
Vegetables, did you wash them right?

author:Saihan District Urban Management Bureau

Vegetables are in our daily diet

An integral part of it

It provides us with an abundance of

Vitamins and minerals

But do you really wash vegetables?


Vegetables, did you wash them right?

Common wrong ways to wash vegetables

Vegetables, did you wash them right?


Soak the vegetables for a long time

  Many people think that the longer they soak, the cleaner the dishes will be, and they are used to soaking for an hour or two, but this is really a curse of experience.

  Soaking in water can indeed dissolve some pesticide residues, but soaking for a long time is often counterproductive, and will allow those dirty things dissolved in water to adsorb to the vegetables again, and even penetrate into the vegetables.

  Moreover, long-term soaking also provides a breeding ground for microorganisms, and will also make the leaves easy to break, affecting the quality and taste of vegetables, generally 10 minutes is appropriate.


Use too much detergent

  In order to better remove pesticide residues, some friends will use too many detergents to clean vegetables, such as detergents, fruit and vegetable detergents, etc.

  If the chemical components in the detergent are not cleaned thoroughly, they will remain on the surface of vegetables, causing secondary pollution and affecting health. In addition, in some experiments, the effect of using detergent to clean vegetables is not as good as that of clean water.


Cut before washing

  Some people feel that it will be cleaner when they cut and then wash, while others feel that the countertop will not get wet after cutting and washing, so they are used to this method. In fact, cutting before washing will greatly increase the risk of contamination of vegetables with pesticide residues, bacteria, etc.

After cutting, the contact surface between vegetables and air becomes larger, which is more prone to oxidation, and when it is washed, the contact with water will be more "intimate", and water-soluble vitamins such as minerals and vitamin C in vegetables are easy to lose, resulting in a decline in nutrition.

  When vegetables are cut and then washed, it may be difficult to clean the pesticide residues or dirt on the cutting surface thoroughly, and it will also expose the cut surface of the vegetable to the air, increasing the risk of contamination by bacteria, dust, pesticide residues, etc.

Vegetables, did you wash them right?

How vegetables should be washed

Vegetables, did you wash them right?

  The most basic cleaning is to wash away the mud, dust, fertilizer, foreign matter, microorganisms, etc. in the process of planting, picking, and transportation. In addition to these visible "dirty" things, the important goal of washing vegetables is to reduce pesticide residues.

Tips for cleaning vegetables

Vegetables, did you wash them right?

   (1) When cleaning cucumbers, bitter gourds and other melons, due to the uneven surface, many gaps, and difficult cleaning, you can first soak in light salt water (the concentration of salt is 2%) for about 3 minutes, then gently scrub with a brush, and finally rinse with water.

  (2) Rhizomes such as carrots and potatoes are recommended to be cleaned and peeled.

  (3) Cleaning leafy vegetables, due to gravity, pesticides will flow down the leaves and stalks, and gather in the vegetable gang and vegetable pedicle parts, so first remove the peripheral leaves, cut off the roots, and then soak them in water for about 5 minutes, and finally wash them piece by piece with running water.

  (4) The surface of cauliflower and broccoli looks clean, but due to the large number of flower spikes, it is easy to hide pesticides and pests in the leaf petals, and simple flushing may not be able to wash them clean.

  You can first brush the surface with a brush, then divide it into small pieces and soak it in light salt water for 5 minutes, and finally wash it with running water. It is best to blanch it in salted boiling water before cooking, which is greener in color and safer and safer.

  (5) When cleaning sessile fruits, such as strawberries, bayberry, etc., do not need to remove the stalk first, and should not rub it vigorously, so as not to damage the pulp.

  (6) When cleaning fungi, due to the uneven surface, it is easy to leave impurities simply washed with water. It is recommended to remove the bottom hardness first, then soak it in salt water for a while, and then wash it with your hands in the same direction to make the impurities between the gaps fall off automatically.

How the meat should be washed

Vegetables, did you wash them right?
Vegetables, did you wash them right?


Vegetables, did you wash them right?
Vegetables, did you wash them right?

Generally, pork is washed directly with running water

This makes it difficult to attach to

Wash the dirt on the pork

Or wash the meat in a basin

One pour water

The fat of the meat will get on the meat again

Right way

Prepare an appropriate amount of rice water

Place the meat in the rice washing water

Soak for 5 minutes before rinsing

The dirt on the pork can be easily washed away

Vegetables, did you wash them right?


Vegetables, did you wash them right?
Vegetables, did you wash them right?

Some people think that fish just need to be washed several times

You can get rid of the fishy smell

In fact, no matter how many times you wash it

There will still be a fishy smell

Right way

Cut open the fish maw and wash it

Put the fish in cold water

Pour a little vinegar and pepper into the water

This can greatly reduce the earthy smell of the fish

Or scrub it a few times with rice washing water

You can also pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar in cold water

Put the fish in and wash it

can alleviate the fishy smell

Vegetables, did you wash them right?

Crabs, shellfish

Vegetables, did you wash them right?
Vegetables, did you wash them right?

The seafood is delicious

But do you know how to clean it

Especially crabs and shellfish

If you just soak it in water

Or rinse it off

They can't really be washed away

Vegetables, did you wash them right?

Right way

Scrub the shell of the crab with salt water

The crabs are then soaked in lightly salted water

Let it vomit out the contents of its stomach on its own

The lightly salted water in which the crabs are soaked should be changed several times

to ensure that the crabs are cleaned

While the shellfish is soaked in water

Add a kitchen knife or other iron utensil

It can speed up the process of shellfish spitting

Generally, soaking for 2~3 hours is fine

Vegetables, did you wash them right?


  Most vegetables can be rinsed under running water and lightly scrubbed to achieve a better cleaning effect. Some vegetables with rough skin can be cleaned with a soft brush, or peeled, and vegetables with a high probability of pesticide residues can be quickly blanched after washing to remove them.

  In conclusion, there is currently no consensus on the effectiveness of adding baking soda, vinegar or flour to water, and detergents and vegetable washers are not widely recognized. In the simplest and simplest way, it is effective and environmentally friendly.

Source/Inner Mongolia Daily WeChat comprehensive collation from: Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News Client, People's Daily, Popular Science China, Health Times

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