
Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

author:Guilin Literary Society

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Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

The January wind was bitter, and the land was covered in snow. However, on this day that should have been peaceful and peaceful, something happened that shocked and saddened countless people - the once radiant and high-profile genius Ge Yao Beina left us suddenly, only 33 years old.

This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, and it shattered the hearts of those closest to her. Yao Beina's father, Yao Feng, and mother, Li Xinmin, couldn't believe it was the truth when they received the bad news.

They have always been proud of their daughter's music career and have hoped to one day see her become a world-renowned music superstar. But just when her daughter's career was taking off and her life was the most exciting, fate in the dark ruthlessly took away her young life.

The grief-stricken Yao's father and mother fell to the ground on the spot, and tears of pain could not stop flowing. Yao Feng hugged his wife tightly, and the two of them hugged their heads and cried, and the wailing shook the earth, as if they wanted to vent all the grief in their hearts.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

On one or two occasions, they even fainted from excessive grief, completely drowning in tears and grief.

At that time, they couldn't imagine how their lives would continue in the future, and their hearts were as painful as pins and needles. Yao Beina is not only their most precious daughter, but also the most important pride in life, and her music career is like the biggest epitome of Yao's father and mother's hard life.

The thought of never hearing their daughter's touching singing voice again, and never seeing her high-spirited on stage again, the parents were in pain.

It wasn't until later, when Yao's father and mother learned of their daughter's deathbed decision, that they slowly freed themselves from their grief. It turned out that at the last moment of her life, Yao Beina entrusted her beloved father to sign an organ donation agreement on her behalf, bequeathing a part of her precious body to others who needed it more.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

This touching spirit of generosity and great love brought tears to the eyes of Yao's father and mother, and they realized that their daughter's life was immortal and her soul was immortal.

Since then, although Yao Beina has been gone for more than a decade, her parents have gradually come out of the haze of losing a loved one. Every year on this day, they see countless fans who have been crazy about Yao Beina spontaneously organize commemorative activities and offer their most sincere condolences in front of her statue.

With this plot, Yao's father and Yao's mother are even more sure that their daughter's life will never go far and will always live in the hearts of the world.

Back one day in December 2014, Yao Beina received the most cruel sentence in her life. During a routine check-up, the doctor told her with a solemn face that her once-cured breast cancer had returned, and this time the situation was even more serious, and the cancer had spread throughout the body.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

Yao Beina, who was in her early thirties, was in despair, knowing that her life would be severely shortened. She should have a bright future, but now she has to face the situation that she may be robbed of her life at any time.

This news was tantamount to a heavy blow that tore Yao Beina's heart apart.

What is even more distressing is that although doctors repeatedly persuaded Yao Beina to undergo chemotherapy to prolong her life, she firmly refused. This woman, who once defeated the disease with her tenacious will, has lost hope of living at this moment.

She knew that chemotherapy would only aggravate her body's pain, so she might as well make the most of the time she had left and enjoy the last bit of life.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

In retrospect, Yao Beina's relationship with cancer can be traced back to three years ago in 2011. That year, she was in her early 24s and her career was on the rise, but she was found to have a lump in her left breast during a routine physical examination.

At that time, Yao Beina was still young and vigorous, how could she be willing to be dragged down by the disease? With the support and encouragement of her parents, she temporarily put aside her career and resolutely underwent surgery to remove her left breast.

Although she had to continue the long chemotherapy process after the operation, the hope of returning to the stage again gave her the courage to regain her life.

However, this difficult road against cancer did not end there, and during the long chemotherapy period, Yao Beina was in a desperate situation and wanted to give up treatment several times. It was the spiritual support and selfless love of her parents that allowed her to go through this darkest time of her life.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

What's even more touching is that Yao Beina grew up in an art family since she was born. Her father, Yao Feng, is a well-known vocal educator in Wuhan, and her mother, Li Xinmin, is an excellent singer and dancer.

It was under the influence of her parents that Yao Beina loved music since she was a child and showed extraordinary talent, which also laid the foundation for her later achievements in music.

