
The dedication to life in the mountains comes from the fond memories of childhood


Returning to my hometown on vacation, there is really an inexplicable but real comfort. That kind of pleasure, that kind of steadfastness, that kind of relaxation, is fascinating.

Like a dream, I woke up to the rooster's crowing. The rooster crowed, one after another, and suddenly reminded me of when I was a child, when I went to school, I got up to the sound of the rooster, and it was only slightly bright at that time. My mother got up first, then made breakfast, and called my name.

The dedication to life in the mountains comes from the fond memories of childhood

When I was a child, I was always excited when I didn't go to school, and I could wake up early, but I was more sleepy during school, even if I slept for an extra minute. The rooster crow continued from dawn to dawn.

I usually wake up sleepy in the morning at work, but I wake up without sleep. I quickly got dressed and made my way to the rooftop. The mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, and the trees are looming, which is really beautiful.

The temperature in the early morning was still on the low side, and I shivered a little. The rooster crows continuously, and the mountain has just come to hear the mountain responding. These roosters seem to be talking to each other, and it is like a competition to see who chirps more vigorously and imposingly, and no one admits defeat or shows weakness.

Suddenly, the sound of the hen laying eggs seemed to tell the listener that she had laid eggs, happy and proud.

Birds flew through the air, and the number was not small. How could such lovely birds bear to be absent from this early morning feast of music? But the birds' voices were so crisp and pleasant, and they knew how pleasant their singing was, so they sang calmly and with excitement and joy, and there was a tendency to intensify it.

Suddenly, I heard a dog barking, and I looked for a voice, and it was a big dog sitting in the doorway with his head up and barking. Xu saw strangers, Xu saw the birds flying in the air and was envious, and Xu witnessed the concert of his friends and came to join in the fun.

The fog in the distance has not dispersed for a long time, and it has a great sense of fairyland. I don't think it's surprising if an old white-bearded immortal floats out of the fog.

The dedication to life in the mountains comes from the fond memories of childhood

After all, it is still in the lunar month, and the temperature is still relatively low. I took the water, boiled it in a pot, poured it into a bowl and drank it. The water from the springs in the mountains is sweet. It's so sweet, it's so refreshing. I don't have this kind of water in the city where I go to work, so I always put in the tea leaves I brought from my hometown to increase the taste. The water in this mountain also has its own taste and characteristics without tea, and it goes without saying that the taste of tea leaves is not to mention.

I still remember that time with my father, in the early morning in the middle of the runway deep in the mountains to fetch spring water, with great interest to bring back the spring water to make tea, the brewed tea into the throat, it is really a memorable aftertaste. That kind of sweetness and aftertaste, no matter what taste, can't be compared.

Aunt Zhang and Aunt Hua of the neighbor's house sat in front of the door with a small wooden stool to wash the things needed for the New Year. They were washing and chattering, and from time to time there was laughter, and I didn't hear what they said, but I laughed unconsciously when I heard their laughter.

The dedication to life in the mountains comes from the fond memories of childhood

Maybe it's because I grew up in the mountains, and I always have an indescribable love for nature. I have watched a foreign movie, and I have long forgotten the content of it, but the words of the heroine are deeply imprinted in my heart. "People who love nature have a free heart," she said. "It's really apt to say, those who love nature, the most important thing is to love the freshness of nature, love the vastness of nature, love the tolerance of nature, love the endless power and abundance of nature. How can a person with this kind of love be willing to be bound in his heart?

Downstairs, I heard my father calling me to eat, so I said yes at the top of my voice and quickly ran downstairs.

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