
Implement the strategic goal of becoming a cyber power, accelerate the construction of digital grids, and contribute to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization

author:Yunnan Radio and Television Station

Implement the strategic goal of becoming a cyber power and accelerate the construction of digital grids

Contribute to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization

Implement the strategic goal of becoming a cyber power, accelerate the construction of digital grids, and contribute to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization

Meng Zhenping

Chairman of the Board and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has placed cyberspace work in an important strategic position in the overall cause of the Party and the country, and made a series of major strategic arrangements for building a cyber power. China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Southern Power Grid") has always kept in mind the "great power of the country", thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on cyber power, actively integrated into and served the implementation of the strategic goal of cyber power, actively promoted digital transformation, and innovatively explored the "two-type construction" of new power system and new energy system with digital grid as the key carrier and digital and green "two synergies" In practice, we will promote the digital grid to become an important action item for the construction of digital China, make every effort to build power for the party and the country, help accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and support and serve the construction of Chinese-style modernization.

The construction of digital grid is an important practice for the energy and power industry to implement the strategic goal of becoming a network power

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to promote the integrated development of the digital economy and the real economy. Energy and power is a key infrastructure that supports the high-quality development of the digital economy, and it is also one of the key areas with the most extensive application of digital technology and the most active development of the digital industry.

China Southern Power Grid firmly grasps the historical opportunity of the fourth industrial revolution and focuses on building a digital power grid, aiming to use a new generation of digital technologies such as "cloud, big things, mobile and intelligent chain edge" to transform and upgrade the traditional power grid in an all-round and full-chain way, with energy and data as the key elements, and the deep integration of power and computing power as the technical path to build a modern large power grid with extensive connection, holographic perception, digital intelligence drive, and open sharing. Relying on the powerful "data + computing power + algorithm", it effectively supports multi-energy synergy and complementarity, source-grid-load-storage interaction, and multi-network integration and interconnection, and helps the construction of new power systems and new energy systems; Relying on the high penetration and high integration characteristics of digital technology, we will promote the integration and innovation of digital technology and energy and power technology and equipment, actively seize the global commanding heights of energy science and technology, and help high-level science and technology to become self-reliant and self-reliant; The multiplication effect will give birth to new industries, new business forms and new models of digital energy, promote the upgrading of the energy industry base and the modernization of the industrial chain, and build a solid security barrier for critical information infrastructure in the field of energy and power to ensure national network security and energy security by relying on global defense and in-depth defense. The digital grid provides a practical case for the digital transformation of energy and power, and strongly supports the implementation of the strategic goal of becoming a network power.

Promote the transformation and upgrading of energy and power with the construction of digital grids, and support high-quality economic and social development

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "energy security is related to the overall economic and social development". Based on its responsibilities and missions, China Southern Power Grid continues to enrich and improve the theory, architecture and practical path of digital grid, establishes the world's first digital grid research institute, releases the "Digital Grid White Paper", coordinates the promotion of grid digitalization, service digitalization, operation digitalization, and digital industrialization, comprehensively improves energy security and network security guarantee capabilities, drives changes in production methods and organizational models, and continuously provides new momentum for the green and low-carbon transformation of energy and power and high-quality economic and social development.

First, we need to vigorously promote the digitalization of power grids and promote the smooth circulation of energy resources.

China Southern Power Grid comprehensively promotes the digitalization and intelligence of power generation, transmission, transformation, distribution and use, and strives to enhance the flexibility, openness, interactivity, economy and sharing of the power grid, so as to help clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient use of energy.

The first is to ensure the safe and reliable supply of energy and electricity. Vigorously promote the construction of digital twin power grids, build an independent and controllable digital simulation platform for power systems, build a cloud-side integrated intelligent dispatching and operation platform, comprehensively improve the perception, decision-making and control capabilities of the power grid, and strongly support the safe and stable operation of complex large power grids. We will continue to enhance our disaster prediction and early warning and emergency management and control capabilities under extreme circumstances, effectively respond to natural disasters such as typhoons, heavy precipitation, low temperatures, rain, snow and ice, and improve the resilience and safety of the power system.

The second is to promote the consumption of clean energy. We will tap the potential of new energy consumption such as wind power and photovoltaic power from all aspects of source, grid, load and storage, put into operation the country's first regional-level source-load aggregation service platform, build a new energy dispatching and operation management platform and a multi-spatiotemporal scale accurate prediction platform, comprehensively improve the observable, measurable and controllable level of new energy, and improve the power grid's ability to accept, allocate and regulate clean energy. The installed capacity of new energy in the whole network exceeded 120 million kWh, the utilization rate of new energy exceeded 99% for five consecutive years, and the proportion of clean energy accounted for 54%, ranking among the top in the world.