Travel back in time to the distant past, back to Yao Beina's childhood. On that sunny morning, the 4-year-old was sitting in front of the piano, her small body could not completely hide its massity.

As the melodious sound of the piano sounded, Yao Beina couldn't help humming along with the rhythm of the notes, although her voice was immature, it had begun to show its edge.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

The parents Yao Feng and Li Xinmin on the side saw it in their eyes, and they were extremely relieved. As a descendant of an artistic family, Yao Beina was born with all expectations on her shoulders. They are fortunate to witness their daughter's extraordinary musical talent, and they are determined to nurture and nourish this talent so that Yao Beina can perform her unique skills and shine in the future.

Since then, Yao's father and Yao's mother have hired professional musicians to teach 4-year-old Yao Beina, and personally supervised her daily practice. Although it may be a bit difficult for a child, Yao Beina is unusually dedicated.

She seems to have been born with the inner beauty of music, and her singing is full of innocent happiness.

In this way, under the careful care of her family, Yao Beina gradually integrated music into all aspects of her life. At the age of 9, this opportunity finally came! At a school art show, Yao Beina performed independently on stage for the first time.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

At a young age, she has already performed the songs with practice makes perfect, and her superb performance made the audience amazed.

"This kid will definitely be able to do a lot in the future!" Many seniors at the scene praised it. This praise is undoubtedly like the best wish for Yao Beina's future, and it strengthens her determination to work hard.

Sure enough, in the ardent expectations of Yao's father and Yao's mother, Yao Beina was admitted to the High School Affiliated to Wuhan Conservatory of Music in one fell swoop with her extraordinary talent and solid basic skills.

It was undoubtedly a blessing for her to be able to become a musician, but fate seemed to have arranged otherwise.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

In school, Yao Beina's mentor happened to be her father Yao Feng. As a vocal educator, Yao Feng's requirements for his daughter can be described as 100% strict. In class, he was even stricter with Yao Beina than other classmates, and his teaching attitude was almost ruthless, completely putting aside the family factor.

For a while, Yao Beina even doubted whether she was really his biological daughter.

However, it is this strict teaching that has trained Yao Beina's excellent basic skills to be able to stand out from the crowd in the future. Under her father's expectations and requirements, she gradually became accustomed to the calmness and steadiness of performing on stage, laying a solid foundation for standing on the stage in the future.

After her father's strict professional training in middle school, Yao Beina has already laid a solid foundation in music. Sure enough, she was admitted to the Vocal Music Department of the China Conservatory of Music of her dream school with excellent results in the college entrance examination, and officially embarked on the road of music.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

After entering the university, Yao Beina worked hard like never before. Whenever she sings, she can always perfectly show the inner meaning of the song, and perfectly penetrate the emotions into the beautiful singing voice.

And this outstanding talent and outstanding interpretation ability also made every tutor in the college praise her, and praised her as a "rare" existence.

Soon after graduating from university, Yao Beina ushered in the beginning of her career. At that time, China's first large-scale original musical "Jinsha" was carefully selecting actors for the role of the protagonist "Jin", and in the end, Yao Beina's outstanding performance made her the best candidate for the production team, and won this heavyweight role in one fell swoop.

With her superb performance in this drama, Yao Beina then appeared in major competitions and variety shows one after another, winning wide attention. The following year, she won the runner-up of the National Young Singer Competition, although she did not win the highest honor, but she was not discouraged, but calmed down to accumulate experience, and was fully prepared for the next championship.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In 2007, after more than 20 years of perseverance and hard work, Yao Beina finally fulfilled her dream of appearing on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

This is one of the highest honors in life for any singer. She joined hands with the popular singer Sha Baoliang to perform the classic golden song "Beautiful Legend", which pushed the atmosphere of the audience to a climax.

Since then, Ms. Yao's fame has spread like wildfire.

Three years later, in 2010, in order to make up for the regret of missing the championship in the last Youth Song Competition, Yao Beina temporarily took off the "treasure knife" and went all out to prepare for the competition again.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

This time, she finally performed the finale "Sun and Moon Volley" perfectly on the stage of the Youth Song Competition, and her superb skills made the judges on the scene all applauded, and they gave a high evaluation of 100 points, and finally she successfully ascended the throne and won the crown.

