
Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

author:Yue Yue loves to talk about things
Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth


The female stars in the entertainment industry have always been the focus of everyone's attention. Their delicate makeup and delicate faces have intoxicated countless people. But when these "goddesses" take off their masks and reveal their no-makeup state, will we be surprised? Will their flawless image also be defeated? Let's uncover the story of the real face of female stars, maybe these "goddesses" are also facing the same troubles as us. Let's re-acquaint ourselves with these high-profile female stars with a more understanding and tolerant gaze.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

1. How much do you know about the truth about female celebrities without makeup?

Female stars in the entertainment industry have always been the focus of everyone's attention, and their exquisite makeup and perfect image on various occasions are highly sought after. However, when they remove their makeup, can they still maintain that beautiful look?

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Recently, a group of photos of female celebrities without makeup have sparked heated discussions. Ma Yili, Liu Tao, and Gao Yuanyuan, the three goddesses who have attracted much attention, are no different from us ordinary people in a state without makeup. Ma Yili's complexion was dull, and there seemed to be some traces of smoke; Liu Tao's face is yellow, and the bags and acne under his eyes can be seen at a glance; Gao Yuanyuan's facial features are still three-dimensional and exquisite, but the overall complexion is slightly haggard.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Could this be the true face of the "goddesses" we have longed for for a long time?

Female stars in the entertainment industry undoubtedly have outstanding appearances, but they are also ordinary people after all, and they are also facing skin conditions, dark circles and other problems. Makeup is just to show themselves better, but they are the most real appearance in the state of no makeup.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Perhaps, we should look at them from a different perspective. Female celebrities also have their own life conditions, and they will also experience skin problems and be exhausted. They just want to look their best in front of the camera with professional makeup skills.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

When we see these photos without makeup, we might as well put ourselves in their shoes. They also have their own life stresses and anxieties, but they also crave more understanding and support.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Let's abandon the inherent impression of the "perfect" image of celebrities, and see their true side with a more tolerant gaze. Female celebrities are also ordinary people, and their no-makeup state is also worthy of our attention and recognition.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

2. Each of the three goddesses is "unique"

"They are without makeup" are like ordinary street passers-by

Liu Tao, Ma Yili and Gao Yuanyuan, these three high-profile female stars, are so "ordinary" in a state of no makeup.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Liu Tao, the goddess who once had countless fans with her excellent acting skills and charming appearance, looked a little haggard in the photos without makeup. The skin is yellowish, dotted with a few less noticeable pimples, and the dark circles around the eye sockets are also very noticeable. If you don't identify it carefully, it's hard to associate this slightly tired woman with Liu Tao, who is radiant on the screen.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

And Ma Yili, who has always been known for her nobility and elegance, is also a little unexpected in a state of no makeup. Her face, which had always been handsome and moving, showed a slightly pale complexion at the moment, and the whole person looked a little haggard. Perhaps because of her frequent smoking, Ma Yili's skin looks darker and rougher than the average person.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

In contrast, Gao Yuanyuan seems to be relatively better in a state of no makeup. Her iconic facial features are still clearly visible under no makeup, but the bags under her eyes and dark circles suddenly become particularly obvious, which makes this "goddess" flower feel a little sluggish.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Seeing the appearance of these female stars without makeup, I can't help but sigh, it turns out that they are also facing skin problems like ordinary people. Their true appearance may be more worthy of our attention

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

The more popular the female star is in the strong light, the more it will give people the illusion of "perfection". As a result, we are often confused by those deliberately retouched makeup and the perfect image under the lens, ignoring their true state.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

However, when we see these photos without makeup, we can't help but find that these stars who were once like "goddesses" are actually no different from us ordinary people in daily life. They will also be tormented by the stress of life and the exhaustion of work, and they will also have to worry about their own skin problems.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Perhaps, this is their truest side. Those delicate and moving looks under the lens are just a thin layer of makeup. Once this "mask" is removed, we can see their true state: a little haggard, a little tired, but still maintain a unique temperament.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

We should look at the real life of these female stars with a more tolerant and understanding eye. They are also ordinary people, and they also have their own troubles and troubles. In contrast, they may be under more pressure than we ordinary people.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

You know, even a goddess can't escape skin problems. When we see them without makeup, we might as well put ourselves in their shoes and give them more understanding and support. After all, they also crave more recognition and love.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

3. From a goddess to a "female man" - celebrities are judged before and after makeup

We have to admit that with the blessing of makeup and lenses, these female stars are indeed flawless and beautiful. But in fact, they are also ordinary people, and they are also facing skin problems.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

The appearance of high round eye bags may be due to her years of intense work in front of the camera; Ma Yili's rough skin may be related to her long-term bad habit of smoking; And Liu Tao's yellowish face undoubtedly reflects some of the pressure of her life as a mother.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

These photos without makeup may make us understand that even the world-recognized goddesses cannot escape the skin troubles that ordinary people also face. Perhaps it is precisely because of the long-term attention and popularity of society and the media that they need to cover up their flaws through makeup.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

We should use a more understanding and tolerant attitude to look at the real state of these female stars. They also have their own life problems, and they also need more recognition and support. In contrast, they may be under more pressure and responsibility than we ordinary people.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

The next time we see the perfect image of a female celebrity, we might as well try to think about the stories behind them. Those delicate makeup and glamorous looks may be just a means for them to hide themselves.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth


The photos of female celebrities exposed without makeup this time undoubtedly make us look at them with admiration. It turns out that even the world-recognized "goddess" will face the same skin problems as ordinary people after removing complicated makeup. Gao Yuanyuan's dark circles, Ma Yili's rough skin, and Liu Tao's yellow skin have all broken our stereotypes about them to a certain extent.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Isn't this exactly what we should look at with a more tolerant and understanding attitude towards these high-profile female stars? They are also mortals, and they also have their own life pressures and troubles. In contrast, they may have more responsibilities and need our support and care.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

Let's put aside the inherent impression of female stars as "flawless", and appreciate their true side with a more inclusive eye. It is these no-makeup photos that show us the more real appearance of female stars, and their skin troubles and living conditions also deserve more attention and resonance from us. Female celebrities are also ordinary people, and they deserve to be understood and recognized by us on a more equal footing.

Ma Yili, Liu Tao, Gao Yuanyuan are compared with no makeup, Gao Yuanyuan's strength is crushed, one day and one earth

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