
The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

author:Beijing City old

Speaking of this Hongbin Building on Exhibition Hall Road, old Beijing is very familiar, because it is known as the 'first floor of the Beijing Halal Restaurant', but this beijing time-honored brand is not native to Beijing, because the family was originally a Tianjin hukou, and when he was more than a hundred years old, he was named into Beijing City

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

In the third year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty, that is, in 1853, Hongbin Lou settled in a bustling downtown area in Tianjin, where there were Jinmen's huge rich, military dignitaries, all of whom were non-rich and noble masters, so that Hongbin Lou had the first of the nine buildings of Jinmen, in the words of Wang Shouqian, the head of the old church of Hongbin Lou, 'So good, why enter Beijing?' ’

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

The reason why Hongbin Lou can enter Beijing and Beijingers also have a lot to do with each other, in the 1950s, the restaurants in Beijing in addition to Beijing cuisine is Shandong taste, and it is inevitable that these two kinds of old food are a bit tired, just in time for Beijing to start introducing special cuisines from all over the country, so it is a hit

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

In 1955, Hongbin Lou was officially named and stationed in Beijing City, just at this time, Hongbin Lou made a bold attempt, Tianjin old shop simply did not open, even the pot end went straight to Beijing, the result is as we can see, Hongbin Lou since taking root in Beijing, has been booming for decades, has become the beijing old and young masters recognized as 'Beijing time-honored brand'

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Beijingers who often come to Hongbin Building to eat must be familiar with this 'Hongbin Building' plaque when they enter the door, this is the first treasure of Hongbin Building, the reason why it is hung here, people hope that which person can one day unveil the three mysteries on the plaque, it is not difficult to find out carefully, this plaque is glowing with golden light

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

The outermost layer of this plaque is made of one pound and two pounds of pure gold, according to today's gold price, you know how valuable it is, this is the only gold plaque in the old brand in Beijing, who is willing to spend so much money to package it has no way of knowing, and what is more surprising is that this plaque does not have any money

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Some people say that this is the inscription of yu Zejiu, a Qing Dynasty jinshi, but it still makes people feel puzzling, why should famous and surnamed people hide their names on the plaque? Moreover, since there is no payment, who can prove that this is written by the jinshi, and what is interesting is that hong's traditional character bird has four dots under it, and the hong character on the plaque of Hongbin Building only has two dots

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

How can a jinshi still write the wrong typo? Some people have analyzed that this is to let the three points of water and the bottom of the four points share a little, and some people say that this is to save a little point in order to write it beautifully, and the third mystery of the gold plaque in Hongbin Building is the most intriguing

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

This has to start from 1998, the owner of the Hongbin Building held the gold plaque to Rong Baozhai and wanted to repackage it, but did not want to open the back of the bottom plate a complete "Peony Map" appeared in the world, so that the people present were stunned

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Later Hongbin Lou has been treasured this painting, it is said that this painting is the product of the Xuantong years, said to be a gentleman surnamed Hu to the West Lake to walk in The Green, was fascinated by the beauty there, after transferring to Shanghai, he had the feeling to paint this "Peony Map" and then gave it to a friend, exactly how to run to the back of the Hongbin Building plaque no one can say clearly, to this day, this is still an unsolved mystery

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Treasures in Hongbin Building 'Yellow Lip Fish Belly'

Hongbin Lou's second town store treasure is a pound of eight two fish belly, commonly known as fish drift, not to see wrinkled bar, a piece of fish belly worthy of the value of millions, because it comes from the yellow lip fish, this fish is a specialty of the southern coast, said that the white fish meat is not worth much money, expensive on this fish belly, its most distinctive place is that there are two small braids

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

The left one is no longer there, it is said to be able to nourish the yin and tonify the kidneys, especially the mother who has just given birth to a child, eating it is a big supplement, which is in 1934 Hongbin Lou's big owner spent a lot of money to buy it, it is said that the 'two-color fish belly' made with it is a characteristic dish of Hongbin Lou

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

However, this dish hongbin lou has only been made once, and the reason is simple, because the yellow-lipped fish is already endangered, and it was positioned as a second-level protected animal in the 1980s, so that the value of the yellow-lipped fish belly immediately doubled several times

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Galeries Lafayette's chopsticks

Speaking of Cixi Lafayette everyone is familiar, her life is extremely luxurious and wasteful, which piece of food is worth a fortune, Hongbin Lou still preserves the tableware she used in the past, this is the third treasure, ivory chopsticks, it is said that Lafayette eats gold, silver does not use, why choose this ivory texture?

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

It is said that once she went to Tianjin to play, the famous child wanted to eat the whole sheep table of Hongbin Building, because this table to eat the most in line with her heart, a total of 128 dishes, what ming open night, color phoenix eyes, eight immortals across the sea, the ladder to the sky, etc., are made of sheep objects, but the name of the dish is not a sheep word, which is called eating sheep without seeing sheep

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

At this point, she was especially praised by Cixi Lafayette because she belonged to the sheep, and the dishes here could make her both full of food and not jealous, but even so she was still guilty of muttering in her heart, so she asked to use ivory chopsticks, because elephants are auspicious endorsement animals

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Chopsticks made of ivory can also eliminate disasters and exonerate people, and later on the sixtieth birthday, they specially invited the master of Hongbin Lou to the palace to buy a table for her, and also asked for ivory chopsticks, since then, eating the whole sheep table with ivory chopsticks has become a rule established in the shop, which is called no chopsticks and no table

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

The first floor of halal catering in our Beijing no one knows, until today's word of mouth praise and criticism, the price of dishes is indeed not cheap, simple order a few dishes to have hundreds of large, and then one is that the service is indeed not good, now relatively famous dishes are braised oxtail, smell feel no taste, but the paste is hung very thick, like a skin jelly

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Oxtail stew is very crisp and soft, with chopsticks to pull down, the taste is still quite authentic, followed by coriander burst dan, the taste is remarkable, but the fire is almost meaning, there is a gongbao shrimp ball, homely taste is also still good, overall this old brand is still good, say how godly it is not, but as the beijing old brand is absolutely decent

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

Secondly, the old Beijingers are also still very recognized Hongbin Building, beef and mutton are absolutely re-discussed, simply look at the online evaluation, but also said that the praise is really a lot, at least the title of the first floor of the Beijing Halal Standing, for tourists, Hongbin Building may be a punch card restaurant, but for Beijingers, come here not only to eat, but also a kind of miss!

The long-established brand in Beijing, the first floor of halal catering, the treasure in the Hongbin Building is unique and has a lot to offer

This article is original by Beijing City oid, plagiarism must be investigated, welcome to pay attention to the Beijing City oid school public number, some of the pictures come from the Network!