
#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!


#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#

I played 1 session last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effect is stronger than the previous generation!

Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC was the ultimate effect.

But!I haven't cleared the 1st generation yet.,The plot can't be connected now~~~ [Black line]

Next, I'm going to put 1 pass first, and then let's play 2 generations. [black line]

This game has a more advanced cosmology, and I ranked it in third place:

Second only to the Universe Civilization Hierarchy Theory and the Blizzard Universe.

Because the cosmology is too backward, this time it was not included in Ayu's Avatar.

(Another reason is the CEO Julian of massive.) The Division players know it [laughs])

#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!
#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!
#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!
#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!
#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!
#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!
#地平线: Desperate Realm in the West#I played 1 last night, the picture is first-class, and it feels like the light and shadow effects are stronger than the previous generation! Sure enough, the producer said at the beginning that the PC is the ultimate effect. But!

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