
Sanbao Street: Take on new responsibilities and connect residents with a grid

author:Kirin Melter
Sanbao Street: Take on new responsibilities and connect residents with a grid

Recently, Zhang Hui, who lives in Sanbao Community, Sanbao Street, found that Wang Zhuneng, a poverty alleviation household in the community, had an open door and bright lights during his morning run.

Sanbao Street: Take on new responsibilities and connect residents with a grid

The disease is ruthless, the people are affectionate, and the grid personnel show their true feelings. In this special case, the Sanbao community grid members did not hesitate at all, did not have a trace of dislike, the division of labor was clear, looking for a car to find a car, looking for a change of clothes to find clothes, and soon, they prepared the things one by one. When the ambulance arrived, he was sent to the First People's Hospital of Qujing City with the medical staff, and only after diagnosis did he know that it was a "cerebral infarction", and under the joint rescue of the doctors for more than 5 hours, he was finally pulled back from the hands of the disease.

Sanbao Street: Take on new responsibilities and connect residents with a grid

Helping is not a mantra, it comes down to reality. Because he is a poverty alleviation family, his parents have passed away, and he has no children. So the community workers took the lead and volunteered to go to the hospital to accompany his sister to take turns taking care of Wang Zhuneng in the hospital bed. Although he was out of danger, the entire left side of his body was paralyzed due to the compression of the cranial nerves, and it was the community cadres who helped solve the problem of urine and urine every day. Only by conscientiously performing their duties and responsibilities can they show the true qualities of contemporary cadres and win the approval of the masses.

Sanbao Street: Take on new responsibilities and connect residents with a grid

After more than 20 days of treatment and care, he has gone from being unable to speak to now being able to answer a few simple words, when his only sister is racking her brains for more than 10 yuan of treatment fees, three groups of 7 teams have applied for collective funds for him through "one thing, one discussion" to pay. On the morning of April 8, the community cadres and the team cadres went to the hospital to go through the discharge procedures for him, but in order to ensure that Wang Zhu could recover better, he was transferred to the rehabilitation hospital for follow-up treatment.

Residents have no trivial matter, and warm-hearted service solves people's worries. As public servants of the people, young cadres must have a strong sense of responsibility and mission for themselves and others, for their families and collectives, and for the country and society, so that they can devote themselves wholeheartedly to their work and dedicate their values to make achievements.

Photo: Wang Fan

Editor-in-charge: Gao Mengna Dou Junwei

Review: Li Hongli

Sanbao Street: Take on new responsibilities and connect residents with a grid

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