
The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

author:Lushui Times


The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

If you open the column

Ten years ago, on April 10, the Dulong River Highway Tunnel was opened, and since then, the history of the heavy snow closure of the Dulong River has come to an end.

Five years ago, on April 10, General Secretary Xi Jinping congratulated the Dulong people on achieving poverty alleviation in a reply letter, and encouraged the villagers to "get rid of poverty is only the first step, and better days are yet to come." ”

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm, and the mountain gate cave is happy and long. Since April 8th, the cloud news client has linked up with the Gongshan County Financial Media Center to launch the theme report of "Spring Breeze on the Dulong River" to record the new scene of every household in Dulongjiang Township having an industry, increasing the income of every household, and thriving life.

In this issue, follow the special reporter of Cloud News to approach a Dulongjiang girl, and through her story, learn about the "past and present life" of Dulong Blanket.

In Dulongjiang Township

There is a cute Dulong girl

It took her six years

Weaved the first Dulong blanket in his life

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

Yu Yanmei

is a native Dulong girl

Weaving a Dulong blanket is for her

It is the continuation of family affection and the inheritance of culture

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

Six years ago

Grandma taught Yu Yanmei, who is still in her second year of graduate school, how to put thread and weave

For six years, because of the relationship between study and work

She weaves in fits and starts

Finally completed the first Dulong blanket of his own in his life

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

Dulong tattooed grandmother Li Wenshi

He once wore a lone dragon blanket

He sang the folk songs of the Dulong people for General Secretary Xi Jinping

Li Wenshi said

In the past, the Dulong people lived a primitive life without clothes

You can only weave monotonous Dulong blankets to keep warm and cover your shame

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road


The people of the Dulong tribe can use beautiful silk threads

Weave colorful Dulong blankets

It also implies the life of the Dulong people

The more you go, the more colorful

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road


It is located in Xianjiudang Village, Dulongjiang Township


There are currently more than 50 weaver girls in the studio

Weaving carpets in the studio in his spare time

It can increase the income by about 7,000 yuan per year

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

It is different from the traditional Dulong blanket according to the color of the weaver girl's personal preference

Studio weaving Dulong blanket by designers in Shanghai

Absorb the inspiration of Dulong River, mountains and rivers, production and life

Designed to be

It is loved by first-tier cities in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and international consumers

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

For Yu Yanmei

I have been weaving a Dulong blanket for 6 years

It is her identification with the identity of the Dulong clan

It is also a concrete embodiment of the cultural inheritance of the Dulong people

For the Weaver Girl of the Dulong Clan

Dulong blanket is connected to a new era

"Gaoligong Mountain Dulongjiang Highway Tunnel"

Between the Dulong River and Shanghai

Between the Dulong clan and international friends

Transmission between traditional Chinese culture and Western culture

The spring breeze on the Dulong River is warm (4)丨Colorful Dulong blanket weaves a happy road

Source: Cloud News client

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