
8 sentences that the counselor told me to "regain my sense of strength".

author:Simple psychology
8 sentences that the counselor told me to "regain my sense of strength".
8 sentences that the counselor told me to "regain my sense of strength".

Welcome to the "Stories of the Consultation Room" section, where you will be presented with real stories in the consultation room, recording every moment of spiritual change.

In the book "How Psychotherapy Changes People", it is mentioned that at a certain moment, there will be a trigger point, that is, a sudden awakening of consciousness: the person suddenly "sees" his situation and knows what he must do to change.

And this moment may happen at the moment when the counselor says something. We've selected 8 of these moments from recent submissions, let's take a look and believe they will inspire your life.

01@Yu Yu "True freedom is to allow variables to exist. 」

I always feel comfortable that life runs according to my own order, but when I am forced to change, I become upset and panicked. When I told my counselor about this, she hit me right at once. Oh, so it can be like this, after the change happens, it opens up only another way of life, and you will find a different kind of fun.

02@Good Day "It's not luck, it's the past you made some decisions that left room for the current you to choose. 」

Although there were stumbles in my life, most of the conflicts were resolved or alleviated, so I consider myself a lucky person. I have shared this opinion with many of my friends, and they have all agreed.

The counsellor was the first to contradict me, saying, "It's not luck, it's the past you made some decisions that left room for choice for the present you. 」

I felt so comforted and encouraged that the counsellor was so sensitive and could empower me in such details, or to make me recognize my own strength.

03@17I'm also a counselor and a university teacher. During my personal experience in graduate school, I once told my counselor that my friends thought I was too perfectionist. And she said, "What do you think?" I said, I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. She said, "Aren't you closer to perfection then?"

"Aren't you closer to perfection then?" Later, I also encountered such a visit at work, and I shared my story and this sentence with her, and it seemed to help her a lot. In the course of my work with my counselor, there is not only one sentence that "shocks the heart", but this sentence shakes more than one heart.

04@puppy "Very few people survive the culture. 」

I always thought that I was not influenced by the patriarchal Chaoshan culture, but in fact, one side of the water and soil raised the other side, and I subtly grew up a virtuous and gentle, gentle Chaoshan female image, including when I was looking for a partner later, I also hoped that the other party could take care of me, which was actually a manifestation of self-weakness.

05@Come on, Xiao Sun just went to Boyi, and the classmates around him seem to be big coffee scholars, talking eloquently in class, and their exports are chapters. English is my second language, and although I work hard, I seem to be on par with my classmates in reading and writing. Every day I feel like I'm running out of time.

The school counselor said: Why do you use a tunneled view to look at yourself? (Why do you want to look at yourself from a narrow perspective?) and then she explains that tunneled view is the kind of thing that only looks at a part of yourself, only looking at the shortcomings. And I am a whole, a whole. My parents didn't speak English, and I had to overcome more difficulties than my classmates to be like them. At that moment, I regained at least some of my self-confidence.

8 sentences that the counselor told me to "regain my sense of strength".

▷《Heart-to-Heart Consultation》

06@Anonymous "Let the emotion flow when it comes out. 」

I used to think that negative emotions were bad, but I have always lived a result-oriented life, and when I found my negative emotions, I wanted to solve them immediately, but I was trapped in no way to solve them, and I couldn't get rid of unwanted emotions.

"What effect does the presence of these emotions have on you in the moment?" "Let emotions flow when they come out." The counselor said.

Yes, we are all people with five emotions and six desires, and it is okay to take our time, why should we be so harsh on ourselves in pain.

07@Phoebe I have bipolar disorder and had an emotional breakdown one night and confided in the counselor about my family's depression. One of the counselor's words stuck out to me: "Maybe bipolar depression is also to help you express your emotions. 」

Suddenly there was a feeling of a way out. It was also this sentence that made me realize that I should express my own needs and thoughts more, and I should put my legitimate and reasonable needs first to communicate.

08@P was in a very unhealthy relationship with me and was in close contact with my ex who had just broken up. I know in my heart that it's not worth it, but I can't refuse the approach to the other party. Feeling trapped, feeling powerless to want to leave but unable to do so, sadness about being ignored and self-blame for not being able to leave are mixed and often break down.

"Even if you are hurt like this, you still choose to stay with him, it must be that what he can provide you is very important to you. What do you think is important to him? 」

I suddenly felt like I had switched perspectives, from someone who was powerless to break free from hurt, to someone who had a choice to endure hurt for something important. I regained my sense of power. I also re-evaluated what I needed from him, did it objectively exist, could it be replaced, and woke up all of a sudden.

8 sentences that the counselor told me to "regain my sense of strength".

▷《Heart-to-Heart Consultation》


What did your counselor say that "impressed" you?

Leave a message in the comment area and let us know~

Author: Visitors and friends

Editor: Birdman Editor: Han Bing

8 sentences that the counselor told me to "regain my sense of strength".

Simple Psychology provides professional "first consultation" online psychological assessment.

It is like a comprehensive "psychological check-up", which can help you effectively sort out your current troubles, effectively locate the problems you are facing, and become the first step in your journey of self-exploration.

The online initial consultation consists of 3 professional psychological scales, a 50-minute 1v1 video interview, and a customized mental health plan within 48 hours after the end, including the recommendation of 3 suitable counselors and the provision of more than 10 self-help books/videos/audio-visual materials.

If you want to continue the consultation after the assessment, we will recommend three counselors for your personal problems that need to be solved urgently, and choose the one you like the most, according to your requirements, such as distance, cost, genre, and online and offline.

Give yourself a chance to be healed, and you will open a different door in life.


8 sentences that the counselor told me to "regain my sense of strength".