
It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!


After the graduate school entrance examination scores, the editor saw the most complaints from everyone, which was probably the problem of "pressure scores".

Scoring in the postgraduate entrance examination is indeed a problem that worries many students, and it may directly affect the ranking and admission results of candidates. For a candidate, it may be that one, two, or even three years of hard work will be in vain.

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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So, do you know which colleges and universities have serious pressure scores? Xiaobian has intimately sorted out for all students, and avoided lightning for students!

Colleges and universities with serious pressure on the Internet

Editor's reminder: Most of the pressure score information transmitted on the 24 postgraduate entrance examination network comes from the descriptions of college candidates, which has a certain degree of subjectivity. If there are any of the following target universities, it is recommended that students go to the official website to check the score line of this year's first-choice re-examination and analyze it rationally.

Shanghai Theatre Academy

It is rumored on the Internet that the Shanghai Theater Academy has a particularly serious score this year, which is particularly prominent in some majors

For example, the performance major of Shanghai Theater Academy has a serious pressure on scores in two professional courses in the postgraduate entrance examination, resulting in none of the candidates applying for this direction passing the national line.

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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Chongqing Normal University

Some netizens said that they had encountered pressure marks in some majors of Chongqing Normal University, such as the second pressure score in the professional course was complained by many netizens, and many friends scored lower than expected in their professional courses.

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts

In recent years, some candidates and outsiders have reported that the pressure score of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts is more serious.

Specifically, some candidates said that although their work and performance met or exceeded the expected level in the professional course examination, the final score was much lower than expected. This phenomenon is not an isolated case, but exists in a wide range of disciplines and subjects.

For example, there are many candidates who score between 40 and 60 in art history, which shows that the pressure score is serious.

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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Liaoning University

It is rumored on the Internet that Liaoning University has been reported by some candidates in the process of postgraduate examination in recent years, and this phenomenon is particularly prominent in some majors of Liaoning University.

And some netizens said that Liaoning University may have unfair treatment of first-choice candidates in the admissions process. Some candidates pointed out that despite their excellent grades and performance, they eventually encountered a situation of pressure on scores or not being treated fairly because they were not their first choice to apply for Liaoning University.

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

*Image source network

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

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Henan University

This year, Henan University was also complained by many candidates, and even scolded the hot search strips. Some candidates believe that in order to recruit better transfer students, the school deliberately lowers the scores of some candidates, so as to set aside places for those candidates who enter through adjustment.

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

*Image source network

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

*Image source network

Dalian Maritime University

Some netizens reacted to Dalian Maritime University, the question type is not fixed, almost every year, it is unpredictable, which makes many candidates very distressed. And the international business major plans to recruit 30, and the candidate who ranks ninth will not be able to cross the national line, and only one person can go to the triple digit in practice, so candidates choose carefully.

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

*Image source network

It is rumored on the Internet that 24 colleges and universities with serious pressure on the postgraduate entrance examination, be careful to avoid pits!

*Image source network

In addition, for example, Suzhou University, Northwest Normal University, Hainan University, Ningbo University, Xi'an University of Foreign Chinese, Southwest University of Political Science and Law and other colleges and universities have reported the phenomenon of pressure scores this year.

Students who have just prepared for the exam for 24 or 25 must be screened and choose a school rationally.

Why do colleges and universities score points?

It is not uncommon for colleges and universities to score scores. If you hear about which college has a pressure on the score, there is a high probability that the following problems will occur↓↓↓

01Occupy a source of high-quality students

Some universities may resort to a score pressure strategy in order to capture high-quality students. This includes disrespecting the candidate's first choice, forcibly lowering the score, and then admitting 985 and 211 candidates in the adjustment stage in the form of "excellent student source adjustment". This practice can lead to unsatisfactory scores for a large number of first-choice candidates.

