
Hongdou Group's high-quality development pioneer丨Gu Kefan: The spring breeze is fast and self-explanatory, breaking out of the overseas market of general tire

author:China Economic Net

Under the background of the replacement and supporting recovery of the global tire market and the high inflation in the European and American markets, the advantages of domestic tires in high quality and high cost performance have gradually become prominent, and the export volume has increased significantly. In the past February, GM (601500. SH) is busy in the three major tire production bases at home and abroad, export orders surge, supply exceeds demand, and national tire brands show thriving vitality. In 2023, GM Overseas Co., Ltd.'s foreign trade plant in Thailand sold a total of 3.12 million tires, with a year-on-year increase of 100.34% and a year-on-year increase of 56.63%, while the Cambodian plant sold a total of 475,000 tires and a total of 3.595 million tires. From January to February this year, the second foreign trade company actively seized development opportunities, effectively hedged challenges, and achieved a year-on-year increase of 76.69% in sales and a year-on-year increase of 198.28% in profits.

Hongdou Group's high-quality development pioneer丨Gu Kefan: The spring breeze is fast and self-explanatory, breaking out of the overseas market of general tire

As the manager of GM Overseas Foreign Trade Company No. 2, Gu Kefan thoroughly implemented the goal of "Asset Return on Asset Improvement Year" and the high-quality development strategy of "Three-Self and Six-Modernization" of Hongdou Group, closely focused on the specific deployment of GM Co., Ltd. "Building Three Projects and Tempering Five Capabilities", and on the basis of consolidating business fundamentals, in-depth layout of global core markets, focusing on expanding new head customers, and successfully introducing a number of top large-scale wholesalers in the United States to further expand the foreign trade scale and international market share of GM Tire. Since serving as the head of the second foreign trade company, it has been ranked among the top in the comprehensive ranking of the group's third-level enterprises for three consecutive years, of which it will rank first in 2023. In 2023, Gu Kefan will be rated as the "Model of Hongdou Group Factory Director". In March 2024, Gu Kefan was awarded the 11th batch of "High-quality Development Pioneer" honors in the "High-quality Development Pioneer" theme activity carried out by the Party Committee of Hongdou Group.

Hongdou Group's high-quality development pioneer丨Gu Kefan: The spring breeze is fast and self-explanatory, breaking out of the overseas market of general tire

March this year is the twentieth month of Hongdou Group, in terms of expanding performance and improving organizational strength, Gu Kefan actively put into action to tap the potential from depth to reality. "As sales, we need to fully understand the market and customers, always ensure that orders exceed capacity, and keep new customers developing. The types of customers need to cover large, medium and small customers, including traders who do dropshipping containers, wholesalers and retailers who have warehouses, to ensure sufficient customer reserves to cope with the rapidly changing macro environment and international market. When it comes to tire sales and marketing, Gu Kefan has a lot of experience.

On the one hand, focusing on the stable storage and expansion of old customers, to meet the needs of customers for personalized product customization, with the help of the second phase of GM's Thailand factory expansion, through in-depth market insight, strengthen independent innovation, add multiple specifications on the basis of the original pattern, relying on the advantages of rich and complete product lines and scale, to meet the needs of market segments, and further expand sales; Train the team to negotiate skills with key customers, participate in international tire exhibitions, learn to benchmark against global tire giants, etc., compare with the first-class, dare to surpass, and accelerate the promotion of GM tires to "go global" with high quality. Looking at the problem from the customer's perspective, actively solving the customer's pain points, relying on the competitive advantage of high quality, high performance and cost-effective general tires and intimate service, Gu Kefan has successfully developed 5 customers, including 1 customer with an annual sales scale of more than one million. "Energetic, diligent in thinking, energetic, and thoughtful. "It's what his colleagues say about him.

While constantly breaking through the new growth record of performance, Gu Kefan took root downward, carried out lean management of the second foreign trade company, and paid close attention to the implementation and flexible efficiency of cost reduction work such as advance receipts and inventory reduction. By optimizing the customer's payment method, the current month production, the current month delivery, and the current month payment collection have been formed, so as to speed up the capital operation of the factory and reduce the cost of capital occupation.

Hongdou Group's high-quality development pioneer丨Gu Kefan: The spring breeze is fast and self-explanatory, breaking out of the overseas market of general tire

As a young leader born in the 90s, Gu Kefan has always been strict with himself with higher standards, taking the initiative to play a responsible spirit and exemplary leading role, influencing with practical actions, and driving his colleagues to start a business and practice their internal skills. "Maintain communication with the team at all times, achieve the same frequency of information, formulate development tasks for different types of customers according to the different characteristics of each team member, and set reasonable assessments to motivate team morale. Gu Kefan said that in strengthening the construction of the target evaluation system, the second foreign trade company adheres to the model of "strict assessment, hard cash" and "grasping both ends and bringing the middle", promotes reform and efficiency by examination, fully stimulates the vitality and efficiency of the team, expands the increment, optimizes the stock, and strengthens the variables, and creates a talent team with strong centripetal force, execution and high performance. In 2023, Gu Kefan will lead his team of 15 people to achieve a sales task completion rate of 122%, a sales completion rate of 116%, and a profit completion rate of 255%, adding a new footnote to the acceleration of GM's goal of achieving 10 billion sales and 10 billion market value of 10 billion!

The spring breeze is full of newness, and the horses do not raise their whips and work hard. Facing the overall goal of Hongdou Group's "2024 Year of Asset Return Improvement", Gu Kefan drew a new blueprint for the high-quality development of General Overseas Foreign Trade Company No. 2 with great efforts: "This year, we will continue to expand our own brands and increase our brand market share. While intensively cultivating key markets, we will continue to develop weak and blank markets. Help existing cooperative customers to further improve sales, and introduce 2 to 3 high-quality customers, achieve sales increment, and strive to achieve a new high in performance!"

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