
The heads of leading liquor companies gathered at this meeting to decode the "key words" on the spot: rebuilding confidence, long-termism, and scientific and technological innovation

author:National Business Daily

Reporter: Huang Hai Editor: Wen Duo

Before the Guyu solar term, the "China Liquor T9 Summit" arrived as scheduled. On April 12, the "13th China Liquor T9 Summit" hosted by the China Liquor Industry Association was held in Taiyuan, Shanxi. This conference, which has attracted much attention inside and outside the industry, is regarded as a beacon guiding the future trend of the liquor industry.

The deep transformation of the industry, the impact of international brands, the differentiation of consumer demand, and the fluctuation of market confidence, Chinese liquor is facing new historical challenges. Under the current situation, how should China's liquor industry break through, and where will China's liquor industry go after the industry breaks 1 trillion yuan?

In response to various questions, at the summit, Song Shuyu, chairman of the China Liquor Industry Association, and the heads of many leading liquor companies gave their own answers. Among them, "rebuilding confidence", "scientific and technological innovation" and "long-termism" have become the keywords that have been mentioned many times.

The heads of leading liquor companies gathered at this meeting to decode the "key words" on the spot: rebuilding confidence, long-termism, and scientific and technological innovation

Image source: Screenshot of the WeChat article of "China Liquor Industry Association CADA".

Rebuild confidence

"Despite the difficulties, we still need to strengthen our confidence, and our confidence comes from the industry itself. At the summit, Song Shuyu, chairman of the China Liquor Industry Association, said.

Under the changing times, rebuilding confidence has almost become an important issue of concern for the whole industry.

In the view of Ding Xiongjun, chairman of Kweichow Moutai, the production capacity of liquor has declined in recent years, the overall dynamic sales of terminals have slowed down, and the industry's consumer confidence is insufficient. "Some people think that these problems are caused by the cyclical adjustment of the industry, but I think this is not a cyclical problem, but a problem of the times. ”

Dante Xiongjun also mentioned that Chinese liquor, as an important material carrier and cultural symbol, is a historical witness to the continuation of civilization and has been deeply integrated into the genes of the Chinese nation. It is these "unchanging" attributes that have built the foundation of the industry's confidence.

The heads of leading liquor companies gathered at this meeting to decode the "key words" on the spot: rebuilding confidence, long-termism, and scientific and technological innovation

Image source: Screenshot of the WeChat article of "China Liquor Industry Association CADA".

Zeng Congqin, chairman of Wuliangye Group and Joint Stock Company, also mentioned "unchanged". He believes: "Looking at Chinese liquor from the historical timeline, adjustment is a phased form, and growth is a long-term trend. The underlying logic of China's liquor development has not changed, the market demand has not changed, and the creative expression of a better life has not changed. ”

The heads of leading liquor companies gathered at this meeting to decode the "key words" on the spot: rebuilding confidence, long-termism, and scientific and technological innovation

Image source: Screenshot of the WeChat article of "China Liquor Industry Association CADA".

At this stage, this kind of confidence in "unchanged" is commendable. Liang Jinhui, chairman of Gujing Gongjiu, said bluntly: "Confidence is more important than gold. In today's environment, it is more important than ever to build confidence in the liquor industry. ”

Talking about the establishment of confidence in China's liquor industry, Zhang Liandong, chairman of Yanghe Co., Ltd., further analyzed from three dimensions: industry, industry and enterprise.

He believes that from the perspective of the industry, the "adjustment of industrial structure" has become the "main engine" leading the sustainable development of the industry; from the perspective of the industry, the coordinated development of China's liquor, with the industry as a link, the form of the industry community is effectively aggregated, and a three-dimensional industrial ecosystem is built; from the perspective of enterprises, China's liquor has seen a structural growth of "profit growth" greater than "income growth" and "income growth" is much greater than "output growth", indicating that the concentration of the industry is still further improving.

In Zhang Liandong's view, these facts prove that Chinese liquor can not only "fight", but also "resist fighting". In his speech, Zhang Liandong began with such a sentence: "Recalling the eventful years of the past, Chinese liquor 'is still strong after thousands of blows, and it is the wind from east to west, north and south', which has polished the background color for us to 'establish confidence'."


At this T9 Summit, long-termism has become a high-frequency word in the mouths of participating enterprise representatives.

