
A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

author:Dr. Qi's words are still there
A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

【Fan Letters】

Hello bloggers,

I am a long-time sports enthusiast and I have been exercising for more than 10 years now.

Recently, there was an incident that puzzled me very much, and I accidentally saw the news that a 49-year-old man had been diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer after insisting on exercising and sitting for a short time.

I would like to ask the blogger in this letter: I want to know why a person who likes sports has developed cancer, and how is pancreatic cancer caused?

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

I believe that many people also find it difficult to accept that a person who likes sports, why was he diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer?

1. How is pancreatic cancer caused?

There are many causes of pancreatic cancer, and the most common causes are as follows:

1. Bad living habits

The impact of unhealthy lifestyle habits on the pancreas is obvious, and people who like to drink and smoke for a long time and have an unhealthy diet will greatly increase the chance of pancreatic cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

Many people may not think so, especially some people who have been drinking and smoking for a long time, feel that their bodies are very healthy and have no adverse reactions.

As everyone knows, the perennial influence is also very powerful in an instant.

Many people tend to be at an advanced stage when their condition is detected, and it is too late to regret it.

For some people with bad habits, we must pay attention to it.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

2. Gene mutations

Genetic mutations are important influencing factors, especially since some disease-causing genes are likely to be inherited in offspring.

Studies have found that people with BRCA1 and BRCA2 tend to have a higher chance of developing pancreatic cancer than the general population.

3. Occupational exposure

For some people engaged in special work, long-term exposure to some chemicals will lead to genetic mutations in the body, which is also one of the important factors that cause pancreatic cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

For example, some infectious diseases are prone to occupational exposure after contact with the blood of patients.

For example, hepatitis B carriers and HIV carriers must inform doctors of their actual conditions when conducting physical examinations, so as to avoid occupational exposure during the treatment process.

In addition, there are some chronic diseases, such as common diabetes and other underlying diseases, which are also prone to cause pancreatic cancer once complications occur in the later stage.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

2. 5 things to pay attention to

A 49-year-old man was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. Everyone was shocked, how could they be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at such a young age?

The doctor told him that 5 things hurt him, and the specific analysis is as follows:

1. Pancreatic diseases are not treated in time

The man had pancreatic disease before he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but the man did not take it seriously and did not take active treatment.

It wasn't until one day that I suddenly found that I was in severe pain all over my body and went to the hospital for treatment, and at this time it was found that it was an advanced pancreatic cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

The news came as a bolt from the blue for the 49-year-old, but because he didn't pay enough attention to it.

As a result, the disease has progressed more and more severely, and the best time for treatment has been delayed.

2. Long-term smoking

The man was a heavy smoker and smoked at least two packs of cigarettes a day.

Cigarettes contain a lot of harmful substances, these harmful substances stay in the man's body for a long time, the damage to the pancreas is very obvious, which greatly increases the incidence of cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

3. Unhealthy diet

It is understood that this man usually works a lot of overtime, and almost always relies on takeout to pass the meal. Eating takeout for a long time increases the digestive burden on the body.

In particular, this man is particularly fond of fried food, especially for breakfast, and he often eats fritters and burgers and fried chicken, which are more convenient foods.

Although these foods are more convenient to carry, they have buried many hidden problems for the body. In addition to this, he would drink a lot of coffee every afternoon in an attempt to refresh himself. Long-term coffee consumption can lead to endocrine disorders in the body.

Over time, the secretion of pancreatic fluid by the body will increase, especially in the case of inflammation in the body, which can easily induce pancreatic cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

4. Stay up late for a long time

This man is a workaholic, especially when he gets home from work, he has to find more work for himself to urge himself, and he has developed a habit of staying up late and working overtime.

The body's pancreas needs to secrete pancreatic fluid, and staying up late for a long time is easy to disturb the internal environment, which is not conducive to the normal secretion of the body.

Disorders of internal circulation can easily cause problems in the body, and over time, it is easy to lead to abnormal and severe pancreas, and it will also induce pancreatic cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

5. Psychological pressure

Under the high-intensity work, the psychological pressure on this man is relatively heavy.

Usually he neglected to dredge his emotions, which caused the man to be often short-tempered. The long-term anxiety caused the man's psychological problems to become more and more apparent.

Long-term negative emotions will cause the body's immunity to become weaker and weaker, and this is also the time when the virus invades the body the most rampantly.

