
Detailed preparation method of mash


1. Soak rice

Take an appropriate amount of glutinous rice and rinse it, add water to more than 3cm of glutinous rice, and soak it for at least 3 hours.

Detailed preparation method of mash

2. Steamed rice

Add an appropriate amount of water to the steamer, pad a cloth in the steamer basket, drain the glutinous rice, use chopsticks to insert some holes in the rice to breathe, turn on high heat for about 20 minutes until the rice is cooked through.

Detailed preparation method of mash

3. Cooling

Prepare a clean container, spread out the steamed glutinous rice and let it cool naturally.

Note: The rice should be cold, otherwise the mash made is easy to sour.

Detailed preparation method of mash

4. Use boiling water to blanch the utensils needed for production, disinfect and sterilize.

Detailed preparation method of mash

5, take an appropriate amount of koji, press into a powder, the finer the better.

Detailed preparation method of mash
Detailed preparation method of mash

6, cool the boiling water in advance, according to the proportion of the amount needed to make mash.

Note: The water temperature should be lower than 30 ° C, otherwise the mash made is easy to sour.

Detailed preparation method of mash

7, add water to the cooled glutinous rice, sprinkle into the koji, use a utensil (I am here a small shovel) to mix evenly, after mixing the rice is one grain at a time, you can not see the excess water.

Note: After mixing, it is too soft and too thin, otherwise the mash is sour and not sweet.

Detailed preparation method of mash
Detailed preparation method of mash
Detailed preparation method of mash

8: Put the mixed rice into a container, gently smooth the surface, insert a small hole with chopsticks in the middle, cover the lid or cover with plastic wrap.

Detailed preparation method of mash
Detailed preparation method of mash
Detailed preparation method of mash

10. Insulation fermentation

Put the packed glutinous rice into the incubator fermentation, room temperature above 28 ° C can be directly fermented at room temperature, below 25 ° C need to be heated, fermentation for about 30 hours can see the middle hole has wine juice, open can smell the strong aroma of rice wine, taste sweet taste to do mash.

Note: The fermentation temperature is higher than 32 ° C, and the mash will be sour.

Detailed preparation method of mash

Place in an incubator

Detailed preparation method of mash

When you're done, see how the finished product is.

Detailed preparation method of mash

The glutinous rice has floated up, and underneath is the rice wine.

Detailed preparation method of mash

11. Save

Refrigerate for about two months in the summer, and can be stored at room temperature in the winter, and it will be sore and bitter for too long.

Long-term preservation is recommended to "press sugar" on the mash, brown sugar, rock sugar, white sugar can be, according to their own taste put an appropriate amount of sugar on the surface of the mash, can extend the shelf life.

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