This glory is undoubtedly the most important turning point in Yao Beina's career. With this victory, she was finally able to release her first solo album "Too Late", which topped the major music charts as soon as it came out.

For the former "Yao Beina", this honor could not be more valuable.

On the road of music, Yao Beina can be said to be a winner. As early as when she was a student, she was already one of the top stars on campus, and frequently won championships in various competitions and competitions.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

These fruitful results all indicate that she will shine in the future.

Sure enough, after graduating from college, Yao Beina did not stop there, but stepped on a higher stage. In addition to starring in the oratorio "Golden Sands" and winning acclaim, she also performed with the popular tenor Dai Yuqiang, whose vocals intertwined brilliant sparks on stage, becoming another classic moment in her career after "Golden Sands".

What's even more amazing is that Yao Beina also participated in the recording of the theme song and ending song of the popular drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan" that year. This drama was in the limelight back then, and it had a huge impact across the country.

Being able to participate in it in person is undoubtedly the highest affirmation of Yao Beina's strength and weight.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

However, in her long acting career, the most memorable and proudest thing is her two appearances on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. As the top stage of Chinese attention in China and even around the world, every time I can stand there and sing, it is equivalent to the highest affirmation of strength.

In retrospect, the Spring Festival Gala stage in those years was definitely the highlight of Yao Beina's career. Every time she stepped on the stage, her face was always full of confidence and pride.

The singing voice is loud and powerful, and the aura is full of aura, as if to attract the attention of the audience to himself. Even in the last moments, this desire and pursuit of the stage has never stopped.

According to the memories of the staff around her, as long as there is an opportunity to perform, whether it is a large-scale commercial concert or a small concert, Yao Beina will go all out to devote herself to it and will never slack off.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

This dedication to her music career is a powerful source of motivation for her to sing all the way.

Of course, Yao Beina's ability to achieve such brilliant achievements is not only due to her own excellent strength, but also because she was born with an extraordinary fate. Throughout her career, she has always pursued her ideals with perseverance and perseverance, and has never given up halfway.

This created her brilliant and shining life.

Looking back suddenly, a full 10 years have passed since Yao Beina's death. In the past 10 years, time has flown by, time flies, but her aura and figure before her death are still living in the memories of countless people, shining brightly.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

Every year on this day, many of Yao's loyal fans organize their own commemoration activities, either by laying wreaths in front of her statue to remember her life, or by sharing precious images and stories related to Yao Beina online.

These remembrance activities all reflect their endless attachment and indelible feelings for this proud son of the sky.

There was a time when Yao's father and Yao's mother couldn't look directly at the mobile phone screen and TV, for fear of inadvertently seeing their daughter's figure and crumbling again. But as the years passed, they gradually accepted the cruel fact of losing their loved ones, and slowly walked out of that haze in these heart-warming activities of fans.

Indeed, Yao Beina was already a household name and a highly regarded star when she was alive. Her song "Beautiful Legend" and a musical "Golden Sands" have spread her light far and wide and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

What's even more commendable is that she also participated in the recording of the theme song and ending song of the hit drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which led the trend that year, which can be described as a story through the ages.

All of this has created Yao Beina's radiant and immortal music legend.

Before her death, Yao Beina was tireless and unreserved in her music career. Even in the last days of her life, when doctors ruled that she was powerless, she still refused chemotherapy, preferring to live her limited life to the fullest without worry.

In the end, she made a moving choice - to donate her body, so that her life can continue after she leaves, and bring hope to those in need.

Yao Beina: Ten years after her death, the persistence of her parents is moving, what happened to them

Today, when we look back on Yao Beina's musical life, her glorious image of appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala twice will surely shine and be unforgettable. And her inspiring story of donation will also make people respect this once humble and innocent soul.

In this way, Yao Beina will live forever in our memories and become an immortal spiritual idol and an eternal inspirational model for the new generation of musicians.

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