
With regard to the US proposal, China did not hesitate to exercise its veto power, and I will do it: Justice will eventually prevail

author:Meng Yan said

Since the outbreak of the current round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the international community has called for an immediate ceasefire between the two sides and the opening of humanitarian corridors in Gaza, but in the past six months, the United States has frequently used the "one-vote veto" to block the Security Council's adoption of the Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire agreement and condone Israel's massacre of civilians in Gaza.

As early as 2011, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas submitted an application for membership in the United Nations, which Israel strongly opposed, claiming that the Palestinian application violated the UN Charter and the spirit of the Charter. At the UN General Assembly meeting, the United States also responded positively to its ally Israel, saying that the Palestinians and Israelis must reach an agreement, otherwise they will use their veto power in the Security Council. Because of the attitude of the United States, the Palestinians had no choice but to suspend the application.

In fact, the Chinese can best understand the feelings of the Palestinians, after the end of the Korean War, the United States also deprived China of its legitimate seat in the United Nations by the same means, and it was not until the seventies of the last century, with the efforts of diplomats, that China restored its legitimate seat in the United Nations.

With regard to the US proposal, China did not hesitate to exercise its veto power, and I will do it: Justice will eventually prevail


On 8 April, Russia's first deputy representative to the United Nations, Polyansky, at a meeting of the Security Council, appealed to all members of the international community to support Palestine's application for membership in the United Nations.

Dai Bing, Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations, also said: "China supports Palestine becoming a full member of the United Nations. The Pakistani side has requested the Security Council to reconsider the application submitted by the Palestinian side, and China supports the Security Council in taking action in this regard as soon as possible. Mansour, Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, said excitedly: "This is a historic day. ”

In addition, Dai Bing also said that since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the international community has called for an overwhelming "ceasefire and cessation of hostilities", but the US representative has vetoed the ceasefire resolution four times, and the recent draft on Gaza proposed by the US side is vague on the core ceasefire issue, playing with words, trying to set preconditions for the ceasefire, and hijacking the Security Council to endorse its erroneous proposition. With regard to such a draft, which would have serious consequences, China did not hesitate to exercise its veto power. Dai Bing finally said: Justice will eventually triumph.

With regard to the US proposal, China did not hesitate to exercise its veto power, and I will do it: Justice will eventually prevail

Dai Bing, Chargé d'affaires a.i. of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations

Since the draft proposed by the US side failed to be adopted, the UN Security Council again put forward a new motion on the Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire issue on March 25 and voted on it, and the new ceasefire resolution was finally adopted with 14 votes in favor, 0 votes against and 1 abstention. It was the United States that abstained, perhaps because of its frequent vetoes on ceasefire resolutions, and the change in its attitude was mainly due to pressure from the international community, as we said that justice will eventually prevail.

There is no doubt that China has fulfilled its responsibilities as a major country in the international community and cleared the way for the adoption of the new ceasefire resolution. This resolution is the first cease-fire resolution to be adopted since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which is not only a turning point in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but also a victory for justice over hegemony.

Recently, representatives of Hamas and Israel held a new round of ceasefire talks in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

With regard to the US proposal, China did not hesitate to exercise its veto power, and I will do it: Justice will eventually prevail

Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Objectively speaking, the adoption of this cease-fire resolution can only temporarily save the people of Gaza from the invasion of war, but cannot completely resolve the contradictions between Palestine and Israel. Since the adoption of Resolution 181, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has continued, and after five wars in the Middle East, the Arab hatred of the Jews has been deeply rooted in the bones, and the ceasefire resolution cannot erase the hatred in the hearts of the Arabs, nor can it curb Israel's ambition to occupy Gaza and dominate the Middle East.

Of course, while the ceasefire is temporary, temporary peace remains precious to the people of Gaza. Seventy years ago, the United States manipulated the United Nations to adopt Resolution 181, which laid the groundwork for turmoil in the Middle East.

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