The third is to improve the efficiency of energy resource allocation. We will build a digital trading platform for a unified electricity market, support the implementation of the national unified electricity market system in the southern region, and vigorously promote the implementation of the national "West-to-East Power Transmission" project, so as to achieve the optimal allocation of energy and electricity on a larger scale. In 2023, the number of registered market entities in the southern region will exceed 140,000, the scale of green electricity and green certificate transactions will increase by 137% year-on-year, and the cross-border green certificate transactions between Hong Kong and Macao will achieve a breakthrough of "zero", with a total of 576.3 billion kWh of inter-provincial and inter-regional transactions completed since the 14th Five-Year Plan.

Implement the strategic goal of becoming a cyber power, accelerate the construction of digital grids, and contribute to the promotion of Chinese-style modernization

The staff of China Southern Power Grid used the vehicle-mounted mobile nest to carry out special inspection of transmission lines with a swarm of drones.

Second, we will vigorously promote the digitalization of services to fully meet the needs of high-quality and diversified energy consumption.

China Southern Power Grid implements the people-centered development philosophy, establishes the concept of "liberating users", systematically builds a modern power supply service system, relies on digital technology to improve the level of high-quality services, promotes the liberation of users' productivity, releases the potential of electricity consumption, and continues to expand the breadth and depth of empowering economic and social development.

The first is to optimize the business environment for electricity consumption. Build a "Southern Power Grid Online" smart business hall, realize the omni-channel "face brushing electricity" and "one certificate for electricity", innovate the "six joint offices" and "six exemptions" electricity service mode of municipal public infrastructure, and realize that users do not run once, the power supply reliability of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has reached the world's advanced level, and Guangzhou and Shenzhen have been selected as national benchmark cities for "obtaining electricity" for consecutive years.

The second is to support precise social governance. Strengthen the coordination and linkage of power data and public safety, and deeply participate in the construction of data platforms such as the governance of urban "scattered pollution", the overall planning of emergency repairs, and the integrated management of urban infrastructure, so as to provide strong support for improving social governance. Relying on the "Hertz Energy Cloud", we will build a new energy aggregation service platform, create a new model of "one-stop" energy services, and promote the inclusiveness of digital public services.

The third is to serve the government's scientific decision-making. Give full play to the role of power data as a "barometer" and "wind vane", build 362 big data analysis applications such as power to look at the economy, power to look at industry, power to look at carbon emissions, and power to look at credit, put into operation the "double carbon brain" carbon monitoring platform, research and release manufacturing index, power prosperity index, tax and electricity index, etc., to provide data support for economic recovery and growth, risk monitoring and early warning, and scientific and precise policy implementation.

Third, we will vigorously promote the digitalization of operations and promote the transformation of business and management of power enterprises.

China Southern Power Grid accelerates the in-depth integration of next-generation digital technology with production, operation and various management activities, providing first-class management support for the construction of world-class enterprises.

The first is to drive business development. Promote the construction of digital substations, smart power distribution rooms, smart microgrids and other digital scenarios, deepen business applications such as equipment inspection and load forecasting based on artificial intelligence, and promote the transformation and upgrading of power grid planning and construction, production and operation, and dispatching modes. A modern digital supply chain system has been basically built to smooth the management of the whole life cycle of assets.

The second is to improve operational efficiency. The power grid management platform, a self-developed and ultra-large digital system, was put into operation, supporting the online operation of more than 90% of the management business, basically realizing "one code to the whole network and only filling in one form", effectively improving the level of cross-level and cross-business collaboration, and won the first prize of the Digital China Innovation Competition. Build a "Yunjing" digital operation and control platform to achieve business and index penetration at all management levels, and support enterprise management decision-making with "panoramic view, holographic judgment, full-dimensional calculation, and full control".

The third is to optimize support management. Following the principle of "architecture, process, and digitalization", we support the implementation of enterprise architecture blueprint and business process with digital technology, drive business process reengineering and organizational structure optimization with data, build a "management building" of modern enterprises with characteristics of China Southern Power Grid, and continuously improve the modernization level of corporate governance system and governance capabilities.

Fourth, we will vigorously promote digital industrialization and modernize the energy and power industry chain.

China Southern Power Grid strives to consolidate the basic support of new digital infrastructure and data asset management, give full play to the value of power big data resources, and vigorously promote the basic solid chain, technology supplement chain, integration and strong chain, and optimization of the plastic chain.

