
Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

author:under the kitchen
Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.
Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.
Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

It's pineapple season. The sweetness of pineapple, the flavor of pineapple, no fruit can be replaced.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

However, the pineapple should be peeled, pricked, soaked in salt water, and waited for another half an hour...... Ah, I'm so tired and hard, I still don't eat.

Fortunately, there is a god-level existence that is 100 times more convenient than pineapple, and sweet and juicy than pineapple - Golden Diamond Pineapple!

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Many friends can't tell the difference between pineapple and pineapple, but it's actually very simple to distinguish between them:

○ Pineapples are darker, while pineapples are shallow, so you don't need to gouge your eyes, you just need to peel them and eat them

○ Pineapple has a high bromelain content, so you need to soak it in salt water before eating, otherwise it will stimulate the digestive tract, and pineapple lacks pineapple enzyme that people's mouths, so you don't need to soak in salt water, you can eat it when you cut it.

○ The core of a pineapple is hard and usually needs to be cut off, while the core of a pineapple is edible

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

The edible rate of pineapples is particularly high, close to 90%. The glare is so shallow that it does not affect the flesh, and the eyes are full of pulp, thick as a wall.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Every inch of the flesh is sweet, crisp and tender, and after a few bites, it bites directly into the core.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

The delicate flesh with almost 0 fiber is not like a pineapple that stuffs your teeth, and a big bite is as refreshing as eating a big chicken thigh.

As you chew, the juice overflows wildly from the flesh one by one, and your mouth can't hold it!

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

When it comes to sweetness, pineapple is generally 12°, which is sweet and sour, while golden diamond pineapple can reach more than 17°, which is more rich and sweet.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.
Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

The sweetness of pineapple was measured

After eating Hainan Golden Diamond pineapple, I really don't want to eat the salted pineapple sold outside.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Our pineapples are grown in Hainan and are freshly shipped from the production area.

We all know that the variety of pineapple originates from the treasure island of Taiwan, but in fact, Hainan Island in our mainland is as superior as Taiwan, and it is especially suitable for growing pineapples.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Pineapples like high temperature and strong drought tolerance, while Hainan happens to have well-drained sandy soil, with an average annual temperature of 22~27 ° and 2650 hours of annual sunshine, which has the advantage of congenital planting of pineapples.

Adhering to the high standard of planting, each of these golden diamond pineapples has to undergo a full 500 days of slow growth, accumulating sufficient nutrients, and the flesh can be full and ripe.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Hainan Island is located in the tropics, and the abundant sunlight can allow the pineapple to precipitate enough sugar, and naturally deacidify, lock in the sweet juice, and achieve the golden sweet-acid ratio.

Different from the exposure mode of ordinary pineapples, although Golden Diamond Pineapple loves the sun, it is as delicate as a girl, and pays more attention to sun protection than us.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

As soon as the thousands of small pineapples in the field bear fruit, the fruit farmers are too busy to eat, so they bag them one by one to keep them hydrated and prevent pests.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

We often step on thunder when we eat pineapples, because most farmers pursue yield and seize the market in advance, and will use ripening agents, resulting in a golden and uniform appearance, but the cut is a stiff white pulp.

In pursuit of high standards, the first requirement for pineapples at our base is "natural ripening".

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Fruit growers with more than 15 years of experience in pineapple planting have long figured out the secret of pineapple, and the flesh is the most crisp and sweet before the sun rises in the morning.

The sharp-eyed ones will find out the ripe pineapples one by one, pick them quickly.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

In order to prevent the fish from slipping through the net, the pineapples are also beaten one by one with a small stick for a second selection. "Bangbang" crisp represents qualified "natural cooking". If the voice is muffled, it is a "defective goods" that are not enough for a day, and it will be ruthlessly thrown away.

Moreover, every car of pineapples arriving at the warehouse must be sampled to confirm that the sweetness and sourness, moisture, aroma and taste are qualified, so that they can be delivered to us.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Pineapples grow naturally until 7~8 ripe will be picked and shipped, customers receive the skin may be both green and yellow, but the flesh is the same golden and ripe, we can eat it when we receive it.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Although the golden diamond pineapples are dressed in "iron armor", the packing aunts will still preciously cover them with foam nets and put them in exquisite cardboard boxes.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

Although there are many steps that are very strict, the pineapples picked on the same day will be sent out after screening and packing on the same day, and they are not overnight fruits, and they are very fresh.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

In Taiwan, such a high-standard pineapple, a fruit is hard to find, the price is as high as 80 yuan a piece, and the taste of our Hainan planting is not lost at all, a box of 4.5 catties of three, only 36.9 yuan, twice as cheap.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

When the pineapple is ripe, it can be eaten. And it's not a hassle to eat it at all, you just need to peel it, cut it into pieces, and you can eat it.

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.
Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.
Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.

The picture comes from the Internet


! Come on with some good taste!

Hainan tree ripe golden diamond pineapple


¥44.9/4 kg (2 pieces)

Storage method and shelf life: room temperature ventilation storage, can be placed for 5-7 days

Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.


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Naturally, the tree is ripe, sweet and watery! After eating it, I found that it was all about the past.