
Don't miss the Golden Olive No. 1 pumpkin in August, it's better than the ones at the grand hotel

author:Naka Koshira

Autumn has arrived, almost to the best time for pumpkins, so today Xiaobian will recommend two pumpkins to everyone the process of doing it, not only healthy and delicious, but also rich in nutrition, is a delicious home-cooked pumpkin that adults and children can eat Oh, let's try it together!

Don't miss the Golden Olive No. 1 pumpkin in August, it's better than the ones at the grand hotel

First course: Pumpkin strips mixed with oil

Preparation materials: Golden olive No. 1 pumpkin 500g, two eggs, flour 30g, starch 20g, salt, green onion, ginger, monosodium glutamate, pepper and other seasonings.

Step 1: First put the ginger and shallots into foam and set aside, then peel and remove the golden olive No. 1 pumpkin and wash it with water, wash it and then shake the pumpkin dry and cut into slender pumpkin strips aside;

Step 2: Beat the eggs into the dish and add the flour, starch, etc. prepared in advance to stir;

Step 3: After everything is ready, you can start the pan to heat the oil, after the oil is hot to five points, dip the pumpkin strips into the egg paste plate and fry them, and wait until the pumpkin strips are fried to a golden brown, you can catch the oil control;

Step 4: Take advantage of the oil control of pumpkin strips, put the ginger and onion foam into the oil that has just fried the pumpkin strips to burn the aroma, then pour the pumpkin strips in, and add some pepper and five-spice powder according to your own taste, so that a delicious oil mixed with melon strips is ready!

Don't miss the Golden Olive No. 1 pumpkin in August, it's better than the ones at the grand hotel

Second course: pumpkin lily porridge

Ingredients: 1/2 golden olive No. 1 pumpkin, rice, glutinous rice, lilies, red dates, cinnamon balls and lotus seeds 20g, sugar to taste.

Step 1: Soak the lotus seeds in cold water for about 20 minutes after removing the heart, wash the lilies, red dates, and cinnamon balls and set aside; golden olive No. 1 pumpkin is washed, peeled, peeled, and cut into small pieces;

Step 2: Wash the rice and glutinous rice and put them in the pot, after the water boils, pour the diced pumpkin and the red dates and lotus seeds into it, simmer for about 20 minutes on low heat, stir it clockwise with a spoon for 2 minutes, then pour the cinnamon balls and lilies in and cook for another 10 minutes.

Step 3: Finally, pour in the appropriate amount of sugar according to your own taste, and then stir for a while, and the pumpkin lily porridge that adults and children can eat is ready.

Don't miss the Golden Olive No. 1 pumpkin in August, it's better than the ones at the grand hotel

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