
Intensive Lecture on Chinese Test Questions for the Senior High School Entrance Examination: Silent Writing of Ancient Poems (Part 1)

author:Sharing of language trivia
Intensive Lecture on Chinese Test Questions for the Senior High School Entrance Examination: Silent Writing of Ancient Poems (Part 1)

The dictation of ancient poetry is a compulsory question type in the high school entrance examination, and the score is generally about 10 points. Compared with the classical Chinese reading comprehension questions and ancient poetry appreciation questions, this kind of memorization question should belong to the "sending score question", but it is precisely this kind of question that can get full marks, but there are still people who drop the chain at a critical time and carelessly lose Jingzhou.

This kind of seemingly simple topic, it is still quite particular to do, the most basic attention is that there can be no more words and fewer words in the sentence, there can be no typos, and it cannot be scribbled and difficult to read, to do it clearly, once you write a wrong word, it is the whole sentence wrong, because the sentences of ancient poetry are regarded as a whole, generally one sentence is one point, and one wrong word is not scored.

It is important to remember that the content of the dictation should be standardized and dictated, and in addition to the correct content, it should also be written in a standardized manner. Note: In junior high school textbooks, it is clearly required to "write down silently in regular script", which should become the normative requirement for silent writing, and form the habit of silent writing.

In the 6 textbooks of junior high school Chinese, there are 62 ancient poems and texts that are required to be memorized, including 37 ancient poems and 25 ancient articles (classical Chinese).

Among the 62 ancient poems, 20 are required to be memorized and written silently, including 18 ancient poems and 2 classical Chinese.

It should be said that these 20 ancient poems are a very important source of silent writing of famous sentences in the high school entrance examination, and in order to become the priority choice for memorizing content, it is especially important to be able to write silently and write standardly.

There are two most common types of questions in the silent writing of Chinese archaeological poems: one is direct dictation, and the other is comprehension dictation.

The following takes the 2023 mid-term exam questions as an example to introduce these two types of questions. I chose two representative questions for the high school entrance examination.

One of them is the high school examination question in Suzhou, in which the silent writing of ancient poems accounts for 8 points.

Please see the title:

(1) There will be times when the wind and waves will be long, ______. (_______ "Difficult to Walk")

(2) He should cut the candles of the west window together, _______. (Li Shangyin, "________")

(3) The two sentences "_______, _______" in Wang Bo's "Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou" mean that if friends have the same mind and understand each other, then even if they are close to each other.

(4) The two sentences of "_______?_______" in the poem "Under the Solid Mountain in the Second Bei" express the poet Wang Wan's longing for his relatives through the imagination of Hongyan's biography.

The answer is as follows: (1) Directly hanging on the clouds and sailing to the sea Li Bai (2) But when it rains at night in Bashan, the night rain sends it to the north (3) The confidant in the sea is close to the end of the world (4) Where does the township book reach the side of Yanluoyang

Suzhou City's 8 points of ancient poetry and silent writing questions, all from the ancient poetry in the textbook, although the question stem is said to be "ancient poetry", but the test is actually all ancient poetry, and all are Tang poems, there are Li Bai, Li Shangyin, Wang Bo, Wang Wan.

The Suzhou exam questions include the most common two types of questions: one is direct dictation, that is, to give the previous sentence or the next sentence and ask to write another sentence silently. This type of question can be done as long as you can memorize it. The second is to understand dictation, that is, to give certain prompting sentences, which are often to describe and prompt the meaning of the sentences to be written silently, and limit a certain range of answers to the candidates.

In the above-mentioned Suzhou City examination questions, the first and second sub-questions belong to direct silent writing, and the first question gives the above sentence "There will be a time when the wind and waves will be long", and requires a silent writing sentence, that is, "directly hanging on the clouds and sails to the sea" (note: the "Canghai" of "Canghai" cannot be written as "Cang", where "Cang" refers to the water blue, and "Canghai" is the sea; "Cang" is often used together, such as "Tiancang" and "Pujia Cangcang", this "Cangcang" refers to "dark cyan"). In the second question, according to the first sentence, I know that I need to fill in "but when it rains at night in Bashan". In these two questions, literary knowledge is also tested, that is, the name of the writer and the name of the work are tested. This inspires students: memorize and write silently, do not ignore the title and author of the ancient poem, and remember and write silently.

The third and fourth questions belong to understanding dictation. In the third question, "Even if the heavens are close at hand" is the explanation of the silent sentence, from which you will think of "the sea has a confidant, and the end of the world is like a neighbor". The fourth sub-question is based on the conditions such as "Hongyan Biography" and "Missing Relatives", you can know that it is "where to reach the hometown book, and return to the Yanluoyang side". If you can't remember or can't get it right for a while, don't write it easily, take some time to memorize the original poem, and then select the two suitable sentences from it, so as to ensure accuracy.

