
How to deal with the yellowing of leeks? Grasp the three points, analyze the causes, and come up with measures to eliminate the problem of yellowing leeks

author:Farmhouse evening school

Yellowing of leeks is a common horticultural problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, including insufficient nutrients, too much or too little water, pests and diseases, etc. In order to solve this problem, we need to first diagnose the cause of yellowing and then take corresponding measures. The following is a detailed description of how to treat the yellowing of leeks.

How to deal with the yellowing of leeks? Grasp the three points, analyze the causes, and come up with measures to eliminate the problem of yellowing leeks

1. Diagnose the cause of yellowing

1. Nutrient deficiencies: Leeks need adequate nutrients during their growth, and if the soil lacks the necessary nutrients, it will cause the leeks to turn yellow. Common nutrient deficiencies include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.

2. Moisture problem: Leeks have higher water requirements, and too much or too little water may cause leeks to turn yellow. Too much water can lead to a lack of oxygen in the roots, and too little water can lead to a lack of water in leeks.

How to deal with the yellowing of leeks? Grasp the three points, analyze the causes, and come up with measures to eliminate the problem of yellowing leeks

3. Pests and diseases: The yellowing of leeks can also be caused by pests and diseases. For example, diseases such as leek leaf spot and leek rust, as well as pests such as aphids and red spider spiders can cause leeks to turn yellow.

Second, the treatment measures

1. Fertilization: For the problem of insufficient nutrition, we can solve it by fertilizing. During the growth of leeks, compound fertilizers or organic fertilizers should be applied regularly to provide adequate nutrients. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount and frequency of fertilization to avoid soil salinization caused by excessive fertilization.

2. Adjust the moisture: For the moisture problem, we need to control the amount of watering reasonably. During the growth of leeks, the soil should be kept moist and excessive drought or excessive humidity should be avoided. When watering, pay attention to the amount and frequency of watering, as well as the time of watering, to avoid watering at noon on a sunny day that causes the water to evaporate too quickly.

How to deal with the yellowing of leeks? Grasp the three points, analyze the causes, and come up with measures to eliminate the problem of yellowing leeks

3. Pest control: In response to the problem of pests and diseases, we need to take control measures. First of all, it is necessary to regularly check the growth of leeks and take timely measures when pests and diseases are found. For diseases, corresponding pesticides can be used for control, and for pests, biological or chemical control methods can be adopted. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the timing and method of prevention and control to avoid unnecessary damage to leeks.

3. Other precautions

1. Soil selection: The soil for growing leeks should have good air permeability and drainage, and avoid using heavy or compacted soil. Before planting, you can add a moderate amount of well-rotted organic fertilizer or sandy soil to improve the soil texture.

2. Planting density: The planting density of leeks should not be too large, and appropriate spacing should be maintained so that leeks can fully absorb sunlight and air. Planting too densely will cause leeks to grow poorly and are prone to yellowing and other problems.

How to deal with the yellowing of leeks? Grasp the three points, analyze the causes, and come up with measures to eliminate the problem of yellowing leeks

3. Crop rotation: In order to avoid continuous cropping obstacles and the accumulation of soil diseases and pests, it is recommended to adopt the planting method of crop rotation. Before planting leeks, you can plant other crops such as onions, garlic, etc., to improve the soil environment.

In short, for the problem of yellowing of leeks, we need to first diagnose the cause of yellowing, and then take corresponding treatment measures. Through fertilization, water adjustment, pest control and other methods, we can effectively solve the problem of yellowing of leeks and restore the vigorous green of leeks.

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