
All the problems are that the mind has been "kidnapped".

author:Insight reading

The philosopher Schopenhauer said: The largest prison in the world is the human mind.

It can be said that people with a high level of thinking have a larger pattern.

When encountering problems and challenges, we will not be confined to our own opinions.

Because once the human mind is "kidnapped", all kinds of problems and troubles will come out.

Only let your thinking break through, be eclectic, and let yourself become insightful.

As the painter Rockwell once said from his own experience: "Insight first comes from thoughtfulness." ”

In this way, I can live more transparently, live a more down-to-earth and comfortable life.

There's a good saying:

"Development is regular, and every time you break through a blind spot, you will improve by leaps and bounds. ”

If you want to change your life for the better, then the prerequisite is to make your thinking better.

Let yourself be the elite of your thinking, and then you will not be overwhelmed by some of the troubles, challenges, and pressures of reality.

All the problems are that the mind has been "kidnapped".

Learn to think, know how to turn

What kind of thinking a person has, what kind of destiny he has.

In fact, people's destiny is created with their own hands and walked out with their own feet.

People who like to observe and think deeply are often able to understand more and understand more deeply.

Then, in the face of some challenges and pressures in life, I also know how to face and deal with them.

The philosopher Pascal said, "Man was created to think." ”

When a person's thinking has an echo, or through deep thinking, makes oneself more and more independent and powerful.

Then, in the face of some challenges and problems in life, you will find that you can handle them with ease.

As the writer Mizumurai said:

When your perception is beyond the other person, he will instinctively defend and resist. Because everyone is proving that they are right and that their dignity cannot be violated.

If a person wants to get ahead and live the life he dreams of, he must build a strong thinking force.

This kind of power can be said to be particularly important in the process of competition in life.

And once a person has this ability, then everything will suddenly become clear.

In this case, even if you are faced with a difficult problem, you can easily deal with it.

All the problems are that the mind has been "kidnapped".

Raise awareness and wake yourself up

Smart people will constantly improve their own cognition.

In many cases, when a person's cognition is strong and independent, everything will become different.

There is an old saying: "Water is square with shape, and people are flexible with the situation." ”

Sometimes, learning to improve cognition is not to satisfy ambition, but to know how to satisfy one's spiritual pursuit.

Only in this way, instead of treating with purpose and interests, a person will get better and faster growth.

When a person's cognitive ability becomes stronger and stronger, he becomes more and more able to turn and be flexible.

In the face of everything unsatisfactory in life, if you don't want to, you can easily resolve it, see through it, and look at it openly.

There is a saying in "Lao Tzu": Misfortune and blessing are relied on, and blessing and misfortune are lurking.

Just like the famous physicist Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty once said: "If you want to see lively, without any constraints, you will be able to understand everything." ”

If a person wants to change himself and change his life, he must know how to create a pattern, not to be kidnapped by thinking, but to use the power and wisdom of cognition to open the door of life.

This door of life will indeed open a new world for yourself and make you feel a new future.

And this kind of future life, the more you experience, the more beautiful, the more you go on, the happier and more natural you feel.

The American writer Alex Ferguson once said:

Everyone guards a door of change that opens from within, and even if you move it with affection and reason, you can't open the door for others.

By adapting your thinking, you can improve your cognition and open the door to a more brilliant and brilliant life.

In this way, you will definitely live better and better, and you will definitely live more and more hopefully.

All the problems are that the mind has been "kidnapped".

For the rest of your life, don't be kidnapped by thinking

People, once kidnapped by thinking, will live like a walking corpse, numb.

It has been said, "Mediocre people change results, excellent people change causes, and the superlatives change thinking." ”

A truly smart person will definitely improve his thinking, upgrade his cognition, and improve his overall strength.

Then, while showing a positive way of thinking, you can reach your own good life through personal actions and persistence.

It can be said that the more critical a person is, the more he should remain sober enough and take the initiative to improve his personal cognition.

The famous Japanese industrialist Kazuo Inamori once wrote in his book "The Way of Thinking":

"People who live happily ever have a positive mindset.

Even if it seems to others to be a catastrophic situation, they are still optimistic and cheerful, and face it positively.

Even seeing disasters as opportunities for one's own growth and thus feeling grateful. With this mentality, life will come and go. ”

In this way, flexible thinking, positive transformation of cognition, shaping a strong mentality, stable emotions, and truly in the road of life, more and more cheerful, more and more calm.

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