The second is the silent writing question in the Chinese test questions of the 2023 high school entrance examination in Guangdong Province.

Guangdong's dictation question accounts for 12 points and is divided into two questions, the first question is 10 points, and the second question is 2 points. Here's how:

1. Write ancient poems silently. (10 points in total.) 1 point for a correct answer, no more than 10 points out of 10)

(1)蒹葭苍苍,。 (《诗经》)

(2) The peak enters the clouds, and the stone walls on both sides of the river. (Tao Hongjing's "Appreciation Book")

(3)。 Straight to the clouds and sails into the sea. (Li Bai's "Difficult to Walk")

(4) The broken halberd sinks into the sand and the iron is not sold. Dongfeng does not have a convenient relationship with Zhou Lang,. (Du Mu's "Red Cliff")

(5) Eight hundred miles under the command. (Xin Qiji's "Breaking the Array, Giving Strong Words to Chen Tongfu to Send It")

(6) Please write on the horizontal line the verses from Du Fu's "Wangyue" that are suitable for filling in the following couplets.

Shanglian: Looking around the wilderness, the sky is so high

Downlink: , people are ridiculous

(7) The names of some houses come from ancient poems, such as "Zhiyuantang" from the sentence in Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments": "Non-indifferent and unenlightened,"; "Human Realm Lu" comes from the poem in Tao Yuanming's "Drinking".

2. When writing ancient poems silently, where can the township book be reached? "Returning to the Yan Luoyang Side" (Wang Wan's "Under the Solid Mountain in the Second Bei") is often mistakenly written as "Yan". Explain why you wrote "goose" based on the content of the poem and the knowledge card below. (two minutes)

Knowledge card: "Hanshu Su Wu Biography" records: "The messenger said that he was Shan Yu, and the son of Yan Tianzi shot into the forest, and he got a goose, and there was enough silk book, and Yan Wu and so on were in a certain Ze." Later, "goose foot" or "goose" was used as the synonym of the letter.

The answers to the Guangdong exam questions are as follows, please compare them and see how much you are right-

1. (1) White dew is frost (2) Clear stream to see the bottom; Five colors are intertwined (3) There will be times when the wind and waves will break (4) Self-will be washed and recognized by the previous dynasty; Bronze Bird Spring Deep Lock Er Qiao (5) Fifty strings turn over the outside sound; Autumn soldiers on the battlefield (6) A glance at the mountains (7) Non-quiet and far-reaching; Settle in the human realm, and there is no noise of cars and horses

2. The ancients had been on the foot of the wild goose to pass the letter, and later "goose" became the name of the letter (1 point), "return to the wild goose Luoyangbian" this poem means that the wild goose wants to return to the home letter on my behalf, in the poem the author uses the wild goose returning to the north to express homesickness, so here should be written "goose" (1 point).

The following is an analysis of the characteristics of Guangdong exam questions. Similar to the Suzhou topic, it combines direct dictation with comprehension dictation, that is, it achieves a combination of difficulty and ease.

The first to fifth questions in the first question are written directly silently, which can be written correctly according to the corresponding upper and lower sentences given, and must be written in a standardized manner, not cursive.

The sixth and seventh questions are about understanding dictation. First of all, we must see the meaning of the topic, which is to write the sentence in Du Fu's "Wangyue", which sentence to write, we must clarify the meaning of this couplet, and we must be familiar with the knowledge of couplet. The position where the dictation is required tells us that five words are filled in here, and it must form a dual relationship with the "four looks and eight desolations" in the upper couplet, and the most basic is the same part of speech and the same structure. If you can think of "at a glance" (number of words to number words) from "looking around" at once, then of course it will save time, but if you are not sure, just memorize "Wangyue" and sift through it. The "Zhiyuan" and "Human Environment" in the seventh sub-question give clear hints, and you can quickly capture the familiar verses.

The second question collided with the Suzhou exam question, and it was also a test of "returning to the goose". This question is not directly written silently, but it still tests the understanding of ancient poetry. This is equivalent to testing students backwards, originally by understanding to write poems, and this question is to test understanding through verses. This question is mainly based on the connotation of "letters" contained in "geese" as the test point, when answering the question, on the one hand, the "letters" mentioned in the card are clearly stated, and on the other hand, the poems in the question can be explained. The main point in the exam question is that it is precisely because "goose" has the meaning of "letter" that only "goose" can be used here.

In addition, there is also a more difficult situational dictation than understanding dictation, which is to provide a certain language atmosphere, and then leave the blank to fill in the appropriate ancient poetry and famous sentences. This is a bit like writing an article with ancient poetry and famous sentences, the content is ready-made, but you fill in the ancient poetry and famous sentences. This will be discussed next time.

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