02There are problems in the judging process

There may be some problems with the process of judging papers in colleges and universities. For example, in some colleges and universities where the number of applicants has skyrocketed, there may be a shortage of manpower to revise the papers, resulting in a lack of seriousness when revising the papers, and after giving too many high scores, the follow-up test papers will no longer be carefully selected, so that high scores will no longer be given.

03 Geographical factors

Geographical factors may also affect the pressure score of universities. For example, schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other regions, due to their excellent academic background and development prospects, are very competitive every year, so they have always had a tradition of squeezing scores to control the number of students.

04 The scoring criteria are not uniform

There may be large differences in the scores given by different teachers for the same assignment or test question, mainly due to inconsistent grading criteria, resulting in unfair grading.

05 Single evaluation method

At present, the evaluation of students' performance in most colleges and universities mainly relies on test scores, and ignores other aspects of performance, such as homework, experiments, classroom performance, practical courses, etc., which is easy to ignore students' comprehensive ability.

06 Candidates' own problems

Some test takers' own problems may also cause them to feel pressured. For example, some students mistakenly believe that they can get a high score as long as they write a full paper, so they make up the answers, or even deviate from the core test point of the question, so it is naturally difficult to get a high score on such answer sheets.

In short, I must remind everyone:

The specific situation of each university may be different, and the occurrence of pressure scoring is not the result of a single factor, but the result of the interaction of multiple factors.

Therefore, we need to conduct a comprehensive and objective analysis of the pressure score situation in order to better understand the reasons behind it. At the same time, candidates should also remain rational and formulate a reasonable preparation strategy according to their actual situation.

What should candidates do when they are faced with pressure scores?

The score of the postgraduate entrance examination not only directly affects the candidate's performance, but also may have a negative impact on the candidate's mentality.

So what should candidates do in the face of pressure scores? If you have encountered similar troubles, you can take a look at the solutions of the editor

01 Stay calm and rational

Graduate school is a highly competitive process, and the pressure may exist in some institutions or majors, but it does not mean that this will be the case in all institutions. Therefore, candidates should not panic or be overly emotional, but should maintain a calm mind and objectively analyze their actual situation.

02Get to know the target hospital well

Candidates need to fully understand the admissions policies and grading criteria of the target institution. This includes checking information such as the school's official website, admissions prospectus, and cut-off scores for previous years' admissions to get a clear idea of the school's admissions criteria and trends. In this way, candidates will be able to develop a more targeted preparation strategy and avoid detours in the preparation process.

03Improve professional quality and comprehensive ability

Candidates should focus on improving their professional quality and comprehensive ability, and no matter which institution they are, they are more inclined to admit candidates who have a solid professional foundation and good comprehensive quality.

Therefore, candidates should carefully review the knowledge points of the test subjects to improve their problem-solving ability and test-taking skills. In addition, they should also actively participate in various practical activities and academic seminars to expand their horizons and knowledge.

04Seek external support and assistance

Candidates can also seek external support and assistance. This includes exchanging exam preparation experiences with classmates, teachers, or seniors, attending graduate school entrance training classes or tutoring sessions, and obtaining more resources and guidance for exam preparation. These external supports can help candidates better cope with the pressure of the postgraduate entrance examination and improve the efficiency and quality of exam preparation.

Of course, the editor understands the anxiety and anxiety of all candidates, in fact, the pressure score situation does not only exist in a certain university, but may exist in the entire postgraduate examination environment.

Don't panic, this phenomenon is influenced by a variety of factors, including grading criteria, admissions policies, and even the personal subjectivity of grading teachers. Therefore, students do not have to blame themselves too much.

I would like to tell you:

As long as you put in enough effort and have the necessary knowledge and skills, you will definitely be able to do well in the exam. At the same time, the postgraduate entrance examination is only a stage on the road of life, and even if you face setbacks and difficulties, you should not give up your dreams and goals.

Of course, I think that no matter what the outcome is, you are all the best, and you have all worked hard for your dreams. I hope that all students can maintain their confidence, persevere to the end, and finally successfully go ashore and achieve their goals.

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