
Director Guo's high-value beauty secrets, netizens: I want to go to heaven!

author:Xingwen wants to say


The business wizard attacked again, and Guo Jingming's "SHISPACE Shezuo" became a new favorite

Guo Jingming, a multi-faceted public figure, has once again expanded his business with the opening of a beauty shop called "SHISPACE" in the heart of Shanghai's Jing'an district. From a writer's corner to the spotlight, he always seems to have his finger on the pulse of business opportunities with ease. In just three months after opening, this new beauty shop has stepped on the rhythm of fashion and jumped to the top of the "Shanghai Beauty/SPA Hot List" on

Director Guo's high-value beauty secrets, netizens: I want to go to heaven!

Not all literary and artistic young people can have a keen business acumen, but Guo Jingming seems to be an exception. Although he himself only appears once or twice a year in the store like a high-end work of art, it is enough to make "SHISPACE Shesaku" the focus of heated discussions among the media and fans. The staff revealed to reporters on the phone that since the opening, Guo Jingming's figure has been as rare as the limited edition skin care products in his store, which has caught people off guard and made people unsatisfied.

The price tag behind each serving of beauty

You may need to prepare your own wallet before entering "SHISPACE Shezuo", as each customer spends up to 1,500 yuan per person, and this price has also sparked heated discussions about the store's service and value. The interior design and services of the store exude an unusual temperament, and it seems that Guo Jingming has carefully planned a series of small art exhibitions for customers. Consumers reacted differently, with some praising the value for money and others gently shaking their heads after weighing their wallets.

Director Guo's high-value beauty secrets, netizens: I want to go to heaven!

Everything about "SHISPACE" is different, from color testing to personalized consulting, reflecting its unique business philosophy. It is reported that relying on the color test project alone, the store earned 700,000 yuan in three months. This figure caused an uproar on the Internet, and netizens joked that if color testing could make so much money, they would also want to change industries.


Why "you can laugh, but you can't question"

As for Guo Jingming's aesthetics, it has always been a hot topic of public discussion. The glittering "Little Times" series of movies has made him controversial, but it has also made him a loyal fan. Netizens have mixed reviews of his films, but they generally recognize his aesthetics, and some even joke that they may just not have reached a level to understand his aesthetics. On Weibo, #郭敬明开新店人均消费1500元#这样的话题总是能引发一阵热烈的讨论, some people laughed that Guo Jingming's aesthetic may be "beautiful by selling at a high price".

Director Guo's high-value beauty secrets, netizens: I want to go to heaven!

Guo Jingming's talent and aesthetics are regarded by many netizens as one of the best in the circle. No matter how many labels he has: writer, director, editor...... He always seems to have found his way in controversy. Even his interview quotations were dug up by netizens, lamenting his foresight. Some netizens left a message saying that his life is like a script directed by himself, from a supporting role to a protagonist, such a life plot, I don't know how many people can last to the last scene.

The value of the beautiful moment under the lens is not in the label

On social media, Guo Jingming's fans showcased many of his moments, each one exuding a unique charm. No matter what the purpose of creating these moments, the resulting result is always well received by netizens. But the high price always makes people wonder, is it the power of aesthetics, or the blessing of fame?

Director Guo's high-value beauty secrets, netizens: I want to go to heaven!

The discussion of price is obviously a double-edged sword, perhaps as a netizen said in the comments: "Mr. Guo Jingming's 'artwork' does not care whether you can afford it, but whether you know how to appreciate it." In the face of such a point of view, netizens may have a heated debate, but it is undeniable that Guo Jingming defines what is called value and beauty in his way.



Guo Jingming always seems to be at ease. You might be dismissive of his films, but you can only marvel at his business acumen. You can have a different opinion about a commercial project like "SHISPACE", but it has become a successful phenomenon.

Director Guo's high-value beauty secrets, netizens: I want to go to heaven!

Guo Jingming's business expansion is like his personal brand, glamorous and controversial. But no matter what the world says, his stories have become part of modern urban life. Regarding Guo Jingming's career, perhaps everyone can speak freely in the comment area, while enjoying the fun of gossip, and paying tribute to this versatile public figure.

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