
Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

author:Love Jade Gate

Source: First Cuisine

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In spring, we all know that supplementing children with adequate calcium and vitamins will help them grow taller. But in fact, there is another element that cannot be ignored, that is, lutein, commonly known as "eye gold", is also a nutritional element, which is absorbed by the human body and enters the eyeball through the blood, forming a protective shield.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

Nowadays, children are under more pressure to study and use their eyes more, so it is more necessary to supplement some lutein, which can be ingested through some vegetables.

The following 4 kinds of vegetables are rich in "eye gold", which can be eaten often by children to protect their eyes, protect their eyesight, and make their eyes brighter!

1. Carrots

Carrots are known as "little eye guards" and are known as "little ginseng". Carrots are rich in nutrients such as anthocyanins, calcium, and iron. It is recommended that everyone give more food to the family to relieve eye fatigue and brighten the eyes.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

Recommended method: [Farmhouse stir-fried carrots]

1. Prepare a few more carrots, peel off the skin, wash them, cut them into slices, of course, you can also shred them, prepare a piece of pork belly with skin, cut it into thin slices, and cut a little celery segment to match the color. Celery can be cut diagonally with a knife, or pat and then cut to make it easier to absorb the flavor.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

2. Start cooking when the ingredients are ready. First burn the oil slide pan, pour out the hot oil after sliding the pot, add the cold oil, put in the pork belly and stir-fry the fat oil inside, so that the dish is more fragrant, after smelling the aroma of the meat, put in two star anise, continue to stir-fry the meat slices until dry and fragrant, add the green onion and ginger and stir-fry a few times, pour cooking wine and light soy sauce along the edge of the pot.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

3. Adjust the flavor and pour in the carrots, at this time turn to medium and low heat and fry slowly, the carrots themselves have a sweet aftertaste, many people don't like them, slow stir-fry over low heat can make the carrots eat the lard, and the finished dish is more fragrant, and it will not be sweet.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

4. Fry the carrots until they are soft, start seasoning, add salt, a little sugar, monosodium glutamate, and thirteen spices and stir-fry evenly, then add half a spoon of water and simmer for a while, so that the ingredients can fully absorb the flavor, stir-fry until the water is basically dried and you can get out of the pot.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which are effective in protecting the eyes from light damage.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

Recommended method: [Stuffed shrimp with tomatoes]

1. First of all, put the shrimp in the refrigerator for half an hour to freeze until hard, but not completely frozen, mainly to facilitate the shelling. Put a cross knife on the tomato, scald it with boiling water, remove the skin after scalding until soft, and wash it with water.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

2. Then cut the side of the tomato stalk flat, dig out the tomato pulp inside, and make a tomato cup, this step must not dig the outer wall.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

3. Take out the frozen prawns, break off the shrimp head, deduct the shrimp shell, take out the shrimp inside, after all the processing is done, chop the shrimp into shrimp paste with the back of the knife, if you use freshwater shrimp, it is best to go to the shrimp line. The advantage of chopping with the back of the knife is that the contact area is large, easy to chop and fast. Chop the minced shrimp until sticky, elastic and slippery, a little bit of small particles, it tastes fresh, elastic and smooth.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

4. Beat an egg white into the minced shrimp, do not use egg yolk, it is easy to affect the color, add a little salt, chicken powder, pepper, a little cooking wine to remove the smell, stir quickly in one direction, break up the seasoning, beat until the shrimp paste is blistering and sticky, grab a small handful of starch to increase the viscosity, and beat hard for a few minutes. It tastes more elastic this way.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

5. Then put the beaten shrimp paste into the tomato cup, and press it lightly to press the shrimp slip and press it tightly, and prepare to steam it after all the shrimp are filled.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

6. After the steamer is in the atmosphere, put the tomato cup in it, and steam it for 8 minutes on medium heat, so that the fresh fragrance of the shrimp meat and the sweetness of the tomato blend with each other.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

7. Don't be in a hurry to eat, you have to pour a juice, heat oil in the pot, put in an appropriate amount of tomato paste, add a spoonful of water, stir the tomato paste, and then add a little sugar and salt to increase the bottom taste, turn to high heat and boil, pour in a little water starch to increase the concentration, a little oil to brighten the color, stir well and start the pot. Pour the sauce evenly over the tomato bowl and it is delicious.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

3. Purple cabbage

Purple cabbage is rich in anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that protect the body from free radical damage, have anti-aging effects, and also relieve eye fatigue.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

Recommended method: [Chilled purple cabbage]

1. Half a red cabbage is enough, remove the hard roots in the middle, cut into thin strips, try to be a little finer, and mix it with a good taste. Then rinse the cut red cabbage several times to fully remove the floating color on the surface, so that it will not be blackened, and the taste will be more crisp.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

2. Sprinkle in some salt and mix well, seal and marinate with plastic wrap for 10 minutes, the purpose is to kill the water in the red cabbage, so as not to get water out of the mixing process. At the same time, it can also remove the green and astringent taste, which is convenient for absorbing the seasoning into the flavor in the later stage.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

3. Half a cucumber is cut into thin strips, coriander is only used a rod and cut into segments, green peppers are cut into shreds, and a few millet peppers are cut into thin circles.

4. Boil half a pot of boiling water, put the shredded green pepper into it and blanch it slightly, the raw green pepper has a spicy taste, three or five seconds is fine, take it out and set aside.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

5. The soaked red cabbage has precipitated a lot of water, at this time, pour in some white vinegar and mix well to prevent discoloration, then take out the red cabbage, squeeze out the water vigorously, and put it in the mixing pot.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

6. Add sugar, chicken powder, sesame oil, and light soy sauce to the seasoning, and the salt does not need to be put anymore, and it has been let go when marinating. Then add shredded green pepper, minced garlic, millet pepper, coriander, and shredded cucumber and mix well, then sprinkle in a pinch of white sesame seeds, continue to mix well, and then put it on a plate and eat.

Fourth, broccoli

Broccoli can not only improve vision, but also prevent cataracts, broccoli contains lutein and zeaxanthin with antioxidants, which play an effective role in protecting the lens of the eye and can reduce the damage of free radicals in the body to the eyes.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

Recommended method: [Stir-fried bean sprouts with broccoli]

1. Soak 300 grams of soybean sprouts in water, pick out the bean skin, cut the broccoli into small florets one by one, save cooking time when frying, put it in a basin and soak it in water after cutting, add 2 grams of salt, which can effectively reduce the residue of pesticides.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

2. Cut the millet pepper into chili rings and put it in a pot, break a small piece of green onion white and cut it into chopped green onions, cut a small piece of ginger into ginger slices, and cut a few garlic grains into thin slices.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

3. Blanch the broccoli, boil water in the pot, add 2 grams of salt, add salt to prevent the loss of vitamins, and can also make the broccoli emerald green, blanch the broccoli until it is eight ripe and pour it out for later use.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

4. Heat the oil in the pot, pour in the green onions, ginger, garlic and millet pepper and stir-fry quickly, pour in the soybean sprouts and stir-fry quickly after stir-frying, stir-fry for about a minute, and we start to season.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

5. Add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of sugar, 2 grams of chicken juice, quickly stir-fry to dissolve the seasoning, pour in the blanched broccoli and stir-fry for a while, hook in a little water starch, which can make the seasoning better blended together. Pour 5 grams of oil from the side of the pot to brighten the color, stir-fry a few times and then put it on the plate.

Don't just supplement calcium in spring, but also supplement "eye gold" and eat 4 more "eye-catching vegetables"

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