
Let the child be in charge once

author:Small not a little bit 513

Once I said to my child, "Let you be the master of the renminbi today."

Let the child be in charge once

He asked me, why? I said you do it first, and then you'll know. I will give you a starting capital of 150 yuan. Find a small bag yourself to pack the rmb and be careful not to lose it. If we lose it, we can't buy anything, it's hard to say that we can only be hungry, we can't buy snacks, we can't pay parking fees, and so on. He said "Okay, Mom".

We went out and went to West Hill Park to climb the mountain and exercise. During the climb, the child will take out his small money bag from time to time to see if the money in the small money bag is not there. I asked him you're nervous aren't you? He said yes. I said it's okay, you have a zipper in your outerwear bag, you put the money bag in the outer bag, the zipper is pulled, don't move the zipper, things will always be in the bag. You will take it out, and then you will put it in the bag, things are easy to lose, you don't get nervous, relax. He said yes.

We climbed and climbed, and finally reached the end of the cat cat basket. Get ready to find a place for lunch. Came to a farmhouse and ordered a dish and a soup. After eating a good meal, we went to pay. The child asked the boss, how much money do we have? The boss did the math, 53 yuan. The boss subconsciously said that the scan code payment was here. Later I said to the child, our little boss pays. He took the money out of his pocket. There is a 50 in the whole money in my hand. The boss said: "I don't have any change to make up for it, so I will charge you 50 yuan." After the child listened, he handed the 50 yuan denomination of rmb from his hand to the boss and said "thank you" to the boss.

After a break, we returned to the foot of the mountain, passing the food street. The child said to me, "Mom, what are you going to eat?" I'll buy it for you to eat." At that minute, I was thinking that my child had grown up and learned to be considerate, and my heart was full of emotions. I told him "I'm going to eat potato cake" and he said "let's go buy it". I was like his child, and I followed him wherever he went.

Let the child be in charge once

When he came to the potato cake stall, the child said to the boss, "How much is the boss's potato cake?" The owner said "5 yuan a piece". Then you bring me a potato cake. The child gave 100 yuan to the boss, who found change. The child calculates for himself to find a remedy, right. After being right we left to sell bait. He bought a bait for 5 yuan himself, and I was relieved to see that he had a full smile on his face. After that, I also paid a parking fee of 7 yuan.

Back home, we combed through today's expenses. What projects, how much money each has, and how much is the balance in the end? He listed them all. Then give me back the rest of the money. I said to him, "You already know the face value of the renminbi, and you must apply what you have learned to your life and apply what you have learned." This is the essence of learning. He said, "Today's harvest is really great." ”