
Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

author:Food warms the home

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

It is said that "if you do not raise children, you do not know the grace of your parents", and I believe that everyone who has become a parent has a deep feeling for this sentence.

Since having children at home, parents have really broken their hearts. From taking care of the child's meal and sleeping to tutoring the child to learn, nothing can be neglected.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

For parents, raising children is very tiring, but this tiredness is also very worthwhile. Many times, parents watch their children grow day by day, watch them happy, that kind of happiness, really like the sunshine of the whole world shines on their bodies.

Every parent hopes that their children can grow up safely and healthily, in order to make their lives more comfortable, parents are also working hard to make money and make their children eat well and dress well.

There is not much choice for children who read in this regard, after all, children who read books must wear school uniforms. However, in terms of eating, it is very worrying, especially after the weather is getting hotter and hotter, most children have begun to dislike eating, hard-working dishes, they eat a few bites and do not eat, which makes many parents very annoyed.

In fact, it is normal for people's appetite to decline due to hot weather, whether it is a child or an adult, so parents do not have to be angry. However, in order to let the child have a healthy body, it is still appropriate to adjust the child's diet.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

If you want your child to eat more in the summer, you need to make some appetizing and nutritious cold dishes, and you need to choose the ingredients that children like to do, for example, jellyfish head is very good, its taste is like hoof tendons, very strong, and easy to digest, the jellyfish head is cold mixed, made into a sweet and sour taste, very appetizing, children will love to eat.

Today, Xiaobian will share this "cold sauce jellyfish head" method to everyone, after learning, may wish to make a plate for children to taste, I believe that children will love this dish.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

Jellyfish head is the tentacle part of jellyfish, rich in nutrients, thick flesh, has heat and phlegm, is beneficial to diseases such as tracheitis and asthma, and has the effect of dusting and clearing the stomach, so if you are worried about the quality of the air, you can also eat more jellyfish heads.

【Dish name】Cold sauce jellyfish head

【Required ingredients】Jellyfish head Aged vinegar Sugar Coriander Garlic Monosodium glutamate Sesame oil Millet pepper / bell pepper

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

Step 1: Wash the jellyfish head you bought, soak it in water for three hours, and remove the salt from the jellyfish head.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

Step 2: Boil a pot of hot water and blanch the soaked jellyfish head in a pot for no more than a minute. A few drops of cooking oil can be poured into the pan to increase the luminosity of the jellyfish head. After blanching, remove the jellyfish head and drain it.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

Step 3: Put the drained jellyfish head into the pot, add the coriander segments, the appropriate amount of aged vinegar, sugar, sesame oil and MONOSG, and stir well.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

Step 4: Put the chopped millet pepper/bell pepper into the pot and continue stirring.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

Step 5: Add minced garlic, at this time you can taste the taste, according to your own taste, the various seasonings are appropriately increased or decreased.

Don't like to eat when it's hot? Try this sweet and sour "sweet and sour jellyfish head"

Step 6: Spread the cucumber slices or lettuce on a plate for decoration, and then put the mixed jellyfish head on top.

Now, this cold sauce jellyfish head is ready, this dish is sweet and sour, appetizing and relieving the heat, the jellyfish head is full of strength, whether it is with rice or pasta, it is very suitable, after the child tastes, the amount of rice will increase significantly, parents must try to do it themselves after learning.


Jellyfish heads themselves have a certain salt content, so you don't need to put salt when mixing cold.

If it is for adults, this dish can be refrigerated a little in the refrigerator and the taste will be more refreshing.

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