
Revealing the secret of Li Bai: "You Should Be Like Li Bai for a Long Wind and Waves" tells you more unknown stories of poets and immortals

author:Vanilla beads

Li Bai, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty, is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his uninhibited and talented image. His life is full of legends, and even in difficult times, he still maintains the passion and innocence of a teenager.

The book "You Should Be Like Li Bai Riding the Wind and Waves" recited by Zhu Weidong is written by Peng Er, a Hunan poet, written by Peng Er, a Hunan person, and recited by Zhu Weidong, through simple words, with exquisite illustrations and book design, to show readers the panorama of the life of the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. This work is not only a record of Li Bai's life, but also a feast for the eyes and soul.

Revealing the secret of Li Bai: "You Should Be Like Li Bai for a Long Wind and Waves" tells you more unknown stories of poets and immortals

The book cover is cleverly designed, using leather-textured paper, and the upper part is printed in large characters in purple red block letters, "You should be like Li Bai Changfeng and waves", the font is strong and powerful, which is impressive. Below is the painter Fu Shu's national style painting "Youth and Moonlight", which depicts the fairy robe fluttering of the ancient style boy vividly, making people feel as if they are in Li Bai's romantic and unrestrained era.

The opening two sentences "Wake up, spread your wings, Li Bai invites you to soar to 90,000 miles." does not take the usual path, will always be a teenager, and live a chic life like Li Taibai", which is enough to arouse the reader's yearning for freedom, adventure and true life. This is not only a preface, but also an expectation and call to readers, hoping that everyone can be like Li Bai, bravely pursue their dreams and not be bound by reality.

Revealing the secret of Li Bai: "You Should Be Like Li Bai for a Long Wind and Waves" tells you more unknown stories of poets and immortals

The book depicts in detail Li Bai's love for the moon. From "the bright moonlight in front of the bed" to "raising a glass to invite the bright moon", the moon plays a variety of roles in Li Bai's poems: whether it is a symbol of homesickness, or a consolation when lonely, or the object of philosophical discussion. Through these poems, we see a Li Bai with a rich inner world and deep emotions.

When discussing Li Bai's travel complex, the book points out that his footprints are all over the land of China, from "the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky" to "The Ballad of Lushan", the great rivers and mountains are in full view, and he has left an indelible mark in his poems. His travel is not just for sightseeing, but also a process of finding oneself and realizing one's self-worth.

Revealing the secret of Li Bai: "You Should Be Like Li Bai for a Long Wind and Waves" tells you more unknown stories of poets and immortals

The desire for heroic dreams is reflected in Li Bai's chivalrous spirit. The image of a chivalrous man in his dreams is active in poems, such as "Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles without leaving a line". This dream of heroism made him show a heroic feeling of fighting the world in his life.

At the same time, the book also explains in detail Li Bai's belief in Taoism and the attitude of birth and the pursuit of immortality that it embodies. He traveled all over the world, looking for famous mountains and rivers, not only to appreciate the beauty of nature, but also to find a kind of spiritual home and detachment.

Revealing the secret of Li Bai: "You Should Be Like Li Bai for a Long Wind and Waves" tells you more unknown stories of poets and immortals

Of course, it is impossible not to mention Li Bai's indissoluble bond with wine. "Will enter the wine, the glass will not stop" shows the true portrayal of his pride in the wine. Wine plays an important role in Li Bai's life, as a medium for him to express his emotions freely, and a way for him to forget the troubles of the world and achieve spiritual freedom.

Finally, the book explores Li Bai's amorous nature. His love was not limited to his family and friends, but also extended to ordinary people, and even to his pet horses. His poems are full of emotion and thoughts about the people and things he encounters in his life, allowing us to see a soft heart and rich sensibility Li Bai.

Revealing the secret of Li Bai: "You Should Be Like Li Bai for a Long Wind and Waves" tells you more unknown stories of poets and immortals

In short, "You Should Be Like Li Bai in the Wind and Waves" is a book worth cherishing. It not only showcases the beauty of Li Bai's poetry, but also provides readers with a visual feast through exquisite design and illustrations.

You should be like Li Bai Changfeng Waves Hunan Peng Er The joys and sorrows of the eight circumstances of the poet immortal Life ¥59.8 Buy

This book is an in-depth interpretation of Li Bai's life and poetry, showing us a real, flesh-and-blood, and passionate Li Bai. By reading this book, we can have a deeper understanding of Li Bai's poetry, as well as Li Bai's person, as well as his love for life and pursuit of dreams.

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