Zeng Congqin said: "As a long-cycle industry, liquor must adhere to long-term value, take continuing to meet the people's needs for a better life as the starting point and end point, and find and find deterministic growth opportunities in providing more and better choices for people's high-quality life." ”

Zhang Liandong said: "The liquor industry is a 'long cycle, heavy assets', we need to adhere to long-termism, long-termism is the best choice to jump out of the current 'involution' competition, adhere to long-termism to win long-term development." ”

The heads of leading liquor companies gathered at this meeting to decode the "key words" on the spot: rebuilding confidence, long-termism, and scientific and technological innovation

Image source: Screenshot of the WeChat article of "China Liquor Industry Association CADA".

With the continuous optimization and upgrading of the consumption structure, green, digital, young and international have become the issues of the times for Chinese wine companies. Whether the above questions can be answered well determines whether China's wine industry can achieve high-quality and sustainable development.

At this summit, the leading wine companies gave their own thoughts.

Ding Xiongjun believes that the sustainable development of China's liquor industry can be achieved with "aesthetics" as the key, and the problem can be solved from the three dimensions of "people", "space" and "time". The first is to break the problem from "people", and the core is the cultivation of consumers. In this regard, Ding Xiongjun believes that first, we must improve the sense of identity of drinking culture, second, we must improve the awareness of liquor technology, and third, we must improve the cultivation of consumer groups.

As for how to solve the problem from "space" and "time", he believes that it is necessary to focus on solving the problem of scenes, and the core of the two lies in the creation of consumption scenes and the cultivation of consumption habits and lifestyles.

For the new era of liquor, Zeng Congqin believes that liquor companies should find growth opportunities from the upgrading of quality consumption, the change of core groups, the evolution of drinking preferences, the expansion of market boundaries, and industrial transformation and upgrading.

He said that famous liquor companies should focus on key areas and key links to carry out value creation actions based on the perspective of long-term value, continue to promote the development of the liquor industry in the direction of "upward", "excellent" and "green", continue to shape and give birth to new development momentum, promote the value center of the entire industry to move upward, and lead the industry through the cycle.

Scientific and technological innovation

At present, the country's economy is in a period of transition. Ding Xiongjun believes that the changes of the times have brought new challenges, but also new opportunities.

In this context, technology and innovation have become the core topics of the whole industry.

In Liang Jinhui's view, in the face of the changing needs of consumers, Chinese liquor, as a traditional industry, must be based on tradition, uphold integrity and innovation, and be good at developing and using new quality productivity.

What is integrity and innovation?

Liang Jinhui explained: "Use new technologies to solve old problems, use new technologies to empower quality improvement, promote science and technology to strengthen enterprises, accelerate intelligent upgrading, and actively use Internet of Things technology, computer technology and big data analysis to promote the upgrading of liquor practice and enterprise management, promote the liquor industry to be at the forefront of industrial upgrading, and consolidate the foundation for high-quality development." ”

The heads of leading liquor companies gathered at this meeting to decode the "key words" on the spot: rebuilding confidence, long-termism, and scientific and technological innovation

Image source: Screenshot of the WeChat article of "China Liquor Industry Association CADA".

In recent years, scientific and technological innovation has become one of the important starting points for the upgrading of the liquor industry.

Liu Miao, chairman of Luzhou Laojiao, said bluntly: science and technology are the primary productive forces of the liquor industry, and liquor enterprises are to grasp science and technology to grasp development, and to seek innovation is to seek the future. In the historical period of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, scientific and technological innovation plays a key leading role in the high-quality development of the liquor industry.

In Liu Miao's view, it can be divided into three dimensions: one is to strengthen the construction of the platform, the second is to accelerate innovation research, and the third is to accelerate the transformation of achievements.

The heads of leading liquor companies gathered at this meeting to decode the "key words" on the spot: rebuilding confidence, long-termism, and scientific and technological innovation

Image source: Screenshot of the WeChat article of "China Liquor Industry Association CADA".

Liu Miao believes that with the advent of the era of Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence, accelerating the digital transformation of the liquor industry has become a compulsory course for Chinese liquor to build new quality productivity. Digital intelligence can empower the marketing, production and management of enterprises.

Coincidentally, Zeng Congqin gave a similar view, he said that it is necessary to promote the joint construction of standards, model co-creation and experience sharing of "intelligent transformation and digital transformation" in the wine industry, play a good role in leading and demonstrating, adhere to the combination of tradition and innovation, and actively use a new generation of information technology to promote production efficiency improvement, management process optimization and business model innovation, and improve the total factor productivity of the industry.

National Business Daily

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