which is essential for the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, can promote the rapid growth of hemoglobin, red blood cells and white blood cells and the metabolism of amino acids, and plays an irreplaceable role in human health.

Recent studies have shown that middle-aged and elderly people also need folic acid supplementation. In daily life, middle-aged and elderly people can significantly prevent and treat a variety of diseases by supplementing folic acid every day.

Compared with pregnant women, middle-aged and elderly people need folic acid more


Prevent high blood pressure

Folic acid has the effect of softening blood vessels, so middle-aged and elderly people can prevent high blood pressure and protect cardiovascular disease by taking folic acid.


Prevention of Alzheimer's disease

For middle-aged and elderly people, adequate folic acid can not only reduce the damage of harmful substances in the body to the cerebral blood vessels, but also help reduce the cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease caused by cranial nerve damage.


Reduces the risk of stroke

Folic acid supplementation helps to reduce the level of homocysteine in the blood, which is effective in reducing the incidence of stroke.


Prevents arteriosclerosis

Long-term adequate folic acid intake can reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis.


Improves sleep and memory

Appropriate supplementation of folic acid can alleviate symptoms such as malaise, fatigue, insomnia, forgetfulness, etc., especially for middle-aged and elderly people, which can significantly improve memory and delay the deterioration of brain cognitive ability.


Prevent the occurrence of cancer

As a natural anti-cancer vitamin, folic acid can enhance the body's immunity, especially in the prevention of cervical cancer and intestinal cancer.


Reduces the recurrence rate of heart disease

If folic acid is taken together with vitamin B12, it can reduce the recurrence of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.


It can be used as an adjunct to treat anemia

Folic acid is a key "hematopoietic vitamin", and its deficiency can lead to anemia and reduced immunity, so it plays an important role in the treatment of anemia.

(The content of this article is for professional reference only, please purchase and use the drug according to the drug instructions or under the guidance of a pharmacist)

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