
Meet the wildflowers (wild vegetables) on the side of the road - chinese cabbage

author:Flower friends


Scientific name: Rorippa indica (Linn.) Hiern

Aliases: spicy rice vegetables, river scissors grass mung bean grass;

Family name: Cruciferae;

Distribution: It is widely distributed everywhere, growing on the side of the road or in the field; the national distribution is widely distributed.

Meet the wildflowers (wild vegetables) on the side of the road - chinese cabbage

Rorippa indica, also known as river scissors grass, vanilla, wild rapeseed, Indian cabbage, belongs to the cruciferous plant genus Cyperus. In the cruciferous family, we may be more familiar with vegetables such as vegetables and turnips in vegetable farms, as well as rape flowers that spread across the mountains in spring.

Meet the wildflowers (wild vegetables) on the side of the road - chinese cabbage

It is a 102-year-old herb growing 20-1000 px tall. The stem is single or branched. The leaves are alternate, the basal leaves and the lower part of the stem have long stalks, the leaf shape is varied, usually the large head is pinnate, the apex lobe is large, ovate lanceolate, the edge has irregular teeth, and the lateral lobes are 1-5 pairs; the upper leaves of the stem are broad lanceolate or spoon-shaped, the edges are sparsely toothed, and there is a short stalk or a basal ear-like holding stem. The inflorescence is apical or lateral, with small, mostly, slender peduncles; sepals 4, ovate oblong; petals 4, yellow, spoon-shaped, tapering at the base into short claws, nearly equal in length to the sepals; 6,2 stamens slightly shorter. The silique fruit is linearly cylindrical, short and thick, erect or slightly curved, and the petals are raised when ripe. Seeds are 2 rows per chamber, mostly, small, ovate and flattened, slightly concave at one end, brown on the surface, with fine reticulations; the cotyledon margins lean on the radicles. Length 2-3mm. The flowering period is from April to June and August to October, and the fruiting period is from May to July and September to November.

Meet the wildflowers (wild vegetables) on the side of the road - chinese cabbage

It is widely distributed in China, and it is distributed in most areas such as Northeast China, North China, and East China. It is often found in damp places such as roadsides, gardens, fields, rivers, behind walls in front of houses, and hillside roadsides. It is found in East and Southeast Asia and is naturalized in South and North America.

Meet the wildflowers (wild vegetables) on the side of the road - chinese cabbage

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