
Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you how to control the essence with ease

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Chinese medicine teaches you how to control the essence with ease

How does traditional Chinese medicine solve the problem of too high sensitivity of the muscles and tendons, and how does the threshold of the essence pass too high? Why do many people have a little bit of heartbeat, and the heart will flow white when the heart is not moving, and the kidneys are not moving, and the essence will not move. If you see a bicycle, you won't have any bad thoughts, and it's unlikely that you will take action, but you may be in good health and tenacious. This is because we don't want to do this from the heart, which shows that our willpower is dominated by the heart, and the heart is full of strength.

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you how to control the essence with ease

When we have an idea, we do what we want to do, when you have the heart to act, it will mobilize the qi and blood of the five internal organs, especially the kidney essence, at this time, the qi and blood can nourish the cavernous body and maintain long-term flexibility. Therefore, if you want to control the essence pass, it must be that the heart and kidneys are vigorous, after all, the power of opening and closing the essence pass lies in the heart and not in the kidney, but it needs to be completed with the cooperation of the kidney. Let's take a look at a tongue coating that is not kept due to excessive sperm injury:

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you how to control the essence with ease

Let's look at the tongue quality first, the tongue quality is very light, there is no blood, indicating that the qi and yang qi are deficient, and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue, indicating that the blood does not nourish the tendons, and the spleen and stomach are very poor. The collapse of the base of the tongue indicates that the kidney is deficient, and the cycle of sperm injury is relatively long. The tip of the tongue is red and there are petechiae, indicating that the heart is in a state of yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity.

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you how to control the essence with ease

Through further understanding of it, as long as it has that kind of sensitivity, it will immediately turn against it, and even if it holds back, it won't last long. In many cases, it is impossible to complete it without starting it directly, because it is over immediately before it has even begun. Waist retreat, dizziness and tinnitus, lack of energy, lack of energy, lack of energy and lazy speech, often inexplicable upset. Poor sleep quality, difficulty falling asleep and waking up easily. The pulse is weak and weak.

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you how to control the essence with ease

Comprehensive syndrome differentiation heart: spleen and kidney yang deficiency, essence is not guarded. Adjust to replenish the heart and kidneys, and strengthen the essence. For this case, you can use Coptis chinensis, cinnamon, astragalus, atractylodes, American ginseng, rehmannia, yam, yam, poria cocos, zexiao, danpi, hyssop, salvia, and dodder seeds. He is instructed to insist on a light diet, eat less sweet food, big fish and meat, pay attention to taboos, do not be too anxious and irritable, maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, exercise moderately, and combine work and rest. After a period of conditioning, the Jingguan threshold is lowered, and the state of ease can be achieved.

Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you how to control the essence with ease

Many people always like to tonify the kidneys too much, but they don't know that the more they supplement, the hotter it is, the more it hurts the sperm, and the essence will come out of vain when it gets heat, so many people will aggravate the symptoms of the body the more they supplement. Even if we need to replenish the body, we need to be warm, and try to choose products that are flat and replenish yin and yang, after all, for such chronic problems, only peaceful tonic can make up for it without problems. Frequent deficiency is very harmful to yang energy, and even more harmful to the spleen and stomach.

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