
It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

author:Bread clip knowledge

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It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Text: Bread Clip Knowledge

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«——【It was a must-have for the dining table·】——»

In the 80s on the mainland, both vegetables and other food crops were not as abundant as they are now.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

However, almost every household has such a "meal" on the dining table, at that time, it was also widely cultivated in the rural areas of the mainland, and it can be seen almost everywhere, and it is also one of the common ingredients in many families.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

It is artichoke, in some people's memory, there are memories of artichoke, after all, artichoke is relatively simple to grow and manage, and its eating methods are also varied, for example, it can be eaten fresh as an ingredient, or it can be pickled or dried and stored for a long time.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

At that time, artichoke was also a common crop in the countryside, because artichoke was a more trouble-free existence in crops, because it had many advantages, such as the seeds did not have high requirements for the land, germination was easy and fast, and its growth rate was also very fast.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

In addition, artichoke is also very valuable for eating, and is very rich in nutrients, such as various vitamins, and many minerals needed by the human body, as well as carbohydrates, and proteins.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

The taste is also very delicious, and the taste of this thing is different depending on the way it is eaten, for example, when eaten fresh, the taste of artichoke is very crisp, and there is a slight sweetness, and after pickling, its taste is completely different.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

In the 80s, artichoke was almost a special snack, loved by many people, and became the "next meal" on many people's tables, and even many old people who had eaten artichoke said, it is no exaggeration to say that if there is artichoke, I can eat a few more bowls of rice.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

However, many people only know that artichoke is a vegetable with a variety of flavors and ways to eat, but few people know that it is actually an invasive species.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Native to North America, it is a plant that is a headache for the United States, and because of its super adaptability to the environment and super fast reproduction, it once made Americans miserable.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Even every year, a lot of money is spent on trying to eliminate, but what people didn't expect is that this invasive species is eaten as a vegetable by the mainland, and it is still very popular with people.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

But this kind of artichoke that was once widely used on the table and was very popular among people has now disappeared from our table and is now difficult to find, what is the reason for this?

«——【But now it's hard to find】——»

In the impression of many people, artichoke is a very common crop, once upon a time in many rural areas, both in the south and the north have been planted in large quantities, many people are very happy to plant artichoke, after all, planting this crop is not only a big harvest, but also do not have to worry too much.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Some people think that it is because now, with the continuous development of agriculture, our lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and now many crops have more categories, and we can eat vegetables and fruits with a lot of choices.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Now it is different from the past, completely different from the previous 80s, now whether it is imported from abroad, or the mainland independent research and development of vegetable varieties, it is more diverse, and people's choice of vegetables is more and more, more and more broad.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Now there are also many vegetables that can replace artichoke artichoke, so people no longer regard this plant as a must-have on the table, after all, the current living conditions have changed dramatically compared to a few decades ago.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

However, some people believe that the disappearance of artichoke is probably due to the fact that the cultivation of crops has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Because in the past, artichoke was simple to grow and had a high yield compared to other crops, but now the Yang family has almost no special advantages, because almost all of today's crops can be reached.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Nowadays, many crops can not only achieve high yields, but also achieve high returns, for many farmers, people no longer need to plant artichokes, but to grow other crops, but also to make their own harvest.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

On the other hand, with the continuous improvement of the quality of life, people's eating habits have also undergone great changes, now compared with a few decades ago, after all, the category of vegetables has developed by leaps and bounds, so people are now more inclined to eat some vegetables that they are relatively familiar with.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

As a niche vegetable, artichoke is no longer found in not many people, in planting, and even in many markets.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

This has also led to it, gradually becoming a niche vegetable, many people do not know about it, so they will not use it, in fact, it is not that the artichoke has disappeared, but now people's living standards have been greatly improved, and its choices are also diverse.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

As a must-have for the dinner table, artichoke has become a niche vegetable, and many people don't know it, so it has gradually disappeared in front of our eyes.

«——【Can you reproduce the glory?·】——»

Although now, many people don't know about artichoke at all, and many people don't know artichoke at all.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

This has also led to the collapse of artichoke in the cuisine, but it is undeniable that its rich taste and edible diversity still have its special features.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Now, artichoke can't exist as a mainstream vegetable, but it still has a high role, after all, it is very rich in nutritional value, if it is made into a special food, there is still a certain space for development.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

After all, the development of new uses of artichoke is still very beneficial, rich in nutritional value, low soil requirements, high yield, this plant is almost very difficult to find, if it is allowed to completely disappear from our lives, it will be a great pity.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Many plant experts believe that artichoke can now continue to flourish and regain its glory through new technologies, such as making artichoke into drinks, juicing or whether it is a variety of exquisite specialties, and people can also re-understand the plant artichoke.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

After all, for many people, they have never seen this plant, and they are very unfamiliar with this plant, as long as this plant is innovative in new promotion and new fields, it will still play its role.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

For some older generations, artichokes may be memories of those days, but for some young people, artichokes are likely to be the new edible vegetable.

It used to be the "hottest" next meal in the 80s, but now it is cold and difficult to find, have you eaten it at that time?

Maybe it's a change in the form of artichok that can be accepted by many young people, and it can also bring back this delicious taste that originally disappeared on our table.