
Why is it so difficult for young men in rural areas to get married? Young men face "three mountains" under pressure

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

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The difficulty of young men in rural areas marrying a daughter-in-law is not a new topic, because of its long-term existence, it has plagued some low-income families in rural areas, so it has to be mentioned again, and in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to revisit it.

At present, why is it so difficult for young men in rural areas to get married? After extensive discussions in society, some experts and scholars in anthropology and sociology have made long-term observations and found that the main reason for the difficulty in marrying young men in rural areas is that they are under great economic pressure and are facing the troubles of "three mountains."

If these young men in the rural areas have solved the pressure of these "three mountains" and believe that it is not so difficult to marry a daughter-in-law, it will be much easier for them to marry a daughter-in-law from other places if it is difficult for a local daughter-in-law to marry, if it is difficult for a rural daughter-in-law to marry, and if it is difficult for a domestic daughter-in-law to marry, they will marry a foreign daughter-in-law.

Let's take a look at how these "three mountains" should be solved, which is the breakthrough to solve the difficulty of marriage for young men in rural areas, and a "golden key" to the difficulty of marriage for young men in rural areas.

Why is it so difficult for young men in rural areas to get married? Young men face "three mountains" under pressure

(1) The difficulty of marriage for young men in rural areas is mainly due to the difficulty of giving bride price. When young men in rural areas get married, the most difficult thing is not to buy a new house and car for marriage in the city, but to pay a high bride price.

In areas with highly developed rural economies, the wedding bride price for rural boys is generally 666,600 ~ 888,800 yuan, and the highest is not capped, depending on the wealth of the family.

The bride price of young men in rural areas when they get married, the least will not be less than 46.66 yuan, and the low bride price is difficult to see.

In some economically underdeveloped areas, the bride price for young men in rural areas is much better than that in wealthy areas, but due to local economic development, rural families are relatively poor, which restricts the comparison of local marriage customs.

In these rural areas, it is not easy to compare marriage customs to a greater extent, but a small degree of comparison still exists, and the root cause lies in the wealth of rural families, under normal circumstances, from 166,600 yuan to more than 188,800 yuan of bride price.

Why is it so difficult for young men in rural areas to get married? Young men face "three mountains" under pressure

To solve the problem of sky-high bride prices in rural areas, the first is to solve the phenomenon of comparison between rural families, through changing customs and customs, advocating strict economy, doing a good job in the ideological work of every married peasant household, and no longer comparing and giving bride prices.

Second, through the township rules and conventions, let the peasants manage themselves and restrain their own marriage customs and habits, so as to restrain the occurrence of the phenomenon of sky-high bride prices in the rural areas, form a management mechanism for peasant autonomy, and give full play to the huge potential role of the township rules and conventions.

(2) It is difficult for young men in rural areas to get married, followed by difficulty in buying a wedding house. Marital problems are both personal and social problems.

Rural youth need a "marriage house" to get married, is a necessary thing, is a part of marriage customs, now society, people are advocating their own purchase of a brand-new house, to enhance the sense of gain, happiness and security of marriage, is human nature.

At present, the marriage house is set up in the rural hometown, and the cost of self-built houses is lower, which seems to be inconsistent with urbanization construction, lagging behind the social situation, and going to the city to buy a house is in line with social psychology and the public's wishes.

Why is it so difficult for young men in rural areas to get married? Young men face "three mountains" under pressure

However, the cities are full of commercial houses, and the housing prices are too high, so that ordinary peasant households cannot afford to buy them in full, so they can only borrow housing loans from banks to buy them, so they are burdened with heavy loans, and they are under great pressure, and they have become "house slaves" for twenty or thirty years.

The solution is to rely on social action to limit the rise of housing prices and increase the economic income of peasants, and gradually solve the problem.

(3) It is difficult for young men in rural areas to get married, and it is difficult to buy a wedding car. At present, young people in rural areas must have a new car when they get married, which is the result of social development, and it is also a matter of course and understandable things, and it is inevitable for young people in rural areas to pursue a better and happier life.

Now in the market, the quality of cars is good or bad, and the grades are high and low, resulting in the price of each quality car at each level, ranging from tens of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan, or even millions of yuan.

This requires every married young man to do what he can, adapt measures to local conditions, family conditions, and his own economic conditions, practice strict economy, do not show face, how much ability he has to do how big things, and avoid elevating and comparing himself with each other, bringing heavy economic pressure to his family and himself.

Why is it so difficult for young men in rural areas to get married? Young men face "three mountains" under pressure

Originally, the problem of marriage, in rural areas, every family and every marriage, in addition to being closely linked to the problems of childbirth and population, also plays an irreplaceable and huge role in maintaining social harmony and stability.

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