
Hit 52 7 5! Reaching the top of the league, Maxey tearfully thanked Harden, and Embiid also recognized the reality


Maxi really exploded this time, scoring 52 points, 7 rebounds and 5 assists, which directly sent him to the throne of the joint block. Seeing him tearfully thank Harden after the game, aren't those tears the stars in the eyes of our fans? And Embiid, this buddy has finally seen the reality, it turns out that the team's hope is not just for him alone.

Hit 52 7 5! Reaching the top of the league, Maxey tearfully thanked Harden, and Embiid also recognized the reality

In the game between Philadelphia and the Spurs, Philadelphia without Embiid still looked sharp. Especially Maxi, this young man is like eating a Jinbawang pill, and his performance on the field can be described as "burning my calories". Think about it, what a terrifying existence it must be to score 52 points alone in one night?

Hit 52 7 5! Reaching the top of the league, Maxey tearfully thanked Harden, and Embiid also recognized the reality

When it comes to Maxey's progress, Harden has to be mentioned. Maxey himself said that it was Harden who gave him a lot of valuable advice so that he could perform today. Come to think of it, this seems to be the scene of a master teaching a master's master's knowledge to his apprentice, but how the master's learning here is invincible in the NBA. Maxey thanked Harden, it was a sincere outpouring of feelings, after all, who would have thought that a phone call and a few suggestions could make a player's condition so much improved?

Hit 52 7 5! Reaching the top of the league, Maxey tearfully thanked Harden, and Embiid also recognized the reality

For Philadelphia, Maxey's performance is not just a highlight of a season, but an important cornerstone for building the team in the future. When it comes to money, we all know that in the NBA, good performance is the best bargaining chip. Maxi has this kind of performance, and the renewal of a big contract is just around the corner. It is said that if all goes well, his next contract could be worth $200 million over five years, and even more if he is named to the All-Star team. It's not just a recognition of Maxi's abilities, it's an investment in his future potential.

Hit 52 7 5! Reaching the top of the league, Maxey tearfully thanked Harden, and Embiid also recognized the reality

However, while Maxey's performance was exciting, Philadelphia still has a long way to go. They are faced not only with how to retain the core of the team, but also with how to further strengthen the team in the off-season. For example, whether to keep Harden is not only a question of salary space, but also a question of strategic layout. Although Harden's asking price is not low, in the current market environment, he does not ask for much. If Philadelphia can handle Harden's contract properly, then their performance next season will certainly be even more exciting.

Hit 52 7 5! Reaching the top of the league, Maxey tearfully thanked Harden, and Embiid also recognized the reality

Let's go back to Maxi, the young man who had a second spring in Philadelphia. His story teaches us that the NBA is a place full of possibilities. Maybe one day, we'll see Maxi lead Philadelphia to a higher stage. But in any case, Maxi at this moment has left an indelible mark in the hearts of all Philadelphia fans.

Hit 52 7 5! Reaching the top of the league, Maxey tearfully thanked Harden, and Embiid also recognized the reality

Finally, let's talk about Embiid. This time, he also recognized the reality and understood that one person's strength is limited after all, and basketball is always a team sport. Perhaps, the cooperation between Embiid and Maxi will become a new hope for Philadelphia. Just like the "double gun" combination back then, they may be able to bring us more surprises.

In short, this game is not just a victory, it is a symbol of a new beginning. For Maxey, for Philadelphia, and for the NBA as a whole, it's a fresh outlook. Let's wait and see where the new superstar takes Philadelphia.

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