
Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

author:Sharp-eyed life

On a sunny autumn afternoon, Aunt Zhang sat on the balcony of her house, enjoying a leisurely time after retirement.

However, lately she has been feeling dry eyes and dizzy from time to time.

She knew that this might be the reason why her body began to decline as she got older. One day, an old friend, Uncle Li, came to visit, and the two chatted about the topic of health.

When Aunt Zhang mentioned that she was unwell, Uncle Li smiled and recommended, "Why don't you try chrysanthemum tea? I drink it every day, and it's good for my eyes and body." ”

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

Chrysanthemum, a famous flower with a history of more than 3,000 years, has been loved by people since ancient times.

Every autumn, a grand chrysanthemum exhibition is held in various places, attracting thousands of tourists.

And people's love for chrysanthemums is not only because of its beauty and strong character.

More importantly, chrysanthemum is widely used in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and health care because of its unique effect on human health.

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that chrysanthemums have the pure qi of heaven and earth, the elite of gold water, and are full of dew and frost, and are affected by the four qi, so they can be good at clearing the scorching wind and heat, calming the liver and brightening the eyes, clearing heat and detoxifying.

This point is not unfounded, but has a deep theoretical and practical foundation in TCM.

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

In daily life, making a cup of chrysanthemum tea can not only reduce fire and dryness, but also protect the eyes and relieve fatigue, which has a good relieving effect on the symptoms of dry eyes and dizziness like Aunt Zhang.

Not only that, but modern medical research has also confirmed the medicinal value of chrysanthemums.

Chrysanthemum contains volatile oils, flavonoids, amino acids, trace elements and other components that are beneficial to the human body.

These ingredients give chrysanthemum a unique medicinal value, making it effective in the prevention and treatment of symptoms such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and serum cholesterol.


Medicinal chrysanthemums are mainly divided into two types: wild chrysanthemum and chrysanthemum.

01, Household Chrysanthemum

Among the family chrysanthemums, the Hang Bai Chrysanthemum and Hangzhou Yellow Chrysanthemum in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province are the most famous.

The petals of white chrysanthemum are thick, the taste is mellow and luscious, it is known for nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes, especially suitable for making tea drinking, and has a good effect on headache, dizziness, dizziness and other symptoms;

Yellow chrysanthemum, on the other hand, has a slightly bitter taste, but has a stronger heat-clearing power, and is often used for the treatment of symptoms such as cold and fever, wind and fire, red eyes, hot boils, and boils.

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

02, Wild Chrysanthemum

In addition, wild chrysanthemums also have their unique medicinal properties. It is bitter and cold, similar in appearance to chrysanthemums, but has a stronger power to clear heat and detoxify. Wild chrysanthemum is mostly used for the treatment of symptoms such as clearing heat and detoxifying, lowering blood pressure, relieving itching and treating sores.

However, because wild chrysanthemums are more bitter and cold than chrysanthemums, wild chrysanthemums are generally not used in health care, but are more mild and suitable for long-term drinking.

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled


In addition to soaking in water alone, chrysanthemums can also be combined with other ingredients to exert a more excellent health effect. Here are five "golden partners" that complement chrysanthemums:

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

01. Chrysanthemums and hawthorns

Hawthorn has the effect of strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite, dissolving turbidity and lowering lipids, and soaking in water with chrysanthemum can not only help reduce body fat accumulation and lower blood pressure, but also make people feel refreshed and refreshed.

Especially for people like Aunt Zhang who are a little older and their physical functions are beginning to decline, hawthorn chrysanthemum tea is undoubtedly a healthy and delicious drink choice.

02, chrysanthemums and cassia seeds

Cassia can clear the liver and eyes, moisten the intestines and laxative, and soak it in water with chrysanthemum, which can relieve symptoms such as dizziness and dizziness caused by hyperactivity of liver yang, headache and fever caused by cold.

This combination not only has a unique taste and remarkable effect, but also has a good health care effect for people who often use their eyes and overuse their eyes.

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

03. Chrysanthemums and mulberry leaves

Mulberry leaves can evacuate wind heat, release lung heat, moisten the lungs and relieve cough, and with chrysanthemum soaked in water to prevent or alleviate cough and fever in the early stage of wind heat cold.

This combination is not only refreshing, sweet and delicious, but also has a good prevention and treatment effect for people who are prone to colds at the turn of the season.

04. Chrysanthemums and wolfberries

Goji berries can nourish the liver, protect the liver, brighten the eyes and calm the nerves, and soak in water with chrysanthemums to reduce the burden on the liver more effectively, relieve eye fatigue or dry eyes.

This combination is not only nutritious and effective, but also a very good health drink for people who often stay up late and use their eyes too much.

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

05. Chrysanthemums and honey

Honey has the effect of tonifying the middle and relieving urgency, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, moistening the intestines and laxative, and drinking with chrysanthemum with water to drink sweet and fragrant, refreshing the heart and spleen, can clear heat and detoxify, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes, and has obvious effects on symptoms such as chest tightness and palpitations, dizziness and headache, numbness of the limbs.

However, it should be noted that diabetics, people with spleen and stomach deficiency and people with allergies should use or avoid using honey chrysanthemum tea with caution.

Through these rich and diverse collocation, we can see the wide application and profound heritage of chrysanthemum in health care.

Soak in water with 5 flavors of "golden partner" to drink, and the health effect may be doubled

Whether soaked in water alone or used in combination with other ingredients, chrysanthemums can exert their unique medicinal value and health effects.

Therefore, middle-aged and elderly friends may wish to try to integrate chrysanthemums into daily drinks, enjoy health and wellness at the same time, and taste this natural gift!

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