
Yu Huiwen, the new vice minister of ecology and environment, once said that public complaints about environmental protection were a vote of confidence

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

According to the website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on April 11, Yu Huiwen served as Vice Minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. He was previously a member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Wanzhou District Party Committee.

According to public information, Yu Huiwen, male, Manchu, born in October 1968, from Suizhong, Liaoning Province, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1993, started working in July 1993, graduated from the Department of Chemistry of Liaoning University with a master's degree in inorganic chemistry, and graduated from the School of Resources and Civil Engineering of Northeastern University with a master's degree in mineral processing engineering.

Yu Huiwen worked in Liaoning Province for a long time in his early years until 2010, when he passed an open selection from the post of director of the Political and Legal Division of the General Office of the Shenyang Municipal Government and went to Sichuan Province to serve as the deputy director of the Environmental Protection Department. Since then, Yu Huiwen has formed an indissoluble bond with environmental protection.

When answering environmental protection questions, Yu Huiwen also showed the sincerity and humor of the Northeast people. During the two sessions in 2019, Yu Huiwen said in response to reporters' questions "Is Mrs. satisfied with the air quality" that Mrs. was satisfied with the air in Sichuan, but was not satisfied with his lack of housework. "I explained to my wife: 'You are in charge of the house, I am in charge of the sky.'" This sentence then exploded into hot searches.

Yu Huiwen, the new vice minister of ecology and environment, once said that public complaints about environmental protection were a vote of confidence

In 2019, Yu Huiwen participated in the national "two sessions" as a representative of the National People's Congress. Data map

Frankly admitting that there is nothing that cannot be said about environmental protection work, and public complaints are a vote of confidence

Yu Huiwen has an indissoluble bond with environmental protection. In 2009, Sichuan openly selected 28 leading cadres at the deputy department level, and Yu Huiwen, then director of the Political and Legal Department of the General Office of the Shenyang Municipal Government, passed the public election and was transferred to the deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Environmental Protection Department in 2010. In 2014, Yu Huiwen was transferred to Panzhihua. Two years later, Yu Huiwen returned to the Sichuan Provincial Environmental Protection Department and successively served as a member of the party group, deputy secretary and party secretary. After the institutional reform in 2018, he became the first director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment.

It is worth noting that when Yu Huiwen was working in the ecological environment system, he was under the greatest pressure on air pollution control. Some areas of Sichuan have also been named by the central environmental protection inspection team for insufficient efforts to prevent and control air pollution.

"My wife asked me at home if I could reduce the number and duration of smog this year. I explained for a long time, what is the parallel flow of the inversion layer and the atmosphere...... Mrs. said, if you don't come to the big reason, just say it's okay?" In the face of the haze problem, Yu Huiwen said that the air pollution control in the Chengdu Plain will be regarded as the province's "No. 1 environmental protection project" to effectively solve the people's "heart and lung problems". He also stressed that measures such as strict list management, joint prevention and control, and inviting experts and academicians to study and judge the situation in the province will be adopted, and the goal is that the number and duration of smog will be better than last year.

After nearly two years of governance, in 2018, Chengdu had 251 days of good air quality, ranking first among key cities in the country, completing the annual target set by the Sichuan Provincial Government 24 days ahead of schedule, and winning the United Nations Blue Sky Award for Pioneer Cities in the Global Green and Low-Carbon Field.

Engaged in environmental protection work for many years, Yu Huiwen also has his own set of "know-how" for environmental protection work. He summed up the "common formula" of pollutant control with "three medicines": prevent the accumulation of pollutants and "take medicine in advance" before the arrival of heavily polluted weather; strengthen regional joint prevention and control, coordinated operations, and "take medicine for all"; adhere to the principle of serious treatment of minor diseases, and under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, tighten up one level, implement emergency control of heavily polluted weather, and "increase the dose of medicine".

Yu Huiwen believes that the environmental protection department should be the first to do "supervision", auxiliary "helper", not "long-term work". "Standing a little higher, acting faster, for those work in the middle, the environmental protection department can temporarily stretch out their hands to prevent the work from falling to the ground, but according to the division of functions and responsibilities, in the end, who should do whom." ”

As for the environmental pollution problems that have arisen, Yu Huiwen practices the route of "dredging and not blocking" in practice. In 2017, on the eve of the arrival of the central environmental protection inspection team, car washes and restaurants in some places were closed. In response to the signs that appeared, Yu Huiwen found the local government leaders in charge and called it off overnight, and then Sichuan Province took the lead in issuing a document in the country to resolutely stop the "one-size-fits-all".

During his tenure as the director of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Environmental Protection, Yu Huiwen also presided over and participated in the "face-to-face symposium of the director of environmental protection". Before the meeting, Yu Huiwen publicly promised that "there are no restrictions on asking questions, no framework, and no routines", and he also answered real-time online questions from netizens on the spot.

