
Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

author:39 HealthNet

"Sweet potatoes are the king of anti-cancer, and Japanese research says that among all foods, it is the most powerful cancer killer!"

Uncle Zhang is 75 years old this year, and since he learned that his old friend Uncle Liu died of lung cancer, he has been very panicked, afraid that one day he will also get cancer, and has been looking for ways to prevent cancer.

One day, I met Uncle Chen in the vegetable market, and after the two chatted about it, Uncle Chen suddenly raised the sweet potato he had just bought, which was the beginning of the sentence.

After hearing this, Uncle Zhang was skeptical, but thought that "it is better to believe it than to believe it", so he also bought a large bag of sweet potatoes and went back and began to eat three meals a day. After a long time, the body became worse and worse as he ate, and began to have bloating, and even acid reflux and heartburn.

Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

1. Japanese research: sweet potatoes are the "king of anti-cancer" and can kill cancer cells?

Sweet potatoes, also known as sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., are widely loved foods. It is even rumored on the Internet that it is the No. 1 food on the list of anti-cancer vegetables, is sweet potatoes for a few dollars a pound really so amazing?

A survey conducted by the National Institute for Cancer Prevention in Japan followed the dietary habits of 260,000 people and found that vegetables do have a certain anti-cancer effect.

And among the 20 common vegetables, sweet potatoes have the strongest anti-cancer effect. Specifically, sweet potato extract can destroy 98.7% of cancer cells, and even raw sweet potato extract can inhibit 94.4% of cancer cells.

Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

Later, this result was verified in experiments on mice. Researchers used sweet potato extract in cancer-stricken mice and found that the cancer cell material was successfully removed. This is an encouraging result, but does that suggest that sweet potatoes can play a role in fighting cancer?

Of course, the answer is no, this study has great limitations, one is that it is carried out on animal experiments, and the results obtained cannot be directly extrapolated to humans; Whether sweet potatoes have anti-cancer effects requires a big question mark.

Wang Silu, a national second-level public nutritionist, said that the causes of cancer are very complex, including genetic history, age, weight, gender, lifestyle habits and diet, etc., and even many cancers do not have a clear cause, and it is impractical to think about fighting cancer through diet or a certain food.

It is undeniable that some foods do contain a certain amount of antioxidants and immune-enhancing substances, but there is no specific value for them. Taking sweet potatoes as an example, how much sweet potatoes do we need to eat to boost immunity? There is no clear statement, so the claim that sweet potatoes can fight cancer is not credible.

Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

2. Does eating sweet potatoes raise blood sugar or lower blood sugar, can sugar friends eat them?

Regarding the sweet potato food, diabetics have been receiving mixed evaluations of it, some people say that it is very sweet and will raise blood sugar when eaten, and some people say that it is a coarse grain that can lower blood sugar after eating, which statement is correct?

The glycemic index (GI) is used to determine the effect of food on blood sugar, with sweet potatoes having a GI of 77 and rice having a GI of 80, both of which are high GI foods. Moreover, the GI value of sweet potatoes under different cooking methods is also quite different.

The GI value of peeled and roasted sweet potatoes will soar directly to 94, which is close to the value of glucose GI value of 100, which will cause blood sugar to rise soon after eating, and it is best for sugar friends not to eat baked sweet potatoes.

Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

So why is there a claim that sweet potatoes can lower blood sugar?

Cheng Zhifeng, director of the Department of Endocrinology of the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, pointed out that the statement that sweet potatoes lower blood sugar mainly comes from two factors, one is that sweet potatoes have a lower carbohydrate content than fine rice noodles, and the calories are only about 1/3 of rice;

If you really want to eat sweet potatoes, sugar friends can eat boiled sweet potatoes in moderation, and you should also pay attention to controlling the amount when eating, it is best to match some vegetables and high-protein foods to delay the rate of blood sugar rise after meals.

It should be reminded that it is best not to eat rice when eating sweet potatoes, otherwise it is easy to cause the body to consume excessive carbohydrates, which will also cause blood sugar to rise.

Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

3. Sweet potatoes have a lot of benefits, but pay attention to "4 don't eat"

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that sweet potatoes can replenish deficiency, invigorate qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, and strengthen kidney yin.

Fan Xiaofen, deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, also said that sweet potatoes contain starch, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients, and moderate consumption can bring a lot of benefits to health.

But be careful, remember "4 don't eat" when eating sweet potatoes.

1. People with a bad spleen and stomach don't eat it

For people with weak spleen and stomach and poor gastrointestinal function, it is generally not recommended to eat sweet potatoes. Because the sugar in sweet potatoes will promote gastric acid secretion, which will increase the pressure on the stomach and easily aggravate one's own discomfort.

Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

2. Don't eat moldy sweet potatoes

Moldy sweet potatoes produce the toxin sweet potato ketone, which is resistant to high temperatures and cannot be destroyed even after cooking, so once the sweet potato becomes moldy, it should be discarded in time.

If it is a sprouted sweet potato, it can generally be eaten normally, but the nutrition and taste will be reduced.

3. Don't eat what is not cooked thoroughly

Uncooked sweet potatoes have a large number of starch granules, which are difficult to digest after entering the body, and will produce carbon dioxide gas in the gastrointestinal tract, which is easy to cause symptoms such as bloating and farting.

4. Do not eat with persimmons

The interval between sweet potatoes and persimmons should be at least 5 hours, because the sugar in sweet potatoes will promote gastric acid secretion, and will precipitate with the tannin and pectin in persimmons, resulting in insoluble hard lumps, which are easy to burden the stomach, and even cause gastrointestinal bleeding and gastric ulcers.

Japanese study: Eating sweet potatoes can not only kill 98% of cancer cells, but also lower blood sugar?

Sweet potatoes are a very common food around us, although there are many benefits, but it has not achieved such a miraculous effect as "anti-cancer", and you should pay more attention when eating sweet potatoes, and don't eat moldy and undercooked sweet potatoes.


[1] "Sweet potatoes can destroy 98.7% of cancer cells, is it true or false?The results of the study announced the answer", Science Sanmenxia 2023-11-17

[2] ""Eating Roasted Sweet Potatoes Can Lose Weight" and "Roasted Sweet Potatoes Cause Cancer", which is true?", Popular Science China 2023-09-09

[3] "People who often eat sweet potatoes will reap 5 major benefits for their bodies!, but if they don't eat it right in 4 cases, it will be bad for their health", Shanxi Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2022-10-20

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