
People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Garlic is a perennial herb with a strong garlic spicy atmosphere, a spicy taste, and a certain pungent smell, which can be eaten directly or as a condiment.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

"Garlic is a treasure, eating it often is good for your health", this is a common saying that we have handed down, but we can also see that garlic has great benefits for our body.


People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

Garlic has a pungent and warm taste, which can enter the spleen, stomach and lungs, and has the effect of appetizing and strengthening the spleen, killing insects and detoxifying.

1, Antibacterial anti-inflammatory

Garlic is a natural plant broad-spectrum antibiotic, garlic contains about 2% allicin, bactericidal ability can reach 1/10 of penicillin, a variety of bacteria that can lead to disease, has a certain effect, such as pneumonia, dysentery, typhoid, meningitis, etc., can play a role in inhibiting and eliminating.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

If garlic can be eaten raw, it also has a certain effect on the prevention of intestinal infections and influenza, and we need to note that if garlic is heated at high temperatures, allicin is easy to lose its bactericidal effect.

2. It has certain curative effect in anti-cancer

Garlic contains sulfur compounds, which can play a role in detoxification, interfere with the activity of carcinogens, enhance the body's immunity, and have a certain effect on preventing cancer.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

Garlic can block the formation of lipid peroxidation and anti-mutation and other methods, can avoid our normal immune cells into cancer cells, garlic contains very high selenium, can play a role in killing cancer cells, to a certain extent can reduce the incidence of cancer.

3. It plays a role in lowering blood lipids

Some researchers have investigated epidemiology, and if everyone can eat about 20 grams of garlic per day, the incidence of cardiovascular disease will be greatly reduced.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

The triglyceride content and cholesterol in the body will be suppressed within a reasonable range, and regular consumption can also have a blood pressure lowering effect.

4. It plays a role in lowering blood sugar

Garlic can promote the secretion of insulin, which is conducive to the utilization of glucose by cell tissues, and can make blood sugar drop, so if the blood sugar is high, you can eat raw garlic appropriately, which can have a certain effect.

5. Prevent blood from being too viscous

Because of our many bad habits, such as smoking and drinking, often eating foods high in salt, oil, and fat, our blood will become extraordinarily viscous.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

If we can eat garlic regularly, it can dilute our blood in a balanced way to avoid our blood being too viscous, and garlic also has a certain antioxidant effect, which can have an anti-aging effect.

6. Increase appetite

I believe that many people like to eat garlic when eating steamed dumplings, although it is more spicy, but it will always be delicious, because garlic can increase people's appetite and play an appetizing role in strengthening the spleen.

7. It can cleanse the intestines and detoxify

Because garlic can effectively inhibit and kill many germs, such as Helicobacter pylori, it can maintain the health of the stomach and intestines and remove the factors that are unfavorable to the stomach.


Who should not eat garlic

Because garlic has a certain stimulating effect and is a spicy food, it is not suitable for anyone to eat, and which people are not suitable for eating?

1. Those who are weak and hot

If garlic is often consumed, it may dissipate people's qi and blood, for some people who are in poor health and lack of qi and blood, they should try to eat as little as possible, otherwise it may cause vision loss, memory loss and other adverse phenomena.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

2. Patients with eye diseases

The ancients said, "garlic can cure all diseases, only harms one eye", if you often eat a large amount of raw garlic, it will cause some damage to the eyes, the smoke of garlic is spicy, it will go to the clear mind, through the eyes, it is easy to cause damage to the eyes of many people, so if you have eye disease, try not to eat garlic.

Many people have had such a situation, although garlic tastes more delicious, but because garlic is too spicy, it will cause tears in the eyes, which shows that garlic has a great impact on our eyes, if you often pay attention to such a situation, you should pay attention to eat less.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

3. Patients with liver disease

It has been recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that "garlic hurts the liver and damages the eyes after eating garlic for a long time", because garlic is hot, which can lead to the occurrence of fire, which has a certain irritation, if the liver itself has a problem, it will cause liver fire to be more vigorous, and it will cause damage to the liver over time.

Moreover, garlic contains volatile components, which will lead to a decrease in red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, causing the symptoms of anemia, which will lead to the aggravation of liver disease, which is not conducive to the treatment of liver disease.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

4. Seriously ill people

Garlic is a kind of hair product, for some people who suffer from diseases or are taking medicine, if they eat garlic, it will cause a certain disease, or aggravate the symptoms of the disease, which will affect the health of the body.

Therefore, if you are sick, you should avoid eating garlic and avoid eating this spicy and stimulating food, which may cause some damage to the body.

5. For some people with weak spleen and stomach who are prone to diarrhea

Garlic has a strong irritation, if used in moderation, it can promote digestion and can have a sterilizing effect, but if you have enteritis, or diarrhea, it is not caused by bacteria, it may cause intestinal mucosal congestion and aggravate the condition.

People who insist on eating garlic every day will end up with more knowledge

Although garlic has great benefits for our body, we should still look at it reasonably, and we should not eat too much of everything, and we should usually eat it in moderation.

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