
Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

author:A history of history

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Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

It is well known that there are two factions within China, radical and conservative.

The radicals insist on fighting directly with their weapons, while the conservatives believe that the radicals are too conservative. Until now, China has not fought a war for almost forty years.

But this achievement is not very good in the eyes of the Chinese, there has been no war for decades, the army has not been trained, is their combat effectiveness okay?

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

China has always boasted that it is a peace-loving country, but the people are shouting every day that they want to fight.

Click on it and let's see why Chinese hawks are in the people.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

The Chinese people who were forced to be helpless

China has always declared itself a peace-loving country, but when it comes to the issue of war, all Chinese are eager to try, especially when it comes to fighting Japan and the United States, and even many ordinary Chinese are willing to participate in it.

In fact, this is not because the Chinese are belligerent by nature, but as a last resort.

China has a long history and is the only civilization in the world that has not been interrupted, and it has been able to stand firm in a thousand years of history, relying on the indomitable spirit of the Chinese.

Since ancient times, the land of China has been a herd of heroes, especially in the era of underdeveloped productive forces, China has a large land and abundant materials, which makes the surrounding foreign tribes greedy, and has repeatedly attempted to invade the Central Plains.

As for foreign aggression, the Chinese have known since ancient times that they must be suppressed by force, otherwise they will only recur, and the crisis on the border will never be resolved.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

Therefore, we are always preparing for war, and even if there is no great unified dynasty that does not have a war, the country will insist on recuperation and military training to prevent foreign forces from eyeing us.

Naturally, the foreign tribes in China did not dare to invade, and they either submitted to us or continued to migrate outward away from the territory of the mainland.

During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he attacked the Xiongnu in the north and directly dealt a devastating blow to them. During the Three Kingdoms period, even in the three-legged situation, Wei, Shu and Wu still tacitly agreed: we can fight each other, but we can't let the foreign tribes take advantage of it, and the Three Kingdoms have not cleaned up the surrounding foreign tribes, which is why the Three Kingdoms are at war, and the foreign races dare not invade.

In fact, in ancient China, there was also a situation where military generals were not valued, that is, the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty pursued a policy of emphasizing literature over military force, which led to a large number of military generals being suppressed for a long time, and the generals who fought on the battlefield did not get the treatment they deserved, and naturally they were not willing to train their troops attentively.

As a result, the Song Dynasty became vulnerable, especially after the Song Dynasty showed a little decline, foreign tribes began to attack the Song Dynasty in a big way, who would have thought that the huge Song Dynasty was just an "empty shell", which could not resist the strong cavalry in the north at all, and was directly beaten to abandon the city and flee.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

The "shame of Jingkang" has been mentioned in the history of future generations, and even in future generations, we will still not forget that incident that brought shame to the Chinese nation.

At the same time, we will not succumb to the darkness and aggression of the outside world. Especially since the beginning of modern times, China's scientific and technological development has lagged far behind that of Western countries in modern times due to its failure to keep up with the wave of the world's industrial revolution.

At a time when Western countries began to explore the world, colonize the whole world, establish world markets, plunder wealth all over the world, and complete the primitive accumulation of capital, we are still immersed in the self-satisfaction of the "Celestial Empire".

However, when the British bombarded China with their cannons, we were forced to open our eyes to the world, but even in those days, there were still a large number of obsessed people.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

The rule at the end of the Qing Dynasty was undoubtedly failed and corrupt, although some well-intentioned people have noticed the gap between China and the rest of the world, and are ready to learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries in order to strengthen our country.

Throughout the modern history of the world, a large number of countries have been colonized by European and American countries, such as Vietnam around the mainland. India and other countries, although China has been constantly invaded by other countries in modern times, we have never completely become a colony.

Take Vietnam and India as examples, when Western colonizers invaded them, it seemed that it was easy to occupy this country, although their strength was inferior to Western countries, but the Qing Dynasty at that time was not the opponent of Western countries, even if later generations called the Qing Dynasty a period of decay and decline, but the concept of protecting the family and defending the country is still engraved in the bones of the Chinese.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

Even if the government is incompetent, it has sent troops to suppress it or foreign countries have learned new experiences and technologies, and the people have spontaneously organized themselves to resist foreign invaders.

The resistance of the people of Sanyuanli against the British was a feat of the Chinese people, and the ordinary people used their flesh and blood to make the British army miserable and destroy the original invasion plan of the British army.

Of course, the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government have long aroused the dissatisfaction of the Chinese people, and the people will raise their guns against the cowardly and incompetent government. The Boxer Rebellion, the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom Movement, and so on, whether they succeeded or not, were all symbols of the Chinese people's courage to resist.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

The humiliation of modern times

The Chinese people are belligerent? That is an experience honed in humiliation after humiliation.

From the beginning of the Opium Wars, we were caught in the dilemma of "land reparations", and we could only maintain our precarious rule by signing unequal agreements.

During the Qing Dynasty, China's territory was much larger than it is now, Mongolia used to be our territory, but in the late Qing Dynasty they were incompetent and assigned large areas of China to other countries, not only Mongolia, of course, but we also lost a lot of territory in the late Qing Dynasty.

In the First World War, the mainland was obviously the victorious party, but when it came to the Shandong issue, the other demerits did not take our interests into account at all, but instead discussed with other countries the handling of some areas of China.

What is not available on the battlefield is even more impossible to get at the negotiating table, and even though China's negotiator Gu Weijun has been clever and constantly protesting at the United Nations, it has not been able to change our tragedy.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

In the 30s of the last century, Japan began to launch a war of aggression against China, and a large area of China was occupied by the Japanese army.

At that time, China was poor and white, and it was completely powerless to resist Japan, and Japan used its own advanced weapons to first occupy the three eastern provinces of China, and then launched a full-scale war of aggression against China.