The above are the 5 things that caused this man to suffer from pancreatic cancer, so what should we do for the health of the pancreas?

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

3. To protect the health of the pancreas, be sure to do 5 little things!

1. Put a healthy diet first

As the saying goes: "Sickness comes from the mouth" and disaster comes from the mouth.

Nowadays, most people have certain problems with their diet, especially the high-intensity work pressure and academic pressure, which makes many people like to eat fast food, such as: fried chicken, hamburgers, fritters, bread, various sweets and so on.

These diets are very unhealthy, and long-term intake of these high-calorie foods can lead to the accumulation of body fat for a long time, and over time, the body will accumulate a large number of metabolites that cannot be eliminated from the body.

Metabolites that stay in the body for a long time are easy to cause inflammation in the body, and under the stimulation of inflammation, pancreatic diseases are prone to occur.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

Therefore, it is important to pay attention to your diet and maintain a light diet.

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and supplement high-quality protein, such as fish, shrimp and lean meat.

2. Insist on exercising should not be ignored

Proper exercise helps to strengthen the body's resistance and immunity, and is also positive for promoting the body's metabolism.

When the body's metabolism rate becomes faster and faster, it can help the body's metabolites to be excreted, thus reducing the chance of inflammation in the body.

Of course, we should also protect ourselves when exercising, so as not to get injured to the body, which will also bring a greater burden to the body.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

It is recommended that you can take a step-by-step exercise method to let your body gradually adapt to the intensity of exercise. Don't blindly try to achieve immediate results through exercise, which will only cause more serious wear and tear on the body.

3. It is urgent to quit drinking and smoking

The effects of drinking and smoking on the body are well known.

However, few people really do a good job of quitting alcohol and smoking, which shows that many people do not realize the importance of physical health.

But once there is a physical problem, it is too late to realize that the severity is often a time of regret but uselessness.

In order to avoid these moments, it is important to urge yourself to quit drinking and smoking from now on.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

Any good habit needs to be persisted in for a long time, so it is also necessary to stick to a bad habit for a long time, so don't let yourself give up easily.

4. Refuse to stay up late to ensure sleep

There are a lot of people who like to stay up late, regardless of age.

The impact of staying up late for a long time on the body is self-evident, staying up late for a long time will damage the body's immune system, leading to a decrease in immunity, especially the speed of degeneration of the body will also accelerate, so the impact on the pancreas will be more and more great.

In the long run, the body's pancreas will also have problems, and in severe cases, pancreatic cancer will occur.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

If you want to protect the health of your pancreas, you must pay attention to getting enough sleep.

In this way, the body's immunity can be stronger, which can promote the body's metabolic rate, and also help delay the speed of body aging.

Ensuring adequate sleep can also help improve the condition of your skin, making you look more energetic, younger and more energetic.

5. Keep regular check-ups in mind

Although regular check-ups cannot prevent cancer, they can help us to grasp the state of our body in time and prevent the disease from worsening.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

Pancreatic cancer can be said to be a very serious cancer and has been historically known as one of the most difficult cancers to cure.

Through regular medical checkups, you can know whether there is any abnormality in the pancreas of the body in time, and if the abnormality occurs, you can actively treat it, which can greatly reduce the chance of cancer turning into cancer.

Once you find pancreatitis or other pancreatic diseases in your body, you must actively cooperate with the doctor to treat it, and do not pay enough attention to it like this 49-year-old man, so as not to deteriorate into cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

Normally, pancreatic cancer screening is done every three years, and if a patient has pancreatitis or other pancreatic diseases, it is important to actively treat and have a follow-up examination.

The above are a few ways to prevent cancer, and we must really implement them for the sake of good health, and we should not take them lightly.


Cancer is not far away from everyone, and I believe that everyone is no stranger to cancer now.

There are many causes of cancer, and although the 49-year-old man usually pays attention to exercising, he does not know that his bad habits are getting closer and closer to cancer.

A 49-year-old man insisted on exercising and sitting for a short time, but he was still diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer!

Although we can't predict cancer, we should be careful to stay away from some bad habits in our daily lives.

And pay attention to developing good work and rest habits, as well as pay attention to regular physical examinations, etc., which can keep the body away from cancer.

That's all for what this article shares, and everyone is welcome to communicate with each other.

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