
The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

author:Aunt Mimi

Recently, a rare medical incident has attracted widespread public attention.


On April 6, according to Henan TV Minsheng Channel

Mr. Lu from Xuchang City, Henan Province, reported that in 2019, his 12-year-old son had pain in his right lower abdomen, and the hospital diagnosed acute appendicitis and needed to undergo appendectomy surgery.

The postoperative report showed that the appendix was removed smoothly, but the child often had a faint pain in the abdomen after the operation.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

When the child went to the doctor again in September 2023 because he was unwell, the results of the examination showed that the boy's appendix was still intact in the body.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

This incident has sparked a discussion about medical quality and medical safety in all walks of life.

"My neighbor's girl had a stomachache and went to the town hospital for examination, saying that it was acute appendicitis, and the doctor said that she would be hospitalized immediately to cut the appendix, but the neighbor didn't believe it, so she went to the city hospital for examination, and the examination said that the appendix was fine, it was menstrual pain"

"Abdominal pain is a headache, it can be big or small, and it can really be misdiagnosed in small hospitals."

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

"My second child doctor asked me where my first baby was dissected, and it was so bad, and I said it was in your hospital. ”

"Me too, and then the surgeon stopped talking, but the second operation was fine"

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

"My aunt went to cut the polyp, and after being discharged from the hospital, she was uncomfortable again, and she checked it again in the field, but the polyp was still there, and a piece of good meat was cut"

"Ah, the polyp is still in my understanding, and the good meat is missing a piece of ultrasound that can't be seen, right?"

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

"I remember that there was a little girl who was less than ten years old who had a stomachache and said that appendicitis was going to be operated, and it still hurt after opening, and the appendix was still cut in the uterus when I checked it."

"I brushed that person, what he said was true, after the hysterectomy, the hospital finally paid 20,000 yuan"

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

"I remember seeing a heart stent, the money was collected, the operation was done, and the stent was not placed"

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

"Will the appendix be cut off like the gecko's tail and grow back?"

"No, the intestines don't have this function. But the liver has this function, even if 2/3 of the liver is removed, as long as more than 1/3 of the liver is retained, a complete liver can still grow, and the liver is so magical. ”

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

This incident can be caused by a number of reasons

One possibility is that the boy has a double appendix, which is having two appendices, one of which is not inflamed and is not detected at the time of surgery. This condition, while rare, does exist in medicine.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

Another possibility is surgical errors, such as incorrect surgical marking, poor communication between the surgical team, or surgical errors.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

These failures can be technical or systematic, reflecting the imperfections of the health care system at certain points.

The family questioned the matter

What was cut at that time, the child has been in pain for several years, and it is related to the appendix?

Mr. Lui believed that the hospital was negligent during the operation. They asked the hospital to explain whether the appendix was actually removed during the surgery and whether the child's persistent abdominal pain after the surgery was related to the unremoved appendix.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

The hospital responded

The hospital responded that both the surgical records and surgical specimens showed that the appendix had been removed, but acknowledged that there may be limitations to medical imaging technology.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

This incident sparked widespread discussion among netizens

Some netizens expressed their dissatisfaction with the medical system, believing that hospitals should be responsible for the rights and interests of patients and ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical activities.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

Some netizens also pointed out that patients should actively understand their own conditions and treatment plans in the process of seeking medical treatment, and should be more cautious about major medical decisions such as surgery.

The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?
The boy's appendix is still in his body 5 years after his appendectomy, and his family: Was it cut at that time? What to cut?

This incident reminds us that the quality of medical care and the protection of patients' rights and interests are important issues that cannot be ignored in the medical system. Only through continuous efforts and improvements can we build a safer, fairer, and more efficient medical environment, so that every patient can receive treatment with peace of mind and return to society in a healthy manner.