
Experience the charm of science and technology This group of primary school students participated in the "Dream Building Aerospace" science popularization activity

On the afternoon of April 10, 30 students from the No. 10 Primary School in Hongshan District, Wuhan participated in the 2024 Joint Action of the Modern Science and Technology Museum System - "Building Dreams of Aerospace" theme science popularization activity. The event aims to stimulate students' interest in scientific and technological exploration, let them experience the charm of science first-hand, and deeply understand the great impact of scientific and technological progress on modern life.

Experience the charm of science and technology This group of primary school students participated in the "Dream Building Aerospace" science popularization activity

China's space industry has gone through more than 60 years and has made brilliant achievements that have attracted the attention of the world. In this popular science activity, the students had an in-depth understanding of the history of China's aerospace industry. From the launch of China's first artificial satellite "Dongfanghong 1", to the touching stories of the aerospace science and technology workers behind it, to the mystery of how the rocket soared into the sky, every link aroused great interest among the students. They listened attentively to the explanations, constantly asked questions and pondered, and gained a deeper understanding of China's aerospace spirit, which is "particularly capable of enduring hardships, fighting, tackling key problems, and making contributions."

Experience the charm of science and technology This group of primary school students participated in the "Dream Building Aerospace" science popularization activity

During the activity, the students became "little aerospace engineers", and under the guidance of the teacher, they operated various scientific experiment equipment and experienced the simulation process of rocket launch. They helped each other, worked together to complete a series of challenging tasks, and deeply experienced the fun and sense of accomplishment of scientific exploration.

Experience the charm of science and technology This group of primary school students participated in the "Dream Building Aerospace" science popularization activity

The various exhibition areas of the Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Museum also brought rich scientific experience to the students. From "Science Storm" to "Treasure of Science and Technology", from "Mathematical World" to "Super Project", from "Looking Up at the Starry Sky" to "Green Water and Green Mountains", each exhibition area is full of scientific mysteries and charm. Through the combination of classic interactive exhibits and science performances, the narrator showed the students a variety of small scientific experiments, allowing them to gain a wealth of scientific and technological knowledge in play.

This popular science activity not only broadened the students' horizons, but also sowed the seeds of science in their hearts. Through hands-on experience and practical operation, the students have a deeper sense of the infinite charm and value of science and technology, and are full of expectations and longing for the future of scientific exploration.

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