
Wild fishing for large carp, the way to choose a fishing position, these locations have fish nests

author:I love fishing every day

In the second half of spring, carp is the time to fish, and there are so-called four magic weapons for carp fishing. The first is the timing, the best is the yellow stage of rape flowers, and the best weather is a rainy day with low light and low wind, and the carp will feed all day long in this weather. The second is bait, as the saying goes, carp has a heavy flavor, sweet, winey, and fishy smell are the first choice, and the larger the size of the fish, the heavier the taste, which is related to the characteristics of the big carp arching the sediment to find food. The third is to adjust the drift, because the carp is a fish in the lower mouth, and the drift can only be blunt, not only the fishing line will touch the upper lip first. The fourth is the fishing position, the carp does not have a stomach pouch and the intestine is shorter than other fish, so the amount of food is very large, and it needs a larger foraging range to be full, and the choice of fishing position is very diverse.

Wild fishing for large carp, the way to choose a fishing position, these locations have fish nests

First, the hurdle

Some anglers believe that the core of the selection of wild carp fishing positions is the underwater hurdle, and find a place with a hurdle underwater, which is the favorite hiding terrain of the big carp. There are many classifications of kan, the kan on the water surface is called the shore kan, and the platform and steps under this kan are the best fishing positions for carp. This deep and shallow terrain is suitable for carp to hide and forage, making it an excellent terrain for retreat. There are also stone ridges, which are areas with stones underwater, which are convenient for carp to hide, and secondly, the number of snails in this location is usually large, because it is easier to grow moss on the stones, which is the main food of snails. There are also carp that have the habit of rubbing stones and rubbing itches. There is also a kind of water with a hill and a water grass under the hill, which is also a good place for carp fishing. If the drop is large, it is not suitable for choice.

Wild fishing for large carp, the way to choose a fishing position, these locations have fish nests

II. Water Lifting

Carp is very closely related to muddy water, because carp has the property of digging through the sediment underwater in search of food, which can lead to the appearance of muddy water. So the muddy water may be caused by carp. The second is that the carp forage like to be in the area of the soft bottom, and the carp cannot arch the sediment in the place of the hard bottom, and the area with the soft bottom usually has the phenomenon of muddy water. So liking will create muddy water, and muddy water will also attract carp to feed. The scope of muddy water is very wide, and the more classic is near the water outlet. As the saying goes, there is no breeze on a sunny day, and grass fishing for bighead carp refers to the fact that there is no wind on a sunny day in the high temperature season, which is most suitable for floating grass carp or silver carp. As the saying goes, if you don't fish for bighead carp, you can't stand on the dam, the dam is steep and smooth, and the water depth is not conducive to food staying, but it is the most suitable for bighead carp that need a certain depth of water when fishing.

Wild fishing for large carp, the way to choose a fishing position, these locations have fish nests

Similarly, if you don't fish for carp, you don't fish for the outlet, which means that the area near the outlet is an excellent location for carp fishing. This is because the current carries sediment and food to settle near the inlet, and only carp have the property of openly searching for sediment for food, so only carp can forage normally near the outlet. There is also a good spot for carp fishing near the inlet, where the current carries food and sediment, muddy water and abundant food. The same is true for the downwind location, which will cause turbidity in the water quality at the downwind location, which is also more suitable for carp fishing. There are also some larger bays where the current becomes gentler and is sure to have muddy waters, which are also ideal for carp to feed.

Wild fishing for large carp, the way to choose a fishing position, these locations have fish nests

3. Fish passage

Among the fish of the same size, grass carp and carp have the largest appetite, but the reason for their large consumption is different. Grass carp eat a variety of plants that are not nutritious, and like many herbivorous animals on land, they can only get enough nutrients by eating a large amount of food. In order to digest and absorb better, grass carp also has almost the longest intestine among freshwater fish. However, carp has the shortest intestine, like a rectum, and it is excreted quickly after eating, so carp is a big stomach. Many of the water surfaces are not too far from the shore and often have gullies caused by carp feeding. Therefore, wild carp fishing is also more suitable for finding various fish passage terrain, especially during the carp foraging season. The pointed, wide, and narrow plough is a classic fish passage, and carp are bound to pass through this terrain if they are foraging for a wide area.

Wild fishing for large carp, the way to choose a fishing position, these locations have fish nests

In addition to the carp's habit of eating at the bottom of the mouth and close to the ground, the fishing blunt bait atomized hook is still at the bottom of the water, so that the carp will still eat the hook as long as they eat the scattered bait. When fishing for carp, it is usually necessary to cast the rod less frequently, and it is even more necessary to be blunt when using face bait. Please pay attention to the collection and like, update on time every day, thank you fishing friends!

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