
Look, the rumored "Spider-Man"!

author:Open screen news
Look, the rumored "Spider-Man"!

At night, with the suspension of the subway, the bustle and hustle and bustle of the day came to an end, and a group of people dressed in black and wearing red hard hats appeared at the Longtou Street Station of Kunming Metro in the dead of night. They are the rumored "Spider-Man". They are the maintenance workers of the subway bridges and tunnels, the guardians of the subway bridges and tunnels, and their task is to maintain the auxiliary facilities of the bridge superstructure.

Follow the light and accurately judge the bolt status

Wear labor protection equipment, complete the pre-construction safety technology disclosure, and the "Spider-Man" officially takes action. The 8-meter-high ladder truck was split into several pieces and carried from the station hall on the first floor to the platform on the second floor, waiting to enter the track area.

Look, the rumored "Spider-Man"!

In the process of waiting for the construction skylight point, Yang Jun, the person in charge, introduced: "There are anti-throwing nets and other protective facilities along the subway elevated section, which are loosened under the long-term influence of the natural environment and train operation vibration, and there are certain safety hazards to the subway operation." Therefore, we regularly inspect and reinforce the anti-throwing nets and other protective facilities in the elevated section to eliminate potential safety hazards in a timely manner. ”

After the construction point is issued, the operator assembles the ladder truck at the fastest speed. The division of labor is clear, 1 person stands on the top of the ladder car for inspection, 1 person pushes the ladder car, and the remaining 3 people carry the telescopic ladder to follow, showing the construction formation of "the ladder car is the main, the telescopic ladder is supplemented", and goes straight into the night.

Look, the rumored "Spider-Man"!

The work of flying eaves and walls seems simple, but in fact, it requires rich work experience and tacit cooperation between teams. During the march, the operator needs to tilt his head up 45 degrees, keep an eye on every place swept by the flashlight, follow the light, and accurately judge the bolt status.

When encountering parts that need to be replaced or reinforced, they hang the safety rope high on the structural support, and the ladder truck closely cooperates with the telescopic ladder, and carefully tightens each bolt.

The journey of watching a few videos, "Spider-Man" has to walk for 3 hours

Tightening the bolts doesn't look strenuous, but working at height, it still makes people sweat. A telescopic ladder is erected on the evacuation platform, and the ladder swings visibly with the naked eye during the crawling process, coupled with the limited working space, which is a big test. "When I first started this job, I was actually scared, and in some places the height was high, and the ladder would shake badly. However, now that I am used to it, I am familiar with the skills of working at height, and I absolutely trust my teammates to ensure my safety. "Spider-Man," Nian Kangbo said.

Look, the rumored "Spider-Man"!

I don't know how many times I stopped and stopped, and everyone's cheeks were soaked with sweat. The distance of more than 1,000 meters from Longtou Street Station to Sijiaying Station is just a time for passengers to brush a few short videos, but "Spider-Man" took nearly 3 hours to complete this section of the road, raising his head and bowing his head no less than 1,000 times.

In fact, the maintenance of the bridge superstructure at night is only the tip of the iceberg of what "Spider-Man" does. In the middle of the night, there will be nearly 50 "Spider-Man" scattered on the various lines of the Kunming Metro, some of them walk through the bridge superstructure, some through the bridge substructure, and some through the tunnel pipe wall, stick to their posts, silently do maintenance work.

Chuncheng Evening News-Kaiping News reporter Daniel Zhang correspondent Wang Shixiang Photo report

First instance Sun Qinxia

Editor-in-charge: Luo Qiuxu

Responsible proofreader Yi Keyan

Editor-in-chief: Yan Yun

Final Review: Editorial Board Member Li Rong

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