
Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

author:Entertainment Newsletter


In a recent variety show that has attracted much attention, Mao Buyi ate octopus raw with a "brave cat" attitude who is not afraid of difficulties, which detonated heated discussions on the Internet. This is not only a reconfirmation of Mao Buyi's image of "Internal Entertainment Beiye", but also a subversive display of the challenging design of variety shows.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

Mao's calm and calm performance is in stark contrast to Wei Daxun's restraint and Han Dongjun's direct "withdrawal of dumplings", which adds a lot of comedy to the show.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

But there's more to it than just jokes. Mao Buyi's move is undoubtedly an interpretation of contemporary stars' courage to face challenges and dare to show their true selves.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

It not only reflects the true temperament of celebrities in front of the public, but also reflects the new expectations of modern audiences for celebrity personalities: no longer high-ranking idols, but real people with flesh and blood who dare to face challenges.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

The reaction of netizens to this incident has pushed this variety show to the forefront. On the one hand, there are voices of praise, thinking that Mao Buyi has shown extraordinary courage and charm;

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

On the other hand, it is a humorous imitation, and netizens have staged "Mao is not easy to challenge" to express respect and parody for his brave behavior. This high level of online engagement reaffirms the strong connection between the public and entertainment content in the age of social media.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

It must be pointed out that Mao's challenge is not only a demonstration of personal courage, but also an innovation of modern TV variety shows.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

At a time when the exaggerated and repetitive program mode is gradually causing fatigue among the audience, the "original" performance of Mao Buyi and other stars has undoubtedly injected a breath of fresh air into variety shows.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

In the face of challenges, the different reactions of different stars are exactly the "real" presentation that the audience expects. It is this kind of reality that allows us to see a more colorful world of variety shows.

Mao Buyi's "eating raw octopus" challenge led to a frenzy on the Internet, and the new trend of variety shows reflected the true temperament of stars

Mao Buyi's "Eating Octopus Raw" is not only a test of courage, but also a display of human nature, which tells us that whether in front of the screen or in life, bravely facing challenges is the most touching reality.

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