The first is to comprehensively lay out new infrastructure. Actively integrate into the "Eastern Data and Western Computing", lay out and build a "3+1+X" energy data center, deepen the integration of "cloud, pipe, edge, and end", build a large-bandwidth, high-reliability, and full-coverage communication network, build a "network-province-edge-end" echelon layout computing power network, and build a national 5G+ digital grid demonstration zone in Nansha, Guangzhou, and Longgang, Shenzhen, to promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional power infrastructure to a new infrastructure of "power + computing power + network".

The second is to build a high-quality digital grid technology and equipment industry chain. Accelerate the research of key core technologies of energy, independently develop the first nationally produced power special main control chip "Fuxi" and achieve mass production, and was selected as one of the top ten "national heavyweights" of central enterprises in 2021. Actively promote artificial intelligence technology innovation and application innovation, and release the industry's first independent and controllable power model "Big Watt" and the industry's artificial intelligence innovation platform. Released the first power IoT operating system in China - Dianhong IoT Operating System (Power HarmonyOS OS) to realize plug-and-play equipment and massive data interconnection.

The third is to give full play to the multiplier effect of data elements. Innovatively built the first data asset management system in the energy industry, explored the pricing method of data assets in the energy industry, and cooperated with the Guangdong Provincial Government to formulate and issue the country's first public data asset certificate. The system has built a "cloud, intelligence, and legend" data product system and a "Hertz digital intelligence" data brand, actively explored the power data market transaction model, and achieved a breakthrough of "zero" in the field transaction of power data.

Fifth, we need to comprehensively improve the level of cyber security assurance and build a credible and controllable security barrier.

China Southern Power Grid resolutely implements the overall national security concept, and takes "all-domain defense, in-depth defense, actual combat guidance, and both offense and defense" as the general policy, comprehensively strengthens the network security guarantee system and capacity building, and builds a solid network security barrier.

The first is to comprehensively reconstruct the network security operation protection system. Based on "responsibility, guarantee, supervision, and technology", we will build a globally linked, three-dimensional and efficient network security operation and protection system to achieve "all-round protection, whole-process control, and full-service coverage". Relying on the network security operation and dispatch center at the two levels of the network and the province, the 24×7 dispatching command guarantee is carried out to achieve the close linkage of "users, equipment, risks, and resources".

The second is to build a solid network security barrier for all-domain defense and in-depth defense. Build a cloud shield platform to build a network security "command center" that integrates security attack detection and analysis, threat intelligence sharing, incident collaborative handling, attack traceability and forensics, and unified emergency command, so as to realize full-time domain awareness and rapid disposal of network security threats. Strengthen password protection, realize integrated protection of passwords in multiple domains, and ensure that important data and personal information "cannot be taken, understood, changed, or relied upon".

Third, we will continue to deepen the construction of cyber offensive and defensive capabilities. Based on the goal of "focusing on actual combat, combining peacetime and wartime, and promoting peace with war", we have carried out actual combat exercises and emergency drills on a regular basis to improve the operation and control ability of large-scale and complex systems, and have won many good results in national competitions such as "Wangding Cup" and "Longjian Cup".

Strengthen the guidance of scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity with the construction of digital grids

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the development of new quality productivity is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development". China Southern Power Grid will focus on the construction of digital power grid, vigorously promote the "neck" technology research and original technological innovation, and produce a number of independent and controllable key products around artificial intelligence, power sensing, edge computing, digital twins, etc.; Green and low-carbon and other future industries, to create an innovative industrial ecology, deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system, improve the rules for the incentive and assessment of scientific and technological innovation, innovate the operation and management mechanism of the national key laboratory, accelerate the establishment of a scientific research management system with clear rights and responsibilities and smooth operation, promote the reorganization and integration of scientific research resources, improve the overall efficiency of the innovation system, and accelerate the formation of a new production relationship compatible with the new quality of productivity; build a digital grid talent highland with first-class talents, first-class capabilities, first-class level and first-class achievements, and improve the "high-precision and cutting-edge shortage" The talent introduction and training system cultivates and strengthens the team of strategic scientists, leading scientific and technological talents, and young scientific and technological talents, cultivates a group of compound talents with strong business and technology, stimulates the innovation vitality of all kinds of talents, and provides a strong impetus for the development of new quality productivity.

The construction of a cyber power is an important engine to promote the high-quality development of the mainland. China Southern Power Grid will continue to be guided by scientific and technological innovation, firmly grasp the direction of digitalization, networking and intelligence, and build the digital grid into a benchmark model for promoting "two-type construction" with "two-type synergy", a typical practice for the construction of digital ecological civilization, and a new growth point for the upgrading of the energy industry, accelerate the cultivation of new momentum for the development of new quality productivity, support the construction of a service network power and digital China, and contribute to the construction of a new development pattern and Chinese-style modernization.

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