Yu Huiwen has repeatedly admitted in public that there is nothing that cannot be said about environmental protection work. He also encourages the public to get involved in environmental protection and to report environmental damage in their daily lives. He has also posted his email address and welcomes everyone's comments on environmental issues. In an interview, he also revealed his original intention for this approach: the more the public trusts you, the more willing they are to report complaints, and a complaint is a vote of confidence, which is definitely a positive interaction.

He has made many unannounced visits to "scattered and polluted" enterprises, and has emphasized that the purpose of unannounced visits is to find out common problems

The words are relaxed and humorous, but when it comes to rectifying environmental problems, Yu Huiwen is resolute and resolute. He has repeatedly stressed that it is difficult to make it difficult for environmental protection "dishonest" enterprises to move an inch. The ecological environment department must be real and not afraid of offending people.

And this is not just empty words, he practiced it, in 2018, he made five secret visits to "scattered pollution" (enterprises), and he and the executive deputy secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection who is responsible for accountability and accountability joined forces to make secret visits to supervise, exert pressure, strengthen, and force cities and counties to implement their responsibilities, and also repeatedly visited whether the supervision problem is really rectified. Yu Huiwen stressed, "All localities must do a real job of the problems discovered, and if they are not rectified, they must be strictly investigated and dealt with when they are grasped. ”

In December 2019, after a large-scale exchange of officials from all over the country, Yu Huiwen left Sichuan, where he had worked for nearly ten years, and went to Chongqing to take up a post. He successively served as the secretary of the Dazu District Party Committee and the secretary of the Yubei District Party Committee. In May 2022, he was promoted to a member of the Standing Committee of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee. A month later, he concurrently served as the secretary of the Wanzhou District Party Committee. In October 2022, Yu Huiwen was elected as an alternate member of the 20th Central Committee.

After coming to Chongqing, Yu Huiwen also took environmental protection work as one of the priorities of his work, and brought the work style of field research to Chongqing. According to a report by People's Daily Online Chongqing in 2022, since 2018, Yu Huiwen has conducted more than 200 front-line investigations, often using weekends and holidays to go deep into grassroots enterprises and the masses.

In November 2021, Yu Huiwen went deep into some rivers, factories, wholesale markets, construction sites, villages, etc. in Yubei District, Chongqing, and made unannounced visits to supervise pollution prevention and control, epidemic prevention and control, safe production, and consolidation of poverty alleviation. A month later, he made an unannounced visit to supervise the passenger transport stations, farmers' markets, service windows, community positions and old residential areas in Yubei District.

Yu Huiwen said, "The purpose of unannounced inspection is to find out common problems, further analyze the crux of the problem, target policies, and promote the construction of civilized urban areas across the country in ordinary times and on a regular basis, so as to achieve long-term success and long-term effect." ”

During his tenure as a representative of the National People's Congress, he put forward more than 20 suggestions to promote the compilation of Dazu stone carvings into national textbooks

Yu Huiwen served as a deputy to the 13th National People's Congress. During his tenure, Yu Huiwen put forward more than 20 suggestions on environmental protection, economic development, culture and education, etc., and received replies from relevant state departments. During his tenure, he promoted the compilation of Dazu rock carvings into national textbooks and the approval of the first batch of airport-type national logistics hubs.

During the 2018 National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, from the perspective of environmental protection and energy security, Yu Huiwen proposed to speed up the reform of the energy structure, accelerate the clean and efficient use of coal, actively solve the problem of clean energy consumption, refine the supporting policies of "coal to gas" and "coal to electricity", and vigorously develop new energy vehicles. At the same time, in view of the factors such as the overall environmental integrity awareness and credit level of enterprises, and the existence of illegal and untrustworthy behaviors, it is recommended to further strengthen the construction of the environmental credit system.

In addition to environment-related issues, the inclusion of Dazu stone carvings in the national unified textbook is also due to one of his suggestions. During the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2020, Yu Huiwen suggested, "Write the profound cultural connotation of Dazu stone carvings into teaching materials, demonstrate our cultural self-confidence, and let more young people proudly tell Chinese stories and spread Chinese power, so that the world can understand Dazu stone carvings." In the same year, Yu Huiwen received feedback from the history textbook compilation team of the Ministry of Education, and compiled the Dazu stone carvings into the history textbooks issued by the state.

During the 2022 National "Two Sessions", Yu Huiwen focused on supporting the construction of Gaozhu New Area in Sichuan and Chongqing, and put forward four suggestions: policy support for land use in the new area, special fund support from the central government, and the inclusion of the intercity railway from Yubei to Guang'an in the national road network planning, and support for the new area to build a new energy vehicle manufacturing base, calling for support for the development of Gaozhu New Area jointly built by Sichuan and Chongqing provinces and cities.

Written by: Nandu reporter Wang Wei from Beijing

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