At that time, wherever the Japanese army went, they basically "did not grow an inch of grass", because they pursued a "three-light policy", that is, the Japanese swept the area, killed all the people, robbed all the property, and burned all the houses.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we occasionally saw the news that "mass graves" were found, and a large part of them occurred during the Japanese invasion of China.

After the Japanese occupied a city, they would often arrest Chinese men, women, and children, and the women would be ravaged and raped by the Japanese army, from old women in their sixties and seventies to children in their nineties and tens.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

The Japanese would even throw aside the bellies of Chinese pregnant women alive and take out the unborn children with bayonets to "play" with them and make fun of them.

Adult males will be killed by the Japanese army, and they will torture people to death by various cruel means, including not limited to beheading, disembowelment, etc., and even launching a "killing game" in the army, comparing who killed more Chinese in a certain period of time.

What is even more odious is that even though Japan had committed so many horrific massacres against us back then, they never admitted these facts, and even tried to deny all this.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have been developing for decades, and China has gradually developed from a poor country to today's prosperity and strength, in which we have endured a lot of sadness and suffering.

It is precisely because China has experienced so much over the years, and we have also made friends with the United States, the Soviet Union and other big countries, but none of these countries want to benefit from China, and once we cannot satisfy their growing appetites, then we will inevitably be counterattacked.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

The behavior of these countries also makes us understand that there is no way out by relying on other countries, and if you want to really stand up, you must become strong yourself.

Although the surrounding countries were eyeing China in the early days of the founding of New China, and the United States even openly provoked China during the Korean War, although our weapons and equipment were not comparable to those of the United States, and our experience of development was not comparable to that of the United States, and even the treatment of our armed forces was greatly inferior to that of the United States, the United States even dropped two atomic bombs on Japan during World War II, and its deterrent effect on all countries in the world was extremely strong.

Even under such circumstances, even at the risk of the United States dropping atomic bombs on us, the mainland still decided to send troops to resist US aggression and aid Korea in order to defend its homeland and defend the country.

No matter what time China comes, as long as national interests are violated, there will always be a large number of Chinese who come forward regardless of their lives. It is precisely because we have experienced one war after another that we have come to understand the value of peace.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

New China has faced too many critical moments of life and death, and it is precisely because we have the spirit of struggle again and again that we can survive at critical moments, and it is also true that we like peace, because we have experienced too much turmoil, and we are more eager for peace. We do not take the initiative to invade other countries because we have endured the pain of war and do not want to inflict the pain on the people of other countries. But in the face of bullying from other countries, we naturally will not remain silent.

In the history of humiliation in modern times, China has gradually realized its own shortcomings and understood that only by striving for self-improvement can it get rid of the fate of being humiliated. Therefore, the Chinese people have always maintained a spirit of courage to resist and struggle. This spirit is embodied not only in external struggles, but also in internal reforms.

Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China has made tremendous achievements in economic, scientific, technological, and cultural development. However, that doesn't mean we can let our guard down and stop moving forward. On the contrary, we should cherish our hard-won achievements even more, continue to work hard, and constantly enhance our comprehensive national strength.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

China's "hawks".

Whenever it comes to China's aircraft carrier spending, some people always complain that there is too little, and everyone abroad is eager to reduce military spending, but when they come to China, they want to increase military spending.

To answer with a sentence from netizens: If the military expenditure is not kept to build aircraft carriers, will it be used as compensation? This is also the thinking of most Chinese, although China's military expenditure is a lot, but it occupies a small weight in the national GDP, even lower than many Western countries.

In particular, in recent years, we have been faced with severe external challenges, and many countries have always consciously or unintentionally challenged China's authority, and even attempted to arouse the influence of public opinion at home.

Many people believe that we should increase investment in the military field to ensure that China's military strength matches its economic status.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

For example, the aircraft carrier problem that everyone is very concerned about, although we have solved the dilemma that China does not have aircraft carriers, but the number of aircraft carriers is still insufficient, in the eyes of the Chinese, how can 3 aircraft carriers fight against the world powers?

Indeed, modern history tells us that only by being tough can we not be bullied, and Chairman Mao proposed "power from the barrel of a gun" during the revolution. Even if we faced the "nuclear threat" of the Soviet Union in the last century, as long as the people of the whole country were united, we could always overcome the difficulties.

However, this is what the West fears, and they would prefer to see China's "chaos" rather than a united country.

Compared with the West, which always pays attention to individualism, especially in recent years, various environmentalism and sexual minorities in the West have thrown the country into a mess under various banners, and the people do not have much expectation of the government at all.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

In contrast, they found that China's potential is too strong, so they began to use various methods to attack China, the first is to spread only negative news about China in their own countries, smear all aspects of China, make people misunderstand China, try to weaken China's influence, and those words that praise China will be consciously blocked by them.

The second is to secretly arrange some spies to spread rumors on the Internet, or guide the values of the Chinese, in an attempt to undermine our unity.

Of course, in addition to these "shady" means, they have also tried to blockade us geographically, and the United States, in alliance with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, and other countries, has tried to "make trouble" for us on the border issue of China, or has repeatedly "made trouble" on the Taiwan issue.

Who is the biggest "hawk" in China? Not the military, but the people who are full of martial virtues.

However, the Chinese people have always stood firmly on the side of the motherland, and the Chinese people have always paid attention to the development of the country. At the dinner table, no matter what the background, if there are more than 3 men drinking, then they can talk about politics regardless of their starting point with the topic of life.

Years of experience have taught us that blind patience will not lead to good results, and only by being tough can we avoid being bullied, which is why the Chinese people have developed into the country's biggest "hawks".

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